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Posts posted by Vark

  1. I have MikeyD's winter 45 but alas cannot find a whitewashed 76.2mm ATG, there is a German varient whitewashed but not, it seems a Russian one. Thanks for the SPI info, might be good for summer scenarios. I can't find any wire mod for CMBB, I'll go back and have a look, there is one from CMAK, does wire share bmps with the two games.

    Are most of the mods from Cmmods available on the new mod sight? I do wish we could mod the game engine though!!

  2. Ah mfred, that's what your mod is for, might just go and download it. Niessuh's terrain package seems to be a combination of other mods, as there is no read me file is there a list of which ones he has combined? I don't want to download a terrain mod that is already in the package, for example Strontium dog's ice water.

    I used the mod by scenario route to impose structure on a process that could rapidly get out of hand and I use it like a training scenario. I've also noticed fiddling with the screens brightness really transforms some mods. At the rate I'm going I doubt there will be much left unmodded, as they sit uneasily with the basic bmp models.

    For me the terrain mods and the winter versions have been some of the most transformative. My units no longer skate across green acres of virtual felt, following utilitarian roads, but move across sun-baked grass or navigate along the mud 'rollercoasters. Winter battles are no longer fought between summer units, who forgot about the change in climate, but by hastily whitewashed afv's and infantry, muffled against the biting wind.

    It's strange, all I have managed to do, with help from some very kind people, is to change the appearance of the game, no more, no less. The limited game engine is untouched, borg spotting and a lack of a decent command system still hamper historical scenarios, but the game seems to have a new lease of life. We humans are so easy to please/fool, now back to modding...ahem work!!

  3. I decided to focus on two scenarios, Ponyri and the Stalingrad relief, and, as you suggested make a full mod set for both. So far my winter 42 German forces are winterised and the terrain has been given a make over, as well as markers fortifications and weapons. Their counterparts have been winterised, though I cannot find a whitewashed 76 ATG, and whose winter T-34's/T-60's etc do you use? My 43 forces have similarly been changed, but I'm sure I've seen a CMBB wire mod somewhere, which made the strands more realistic, there is a pack for CMAK/CMBO but not, it seems, for CMBB

    I've found that certain terrain mods do not work together so have had to take some care and a final question there are some building mods prefaced with SPI, I down loaded one into my checking folder (created as a showcase, which I can load mods I'm not too sure about). It looked good and when downloaded was fine, but what does the SPI refer to?

    Is it worth sound modding?

  4. Well two hours spent modding, it's time to start working soon, just another few, I can handle it, it's just a cold (for all you UK advert watchers in the early 80's).

    A quick question, looking at the original art work and mods, numbers on afv's get transposed to mirror images on the opposite side, is this solveable? Or do I have to alter it myself, given the hastle of opening a simple modding programme I am loathe to tread that path.

    p.s. Astrocat's Russian/German infantry, winter mod is just what I was looking for, and Undaunted's skies are transformative.

  5. HMMM, As per a Frustrated Homer, in the Simpson's, urge to throw computer out of the window!! I set up the two fields as per instructions and downloaded MikeyD's rubble mod ( a small thing to see if it would work). I checked in the newly created CMBB folder and there it sat, oh goody, thought I, and proceeded to open McMMM, checking that the game directory was correct, when I selected CMBB, (the "ready to mod" pannel said ok). Alas, when I then selected unistalled mods, and new mods, it appeared, not in the new mods section but in the other files section at the bottom, which, when I tried, did not allow me to load it. Help! Someone save me from all this real work I will have to do if I cannot mod!! See, the addiction is growing and I can't get the damn syringe to work!

    Sorry for being a complete idiot, I'm the person who had to learn the hard way that when you delete a file from a memory stick (one weeks work) it is forever, no recycle box, no saving throw! I carry two now, just in case.

    Mfred, thanks for the heads up about astrocat, if/when I get this thing working they will be winging their way to my mod folder, does anyone make a sturm pioneer mod?

