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Posts posted by Ryujin

  1. They might offer a bit more cover as they would act like european trees, but it might not be a big deal. I don't see why it wouldn't work, although I don't have my CMSF installed to test.

    Another thought is retexturing wheat fields as very tall grass or thick brush. Can you place trees in wheat fields? If so you may be able to get the effect of thick jungle with the wheat retextured.

  2. unfortunately there appears to be little I can do about the undershirt, it appears to be modeled that way.

    I did some overhauling, upped the resolution and made some camo and HBT cloth textures instead of using stuff from photos to get it a little sharper. However, I suspect my camo coloring and sage green might be off a bit color-wise.




  3. It's looking good, although your camo looks a bit large. Shrinking it down might be a quick and easy fix.

    My other thought is did they mix the tan and green in the same environment? I got the impression that you'd want to make tan and green separate addons for different enviroments.

  4. I also started some USMC in progress after seeing this thread:

    One question, I mixed in some guys with green pants instead of camo for variety, was that actually common or should I scrap that? Also... white undershirts?



    Sweaty just for LongLeftFlank (not great atm, still working on it)




  5. If you put infantry in a halftrack with 2 MGs, you can engage a bunch of targets in 360 degrees. Not very useful most of the time, but you can charge through light infantry and overwhelm them (risky, but occasionally useful).


    I've never seen the commander engage a different target from the gunner, even on the M1s with CROWS in shock force. I think the gunner/commander are linked in their target.

  6. Yeah, I've seen the AI do some smart things from time to time but most of the time its decision are not very good ... Such as running straight down a road in an HT loaded with a squad of inf toward 2 waiting Shermans that had already been previously spotted. Of course you can imagine the outcome and the carnage which ensued.

    Those AI couldn't do anything but follow the script and go down the road, deviation from zee Script ist VERBOTEN! *throat cutting gesture*.

    There isn't any AI commander making decisions in CMN. Nobody is home on the other side, the units just follow a pre-made script by the designer. Sometimes that script works out perfectly, but most of the time it doesn't work out well if the script doesn't perfectly match what you're doing. The AI is probably best a defense, as it doesn't have to do anything other than sit where the designer put them.

    Personally I'd rather have some AI added in a modual instead of market garden or anymore units. Its a really noticeable issue for me as I play SP most of the time.

  7. I find charging the tank from the sides/rear is easier than crawling into range. Generally if you can sneak within 100m or less, you can "quick" move into range before the tank knows what's happening, especially in urban areas.

    Your guy will automatically stop and fire when in range (although an arc is good here too to avoid them firing small arms prematurely).

    It's a lot quicker and easier, but missing is disastrous and you generally have to worry more about the supporting tanks/infantry. But it works well on poorly supported tanks or if you're able to suppress the supporting infantry.

  8. Unfortunately since you can't get in the code it's really hard to mod this, the main problems being the way sprites are handled ( they spin around Z as you rotate the camera) and you have no control over how the expand and fade.

    Closest I got was with non round smoke/dust sprites.

    Looks better when the shell hits, but looks really bad when the smoke spreads or if you move the camera around (and looks awful from angles where it's rotated horizontal).



    What it really needs is someone what access to the code to do some tweaks and create a more layered effect with more than the pixels/puffy sprites. Needs some proper dirt sprites/particles.

  9. If i was more familiar with the community, id say something about my pants and such...

    Yeah, it is some propper swis cheese... all holes didnt even register because i fired 1000 rounds over there and weirdly, 2 FO groups got killed. Had to take a break from making my scenario and do this. :P

    With so many shells landing the odds were decent that they would catch some stray shrapnel, especially with those big shells. As I understand it the shrapnel can go pretty far out in CM, just that the odds of getting hit that far out from the explosion are very low.

  10. It's been a feature for a while. Personally I think it's a good thing the names swap, otherwise you might not notice that your commander was hit and now the 2nd in command is in charge.

    Ok, i understand now, i didn't notice there was a guy called "Commander" in the three man HQ unit, however i still can't see the point in swapping the names if that's all that happens, why can't the unit just keep it's name and be minus the Commander, it's an esoteric piece of knowledge about an effect that doesn't seem to serve a purpose other than bewilder players that have no experience of such a thing :)

    This isn't esoteric as far as the chain of command is modeled. Once the officer in charge was hit, that team isn't a HQ anymore. Having communication with them won't give you any bonuses. Now to get information passed and bonuses (such as morale), you need to have comms with the new HQ.

  11. I saw 2 sheds, facing the doors the left was a 3, right was a 1. I then loaded it up in the editor and the left was a 2 and the right a 4.

    I don't think you'll get sheds to ever be the same as the randomization is probably done when the instance of the object is created during the loading of the mission and seeded from the system clock.

    However, I don't think this would be much of a gameplay issue if everyone saw different shed textures as long as they weren't too specific.

