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Posts posted by Ryujin

  1. Via the alpha channel, you can make it completely transparent.

    Quick tutorial


    Feel free to post any questions you have or if you don't feel comfortable enough with photoshop to tackle this mod yourself. I personally am a bit too busy at the moment to make the mod, but maybe another modder might take up this project.

    Feel free to pop open my USMC mod to look at how I removed them or any of the other mods that remove it, it might make it a bit clearer to see it "in action".

  2. I took a look at some pictures to see if there are any clues to support 55 degrees to each side.

    -There's a radio antenna on the right rear that looks like it would get bent by a 110 degree transverse right.

    -Since it seems to use periscope optics for the gun, the gunner would have to rotate with the gun. There seems to be no leg room to either side. It just doesn't seem wide enough for the two man turret crew to rotate 110 degrees with the gun.

    So I'd say 55 degrees to either side based on that.

    I could be missing something though.

  3. The blending may be due to low ingame settings, if he cranked everything up it might look a bit sharper up close.

    Multicam, like ACU, looks very different under different lighting. Under neutral lighting it's really green:


    However as a combo of both use, dust, and under sunlight, it seems to get a slightly faded/off tan look to it. Still pretty green though.



  4. I want to know if the type of terrain you are on (type of grass, sand, etc.) affords anything other than a visual at this point.

    Yes, there is a level of abstracted cover since the game cannot visually model all the details of real terrain (bumps and dips, small objects, etc). It also cannot animate everything that could be done to take advantage of this cover. You'll see abstracted cover in action when a bullet goes through a prone soldier without causing injury (especially cowering soldiers it seems). I don't know if angle matters, as firing down should negate cover to a degree (depending on angle).

    Rocky terrain offers the best abstracted cover. The game doesn't render a ton of small 3d rocks, but the terrain seems to be treated as such. I've noticed increased survivability in this tile type vs small arms, there seems to be a decent chance of "direct hits" being stopped by abstracted cover. Certainly better than the other types.

    Trees do stop stuff in a non abstracted manner as mentioned

    bushes/grass/crops appear to only offer a minimum of abstracted cover (basically simulating bumps in the terrain). These are only really good for concealment (except short grass, idk if that even helps much).

    sand/dirt/ect seems to offer the minimum abstracted cover and no concealment.

    man made flat surfaces like roads, pavement, and gravel seem to offer no cover.

    This is mostly just from what I've seen ingame.

  5. Well it only takes one mine/sign to make a minefield. Why waste a lot of time putting down a real minefield in an area you can't cover by fire (so it'll be quickly removed)? A siqn and maybe a handful of mines will do the trick and let the other side waste their time removing your "minefield".

    In terms of German minefields, this US engineer's report (from africa) mentions some tricks like false minefields and false gaps in real minefields.


  6. The perfect camouflage would be to transform the uniform like a chameleon lizard, and I got a funny feeling this will one day be done some how with nanotechnology and a good study of nature and how certain creatures like cuttlefish activate their color displays.Mix this with a helmet that has goggles built into it capable of switching to all kinds of different visions and you have a glimpse of the future universal soldier.Sign me up:D

    At which point it doesn't matter what color your uniform is since they'll see you from miles away with their thermal-xray-sonar-EM-radar-magic goggles by the time they've made perfect visible light camo. I mean we've already got all sorts of neat thermal stuff, like the night vision/thermal hybrid monocle.

    those ENVGs are neat stuff btw:



    NVG + thermal:


  7. I find it ironic all this talk on camouflage when the Taliban seem to have no trouble avoiding us on the field, so one has to wonder if this is really a Tactics problem we should be dealing with?:rolleyes:

    The perfect camouflage would be a camouflage that automatically changes to your environment ala The Elandsberg Dwarf Chameleon Lizard. Maybe this sounds far-fetched but I'm sure some clever soul out there is all ready working on it, in some laboratory some where although price could be an issue.:D

    Well, I don't think dressing up like the locals would work to well for the whole British force... the Taliban are camouflaged to blend in with the civilian environment.

    They are working on optical light bending camouflage I think. Looong way to go obviously.

  8. I haven't played Shock Force as yet but I have noticed on the screenshots units KIA seem to have the same body position as the next unit (unrealistic/unnatural) and also I've noticed that smoke still seems to flow in only one direction ala CMX1.