  6. DAF/mfred, I don't know whether to thank you or curse you! Thanks for the clear instructions, us conscripts need it simple (thats why our, understand IT, command delay is 1 day!!). Now comes the cursing, I have a house free to myself a stack of work to prepare and now the ability to mod my favourite wargame!!! Just last night I was looking at Deys winter mods when I should have been in bed, and before finally succumbing to the embrace of my quilt lay there thinking "I wonder if there is a good 43, sturm pioneer mod for the Ponyri campaign?".

    Seriously, many thanks for the help, I got it half right, the Combat mission installation but now will make the mod file, as per your instructions. I have all three games (CMBO, CMBB, CMAK) in a set I bought three years ago (never seen it since), but due to historical interest and familial reasons play CMBB.

    Final request, what are astrocat's infantry mods like, compare to other similar mods? I know George Mc uses them and I'm looking for winter infantry mods (telogreika, whitewashed helmets, valenki, ushanka, recognition armbands etc). See, I should be sorting out my schemes of work for genetic engineering and I'm emailing about mods, cue sound of wailing. "Why did you not leave me in my blessed ignorance?"

  7. Thanks for the info DAF, I've had to set up the McMMM manually, as I have the CD version of game, I selected the Combat mission but when I downloaded a mod it did not appear on in the McMM screen. To set up, I'd selected the CMBB folder for both fields (Combat mission installation and Mod storage), the mod is sitting there, in its own folder but McMMM shows a blank field for it!!! I tried to select the bmp folder for the mod storage but got a warning screen from the McMMM!! Do I have to create a create a mod folder, the very helpful link you sent me makes no mention of that, but then again it assumes a level of computer literacy I seem to lack.

    I want to get modding, but my ineptness is stopping me, which file/folder should I select??

    I can see how some designers might get annoyed about Phillippe's approach, and it's always tricky when dealing with 'intellectual copyright' especially as some designers have spent a considerable ammount of time and effort on them, for no financial renumeration. I'm a pragmatist though and agree losing them forever is worse than ruffling some feathers and a minority of mediocre scenarios are lucky to be preserved at all. Perhaps gamers could thank the creators when they play them, it would at least show some acknowledgement of all the effort that has gone in to for example George's Strachwitz scenarios (gazing at those maps has given me as much pleasure as playing some average scenarios)

    I really appreciate the help DAF and sorry for being a complete IT conscript, a weakened and pinned one at the moment!!

  8. I play unmodded but downloaded Phillippe's excellent sorted scenarios for 42-43, and noticed, in some scenarios the units/terrain seem to be modded, can mods be saved in the scenario editor?

    Looking at some of the excellent scenarios/operations I feel I should indulge in a bit of modding, grey afv's in "Der Manstein Kommt!" just looks and feels wrong! I took DAF's advice and downloaded the McMM mod organiser and have trawled previous threads on essential mods, so what next. As a computer neophyte how do I now proceed now? The McMM came with a brief set of instructions about copying your bmp folder, but why, given you should be able to move your mods in and out. Is there any set of basic instructions, complete with screen shots, showing you how to manage modding, especially using McMM.

    Sorry to sound a bit delicate, but I had the very devil of a job loading this game and do NOT want to do so again when/if I cock up my mods, yes I have read the horror stories on the threads which may or may not be representative, but they still worried me.

    Solutions/soothing words about how easy it is would be most greatfully received.

    p.s. Thanks Phillippe, your efforts on sorting the scenarios has reinvigorated my CMBB gaming but I might curse you soon as I'm told modding can be addictive!!

  9. Yes, Dubno, I get the feeling that I have my head in a set of steel jaws, if I ram it precisely down hard, I will choke the beast, dawdle or deviate and I will have to get used to breathing through my neck!! I spent 10 mins just looking at the map, so many folds, rises and places to be ambushed, I doubt my recce units will last long!

    The mapsides question intrigues me DAF, the Germans are moving from their starting area to the opposite edge, have I missed the beedin' obvious (would not be the first time).

  10. I cobbled together a solution with Dubno, opening the file, copying and pasting into the scenario folder, in the C drive. It worked, wow I really am looking forward to playing on such a beautiful map. It's interesting that because of the bizzare unit options for AFV's (platoons only) Strachwitz, as an independent, has no command abilities. Still, hats off to you, god know how many hours it took with the map, now its time for "Panzer, marsch!"