  12. Been cobbling together a personal sound mod for some time, figured I'd put it out here in case anyone's interested as it's reached a point where it's not too rough.

    New small arms fire, bullet zips, and tank fire with a lot more "KA-BLAM!" ;)

    Filefront link, will put it up elsewhere when I have a chance.


    Also note, where guns shared sounds I leaned a bit towards the Americans as I usually play as them. Most cases aren't that noticable, but a decent .30 cal doesn't translate that well to a MG34. Volume is also a bit higher than stock sounds.

  13. I've seen people try to get into CMSF/CMN and then give up. Horrible UI, dated graphics, etc all come up for why they don't like the games. Redwolf is right (idk about the sales and such). It's a niche game and keep in mind PCgamer does general scores, not wargamer scores. For your general gamer, 73% is perfectly reasonable. It's got deep gameplay but it's not easy to get into, not very inviting, and of niche appeal.

    I have a feeling a lot of people here are insulated from how unapproachable CM is, being long time fans. I like CMN, but if I was reviewing it in a general game magazine, my score wouldn't be a lot higher.

  14. Just to be sure, as it can be confusing, do you mean coyote brown? There's a coyote tan and a coyote brown, if you're referring to the vests worn in stock CMSF:Marines, that's coyote brown.


    As far as I know (from previous modding and such research), body armor and pouches are issued in coyote brown (idea being it works decently everywhere, no need for two plate carriers/sets of pouches). So coyote brown gear should be very common with both desert and woodland uniforms.

    As for coyote tan, I guess it would be like normal dude said. However, I'd imagine buying tan vests wouldn't be very common.

  15. If one buys a bunker with a heavy machine gun in it, what is one buying?

    a bunker with a heavy machine gun in it... (no crew though)

    That is, if one buys said bunker, then puts a heavy machine gun squad in it, how many machine guns fire during play?

    One, everyone just seems to crew the MG in a MG bunker.

    If you want something deadlier, buy a non MG bunker, then buy 3 to 4 light MG34/MG42 teams and stick them in it. Most of the MGs will end up in the first firing row of the bunker (sometimes assistant gunners end up at the front) and you can exit and take all the MGs with you.

    Furthermore, if one deploys a heavy machine gun bunker with an ATG ammo team in it, does the ammo team man the machine gun that comes with the bunker?


    If one deploys the ATG right next to the bunker, will the ammo team man the machine gun in the bunker AND carry out their ammo team duties?

    I'm pretty sure they dont... kind of hard to pass ammo through a wall, if you want them to give ammo, I think they have to exit the bunker and go to the gun. Give that one a quick test.

  16. Picture a linear minefield. One of your squads stumbles upon one of the minefield segments (and stops immediately, so that only one of the segments is discovered). You bring up engineers to mark that minefield segment. How do you get the next squad safely thru that one segment of the minefield without hitting the neighboring minefields? IRL, the squad would crawl in something of a single file across the marked field. In CMBN, each of the teams in the squad follows it's own path, which inevitably means more casualties. I have not found a solution and I wonder if this is a flaw in the AI's pathfinding system.

    I know already that one can solve this by breaking up the squad into teams. IMHO, the game shouldn't require that level of micro-management to handle this. OTOH, it's possible that this is what BFC expects players to do in this situation.

    Just wanted to put the question out there.

    Just crawl, even if there are adjacent mine fields, they should crawl through those OK I think (troops seem to be pretty safe crawling).

    I also have found crawling engineers to be a pretty good way to find additional mine fields with no to few losses, but they're not guaranteed to find them on the first pass. Not fast, but usually safe.

  17. It is a bug, programming error, terrible AI or just a unbearible situation that you cannot emotionally handle. That game must be crap.

    So you better just never play it again until Battlefront fixes it.

    Send them "Sorry I cannot play til version 1.02 comes out". emails today before it is to late.

    Really, it likely is a coding problem, so you might want to send it to them.

    Not a world ending one. I have seen similar. Normally one guy left in a unit. Appears alive but in other ways he is dead. and he will stay that way.

    I know the drama and hyperbole around issues can be annoying, but no need for a preemptive strike... things seems to be rational around here...

    On a more serious note, I've seen guys take some time to exit vehicles/bunkers if they're shaken or suppressed, but given it's been 2 minutes, so sort of bug seems to have occurred with his exiting (you can't give orders to units in the process of entering/exiting AFAIK, explaining that bit). He might come out on his own after a bit, but you'll probably want to hang on to the save/pbem file so you can send it over to battlefront and they can reproduce it.

  18. from what I understand, numbers +/- by states like moral and leadership reflect the starting "bonus/handicap" to that attribute. So...

    If I buy a unit with low motivation, they'll start the QB at "OK -1"

    If I buy a unit with poor motivation, they'll have "OK -2" at the start.

    They both start at OK, but the guys with poor motivation are going to be more fragile.

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