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Everything posted by FuzzyWuzzyBear

  1. That Mk19 is an awesome weapon. WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP
  2. Janster you're really going off the deep-end with complaints. Don't like it? Fine, stop playing it. IMHO, some of these kneejerk complainers have this one niggling feature that they can't seem to stop obsessing about, and it taints the whole experience. I enjoy the game, and I like both ways of doing MP, buying troops or having preset forces. No two battles are ever the same, else why would I be doing the same ol' F15 vs Su-27 in LockOn all the time? And realtime doesn't mean arcade, if anything it makes the game harder. Comparing real-time to Starcraft is asinine without some serious elaboration to back it up, which I haven't seen yet. I can see the benefits of both WeGo and real-time, but I prefer RT and personally have no problems controlling a company-size force on Elite level in the campaign so far.
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