    Still no long with the wretched trucks, I like your bread crumb trail though.

  11. Thanks, they are regular at the moment so will bump them up, I really wish CM had waypoints, as in SP, for the AI. Since I've been reading about George's Strachwitz operations I decided to download the first Dubno scenario, I opened the Zip file sent the contents to the scenario folder and then got ready to play. Nada, nothing, the folder was there but it did not appear on the scenario/operations screen, I can open the scenario editor and look at the map etc but not play the damn thing! I have looked at the old posts in vain, my game is the 1.03 version so whats up?

  12. Thanks for the answer George, thought it was something like that, talking of the AI I'm designing a scenario based on the old SP Kursk MO, (lots of kit which is shot up on the first turn) and the battle for survival begins!. I would like a motorised German infantry company to be ambushed by a motley group of Russians, but when playing the Russians the trucks sit there, even with an objective flag/ exit route. Any suggestions?

  13. Hmm, were not extolling the merits of a militarised populace with a fascistic leadership, exploiting actual and imaginary grievances are we? I'm sure if the armies of the UK and USA had been forced by circumstance to develop doctrines in WWI, just to survive, had a post war army comprising of mainly the officer corps, a doctrine of equating national strength/will/purpose with military strength and been planning the next attempt at dominating Europe we would be talking about the quintessential UK/US WWII infantry unit/doctrine.

    When I get to play a German force in CM2 which is dependent on horse drawn equipment and that dependence is realistically modelled, then I will know WWII has arrived!

    Sorry about the pseudo rant, I do get tired of the superior German army myth. Sure your infantry companies and their doctrine are excellent tactical building blocks, but your supply and transportation system is antiquated you still use leather for your webbing, which rots, have footwear that is highly unsuitable for poor climates and poor medical support, still your LMG is a world beater, figuratively speaking!

  14. I second "The Bridgeheads", a small but cleverly designed scenario with a map that rewards tactical thinking. I played as both the Germans and Russians and found it a challenge, both total victories but a challenge. The German's only got the victory because I reinforced the correct flank, the Russian's because the map rewarded realistc tactics (move fast to cover in short dashes).

    Winter Wonderland: Fantastic, I spent hours on this and when I finally worked it out and achieved a victory it was quite a sense of achievement. It was this scenario that made me create a series of night time scenarios, so I could understand the mechanics of nightime combat, especially the response of friendly troops to nearby friendly fire!

    Poselok 5: An atmospheric setting and a tense scenario, I rarely identify with my pixel-truppen, but I watched anxiously as the little column of stragglers inched their way, wearily, to what they hoped was safety. I even gave a little cheer when the relief column met them! In my first attempt I was too aggressive with the Pz III and mucked up the path finding of the stragglers, result chaos. Second attempt was far more successful and the realistic use of main force security and covering forces was rewarded with tactical success.

    I would also like to mention; “A Deadly Affair”, a scenario that shows the 251 as a game winner, not just PTRD fodder and “Totenkopf”, winning as the Russians took two attempts and watching those 222’s burn was most satisfactory!

    As for Penny Packets I just gave up, my elite pioneers with stealth +2 HQ’s were butchered by ever alert Russian sentries, bleugh! And such a promising map!

  15. Dan, good point, the exception would be the Israelis who fought Hizbollah troops http://counterterrorismblog.org/2006/07/worst_case_scenario_hezbollahs.php. In that case their small arms development has been to add sensors to weapons and develop remote systems, as witnessed in the Gaza offensive.

    Another good website, with excellent links, if you have the time is


    I agree with the Henlein allusion but think it more likely that we will be looking at "The Forever War" concepts more that "Starship Troopers", especially the use of obsolete weapons, though the stasis field is a bit beyond our tech level! The unclassified data on powered armour suggests heavier load bearing capabilities but unless the weapon is recoilless you still have to contend with Newton's third law of motion. Battletech anyone?