    I know one could argue that these things don't impact on playability, but for a game that puts so much emphasis on realism and details it does tend to make one sit up and notice and wonder if perhaps these things were deemed unimportant or just simply overlooked.

    I've read in these forums that it's the little things that keep people coming back to this game time and again, which I understand from playing CMX1 games and the first time I played CMBO and seeing those little Infantry heads turning side to side, although not required as such made you notice the little touches (besides others) like this that made me appreciate BFC and the game even more.

    Anybody else notice or even bothered, it's not a big deal either way but just something I thought I would bring to BFCs attention for consideration in future modules perhaps?:)

    If I remember correctly, wind effects several things:

    -the direction and speed of smoke (something to keep in mind when making a smoke screen).

    -It also effects munitions, I don't know if it's all of them, but strong wind can strongly effect accuracy for weapons like RPGs or early ATGMs.

    As far as new KIA positions, that requires new fall animations, which are never any fun to make and hard to make look good. So while it is noticeable that there are only two, I don't think BF has enough people to spend time adding more when they probably have more gameplay impacting stuff to add.

  9. Thanks for the answers,

    Remember that a Campaign is based on the particular release. Therefore, the initial release will have US/German only. The Commonwealth one will have Commonwealth/German only. Etc. Players, however, can make their own campaigns with whatever is available at the time. If someone wants to make a campaign that requires all four games (base + 3 Modules) that's absolutely fine with us. But we won't be making anything like that because it would be wrong for us to charge people for content in a particular release that they can't use unless they owe other releases.

    however doesn't everyone need to own the first Normandy release, the base game? So couldn't following modules use content from the base game, like a US vs SS/FJ campaign included with the commonwealth/SS/FJ module as everyone would have the US and they would then buy the add-on to get the campaign?

    Also, +1 for detailed hit reports, but they'd be hard to catch when playing real time.

  10. The short answer is that you're completely unequipped to deal with mines (something that I think should be changed).

    There appears to be no way to detect a minefield other than stepping on one. Crawling reduces the chances of setting off a mine as the soldiers are abstracted to be checking the ground in front of them, but I've never had them find a minefield other than by setting one off.

    Once you've lost the few men to find the mine field, you can then mark it, the marking action will take some time and you'll see the color of the sign marking the minefield change from red to yellow and then green. When it's green unit's can crawl across it and probably not die.

    Since there seems to be no equipment on the troops or vehicles for finding/removing/detonating mines, it's best to avoid them or unfortunately sweep suspected areas with as small of teams as possible to minimize casualties. Once discovered, I try to avoid mines if at all possible.

    Luckly mines tend to be pretty rare.

  11. The magazine or rather the cartridges receiver has been designed to allow the extra capacity of the Enfield. Hence, it had to be set outside the rifle wooden stock. The receiver can be removed for cleaning, very easily. Better have it clean and lightly oiled.

    On the 98K there is a plate (it can be removed for cleaning) in the bottom with a spring to push the cartridges up and close the inside rifle receiver. But since there are only 5 of them in a strip and that, is the capacity of the cartridges receiver, that plate doesn't need to protude outside of the wooden stock.




    I know you can load the enfield through the top with a pair of 5 round stripper clips (was there ever a ten round one?), it would just seem faster to remove and insert a new magazine. I was just wondering if there was any particular reason to stick with stripper clips (aside from weight and cost). Is the detachable "magazine" even a real magazine? Or just an extension holding a few of the 10 rounds? That's what it sounds like from what you said.

    More on topic,

    Will the first module contain two campaigns? Maybe one for the commonwealth and one with the US vs SS or FJ units?

    Also, maybe this is a bit off topic, but what sort of teams would a German rifle squad break down into. I have some idea of the fireteam like structure of US squads, but I've never really seen much about German squads.

    Will there be functional AAA? Considering aircraft would have to get up close and personal to engage ground targets, could a few light AAA guns in a larger scenario make difference?

  12. That seems odd, you would think that since all the shells have good ballistic calculations they would still strike the front 'wall' of the position, even if the tank was a little further away from the wall. I'll probably try a few tests to see how it behaves.

    I didn't think of the AI's tendency to reverse when seeing a threat, I guess this makes it pointless to entrench anything other than a tank, especially with AI.

