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Everything posted by Sturmmann

  1. I like how all the officer skins hold the rank of Gefreiter or Unterscarführer. http://ww2.games.1c.ru/img/info/244.jpg http://ww2.games.1c.ru/img/info/265.jpg Seems to me officers would be a tad higher than corporal.
  2. Thats if you play that way. I never pause the game once the battle starts so its nothing like CM to me.
  3. I stopped thinking that way when I saw that ToW was released with no functional multiplayer. </font>
  4. A multi-part series covering Stug assault guns. Some great info and footage. Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
  5. Yes we are all aware of the issues of the game. It took me several tries to beat that Polish mission, but it is possible. Be sure you try different tactics.
  6. Yes, if you look around YouTube you can find several pieces of restored armor in working condition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFeGIm65Pe0 It nice to see efforts being put forward to make these machines run again. [ June 10, 2007, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Sturmmann ]
  7. Your answers are going to vary widely from player to player. I play all my RTS games pretty much the same way. I make a plan and assign roles to all my units at the very start. I try to rely on realistic tactics as much as possible and never pause the game once the battle starts. If some thing doesn't work out I try to fix it on the fly, but if it all goes wrong I will start all over again after I lose the battle. I'm sure after playing a few missions you will get a feel of what works for you.
  8. Thanks, yes some of both colors would be helpful.
  9. Yes let them take their time...a better product will be the result.
  10. Anyone know how/where to get the red/blue arrows to show movement?
  11. Yes it said end of May right up to the 31st and then they changed it to say "end of the month".
  12. It was originally suppose to be the end of May, but as that has already passed they just edited it to say end of the month. Hopefully there will be an update soon.
  13. If you guys are interested I made a set of flags for the maps that are historically correct as well as added new flags. Here is a preview... http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/9533/allflagspx9.jpg The nations included are America, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Free French, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Italian Social Republic, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Slovakia, and Yugoslavia You can grab them here: http://files.filefront.com/tow_map_flagsace/;7713244;/fileinfo.html [ June 06, 2007, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Sturmmann ]
  14. Hit Enter while on the selected unit.
  15. Panzerfausts were actually handed out like candy towards the very end of the war. They were cheap to make and were easy to use. Certanly though Im sure there was no offical amount that each unit or squad got.
  16. 1C usally makes sure they are the only ones that can modify/change files. I played IL2 since it came out and its the same way.
  17. Just give them time to finish it....comming on here and complaining isnt going to make it come any faster.
  18. Yes I think the addition of the dreaded 88 would add alot to the game. Im sure in time we will see it.
  19. All the data for the game is hard coded so editing them as far as I know is out of the question.
  20. This also depends on what period the war we are talking about. By the time of mid/late 1944 until the fall of Berlin soldiers pretty much grabbed what they could find. I have a bookcase full of German army books so I will look to see what I can find.
  21. Yes its too bad we can't have dynamic skies like this. [ June 05, 2007, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: Sturmmann ]
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