  16. Interesting, I think that we will soon come to a point which is the similar of the 1970's "the tank is dead" hype, after the Yom Kippur war. Given the technological dvelopments are overwhelmingly on body armour and given the only real difference in modern rifles, compared to the models 20-30 years back is in add ons, optics, laser/target pointers when does the equation become so unbalanced that the basic infantry rifle becomes a secondary weapon, compared to a high tech lucerne hammer or halberd?

    I'm not saying that the modern firearm has no room for organic development, propulsion, sub-calibre rounds etc but every few months it seems new developments are occuring in defensive technologies that are not matched by offensive ones. To put it another way, in science fiction terms (real sci-fi not space opera) we are far closer to some of their descriptions of body armour than we are to their ideas of weapons. Or is it just the case that body armour has so lagged behind projectile technology that all we are witnessing is a rapid catch up made possible by previously inaccessible technologies, technologies which favour the protection side of the equation. After this surge, parity is achieved followed by a typical leapfrog, threat, counter-threat dynamic.

  17. Cpl Steiner, your comments remind me of the threads looking at the impact 1 to 1 representation has had on gamers of SF. It might also be a case that with gamers personally knowing of people fighting and the conflict (Afghanistan, Iraq) in the news constantly, that there is a greater sensitivity to casualty representation in their games.

    Following this train of thought I wonder if playing Normandy, and similar games, will help younger generations to better understand the nightmare of that war, given the veterans of that conflict are now dying off.

    Final thought when we get to play Normandy and look at those little crosses and what they represent, taken from http://www.bayonetstrength.150m.com/.

    The diary entry of Private Jim Wisewell, 223 Field Ambulance, RAMC, describing the carnage wrought upon 185 Brigade of 3rd (British) Division during 8th July, 1944 in operation Charnwood.

    "At 5 am, the first wounded came back, cheerful, optimistic. We splintered fractures, covered wounds with sterile dressings and relieved each other for breakfast at 6.30 am. As the day wore on, sunny and scorching hot, the tide of casualties rose. Dozens and dozens were carried in. Our treatment centre always had 3 upon the trestles being attended to and soon the approaches were lined with a queue. Hour after hour we worked and evacuated and still the flow continued. Ghastly wounds there were, of every type and state of severity. Heads with skulls so badly smashed that bone and brain and pillow were almost indivisible; faces with horrible lacerations; jaws blown completely away leaving only two sad eyes to plead for relief from pain. Chests pierced through with shrapnel and lungs that spouted blood from gushing holes. Arms were mangled into shapeless masses left hanging by muscle alone and waiting the amputation knife. There were abdomens pierced by shell splinters and displaying coils of intestine, deadly wounds. Buttocks were torn and in some cases spinal injury had followed bringing paralysis. But the leg wounds! Thigh bones splinted; knees without knee caps, legs without feet red, mangled flesh and blood flooding the stretcher. And others trembling uncontrollably, sobbing like children, strapped to the stretcher and struggling to be free; screaming and, when a shell landed near the ADS (Advance Dressing Station), shouting, 'They're coming again, O God they're coming again.' Not heroes, but sufferers nonetheless. We ate our lunch of biscuits and corned beef with bloody fingers and when relieved by 9th Field Ambulance at 6 pm we had treated 466 British soldiers and 40 Germans."

  18. In one of my previous incarnations I dealt with chainsaws, the nylon protective clothing is fine if its multi layered, then you just get bruised. Trouble is the full rig, jacket, chaps and gloves and helmet plus face guard is very hot, still one of our drivers saw a person amputate his leg so I always prefered to sweat, rather than learn how to cope, sans one of my limbs.

    I knew about the kevlar versus sharp objects incompatability, so what are knife proof vests made of?

    Talking of medieval armour the modern vests seem to be reinventions of the reinforced or brigandine surcoat. Given developments in 'super spider silk', nano-technologies and nano-composites when do we retire the humble bullet? Or will the infantry now be sucked into the armament/armour arguments that delight or frustrate, depending on your viewpoint.