  13. Very nice! This will certainly come in handy, especially with setting up static AI so that they stand something of a chance.

    Thisis probably more western, a hull- and turret-down position (probably best for human players). Adjust the depth of the turret down section based on vehicle optics, the idea is to allow observation with minimal exposure, so either leave the highest optics (like the thermal GPS and commanders vison blocks on this T-72 pictured) exposed. For more protection or if there are no good optics (T-62 for example) you can make the tank completely hidden at the turret down position, so that the commander has to turn out to look over the top.

    Use: You start with the tank in the turret down section looking for threats, when spotted, reverse up enough to fire, then move forward again to the turret down position to reload and observe for the next shot.





  14. Yes, you can detach the Enfield's magazine (like you can on many bolt action rifles), but I guess they never issued or used multiple magazines. Probably not that big of a deal for 5 to 10 rounds and it's certainly lighter and much cheaper than having a magazine for every 10 rounds.

    I'm also not sure exactly how easy it is to detach and insert the magazine on the Enfield, it may not have been designed with ease of use in mind and more as a maintenance feature.

  15. I'd bet the limits would be the same or at least close to CMSF, they seem to be sufficient for most user scenarios and your PC will probably fry before you hit any kind of unit limit (I've put down whole battalions before to look at the gear, more than enough units). Map limit I believe is 4x4km, usually sufficient given the pace of combat and such, probably more so in the french country side as opposed to open desert.

    Is there going to be any way to manually affect the ammo sharing? It sounds like the only option seems to be having the mortar crew constantly "top off" their ammo from the AB team. Could you say "over load" the mortar crew, much like you can in CMSF when you draw ammo from vehicles and you give your MG crew massive amounts of ammo if you don't expect them to move much? So if you plan on the mortar being pretty static, could you just dump all the ammo on them and then have some more freedom in placing the AB team for security?

    Also on the topic of mortars, how is "indirect" fire for on map mortars handled? Using the british CMSF mortars as an example, it seems they can only fire at targets they can see. If I were to say bring 81mm mortars on map, would you have that same limitation or could they also be treated like "off map" artillery by units with the ability to act as FOs? While I know that the mortar crews "on the move" might have some trouble plotting their location, it would seem odd to be completely unable to use them for indirect fire if comms and FOs allow for it.

  16. If your referring to the T-shirt british unit's in Alex's screenshot on the first page, those aren't mine, I don't remember who made those off the top of my head. I only did a Multi-terrain pattern reskin for the brits.

    I'd also recommend looking Mord's other mods in addition to those camoed fighters pictured, he's made a lot of good stuff.

    Check out the missing ERA block from a hit, the detail is top notch as always.


  17. @Steve: Maybe you could try a few tricks for flexible ammo belts... I don't know the details of how they were carried, but I'm assuming your referring to ammo wrapped or slung over the body "Pancho Villa style". Perhaps you could minimize or remove the need for animation, either by having the belt make a "complete loop" of the body so that there are no loose ends or if you have it around the neck and hanging down the front of the body, maybe tuck the ends into the belt? That's all I can think of at the moment. All that detail sounds great by the way.

    Just how hard is animating with your engine? (not that there ever is any such thing as easy animation in my experince :) ). I mean does it utilize some user friendly middleware of some kind like maya or is it a little more inhouse? Not to mention, how big is battlefront?

    Oh and I'd really like to know how to open and edit those models in CMSF and eventually CM:N (while we're on the topic).

    Now I'll just hunker down and wait for the grog onslaught that'll probably follow my ammo belt comments.

  18. I'm not sure where the head and grenade launcher issues are coming from as the mod doesn't touch on the animations. I didn't see anything that would cause an animation issue in the model. I'll keep looking though.

    It's just a visual mod, so the firefights should be the same, the marines just look better.

    The marines do look more fit, as the T-shirts and rolled up sleeves involve retexturing some of the sleeve as arm, so it looks wider. A bit of an unintentional side effect.

    As far as faces, I just used the default faces that came with the game as with the way the mod is set up there would be a "snowball effect" on the work involved in adding a new face now, more than making just the face texture. Also, there should be 2 Hispanic faces that came with the game mixed in there somewhere...

    Thanks for the feedback :)

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