  19. DAF, I wanted to finish my post with the link, but the new improved, ie crappy, YouTube has pulled the clips. One thing also that CM campaigns would have shown, and SP III does, is the advantage of having a radio in each halftrack, your platoons suddenly gain an tactical/operational responsiveness that ordinary infantry, in this period, do not possess.

    Final point, the effectiveness of the AT rifle in CM is overated both for its hit rate and PK. I'm gaming a quick battle as Russian defenders gainst a German mechanised probe, one of my supporting AT rifles was targeting a 251 at 550 metres. It had a first round hit chance of 38% and a poor chance to destroy the target, seemed reasonable, in CM terms this meant the 251 moved 30m was hit two times, the crew were shocked and unable to provide fire support. Not bad for a weapon considered obsolete by the early war!

    So with the halftracks organic advantages denuded and its disadvantages increased, by the game system the safest bet is to use them very carefully.

  20. The main advantage of halftracks can only be truly appreciated if a system like CM Campaigns had got off the ground. They allow infantry to keep up and support armoured attacks, which is vital in maintaining the operational tempo of such operations. In CMBB terms they can be aggressively used only against light forces, where as Rankorian has suggested they can be devastating. In the convoy protection/counter ambush scenario, "A Deadly affair" the Pzgr platoon, in their 251's can mount a left flanking move to take the partisan held village. Once there they can be used to support their respective squads with their MG fire, as they assault the houses.

    My only true assault against a company position was using them in conjunction with a 158mm smoke mission, they stormed in, dropped their infantry and chewed up the defences. In reality, thirteen halftracks racing into smoke would have resulted in complete confusion but CM is not 'realistic'

  21. Luftwaffe!! Not airforce, (a fiendishly difficult game where individual energy states, of planes, had to be recorded and 3D movement plotted on a 2D gaming board!). Heinrich, the wunder fighters were great, but had short legs, and when they came down to refuel could be picked off by swarms of P-51's and 38's who broke away from the big stacks they were escorting. The only convincing German victory was using decoy counters and suckering the USAAF into holding back escorting fighters, when the stacks were revealed I looked on in disbelief! I remember a crappy drab map but beautifull light blue and green counters and order pads that took the best part of a day to plot, we played until the games obvious shortcomings were revealed.

    Talking of B-17's, does anyone remember the solitaire/two person game "B-17 Queen of the skies"? Wow, that really was a 'teachable experience', I remember reading "Decision over Schweinfurt" and the damage reports were chillingly replicated in the game.

    Tagge, as a recalcitrant Swede you might have to rethink my demi-God status, perhaps a 'not so despised by Finns' title will do!! i will check out your suggestion for the screen shots, what do other people use?

    Rankorian, count yourself lucky you never had to play Yaquinto's "Panzer" or SPI's "Airwar" or Enola Games "Warship Commander" (modern naval warfare rules for miniatures). Arghh, two hours later and we had simulated a radar lock and an unsuccessful SSM attack by two destroyers.

  22. "I sense someone who has been at this gaming for awhile".

    First wargame played was SPI's Dreadnought, in 77, then a subscription to S&T (when they included games) and Avalon Hill's "Airforce?" (US strategic bombing of Germany 43-45) started it. Then came more baord games, miniatures and finally role-playing, both board and live action, so yes, your observation is correct.

    Whatever emotional effects we ascribe to CM, it still is just a wargame, with pretty playing pieces, objective tiles and no CRT's and obscure rules to look up, thank god! Though it was always nice to play a game, mutually decide a rule needed changing and just get out a pen and pencil and start playing again, not have to wait for patch 1.145a and hope it has your rule change. Some soldier/gamers I knew used their Warpac threat updates to continually revise their modern micro-rules, "Challenger" I believe, to make it as up to date as possible!

    I think that the tank crossed successfully because the AT rifle was suppressed by the initial artillery barrage. When it joined forces with a company of infantry supported by an MMG platoon and a supporting platoon (in the racetrack) the outcome was inevitable. I fact my total victory was gained with three platoons trailing, sloppy planning by me. The main assault was with all of A company and only two platoons of B, if I had coordinated better, it would have been a slaughter. As it was, I only took 15% casualties of my total force and inflicted 60% on the Russians, only one surrendered!

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