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Everything posted by Clockdva

  1. Im waaaaaaiiiiting..............
  2. i have the same problem, could you please tell me what you did to make it work?
  3. Great, the hamachi-gdogcmsf-network is full
  4. Why dont we just leave our msn adress for others to add? Mine is "servoskinner@hotmail.com"
  5. I dont know how to use javelins and such weapons. I know that Javelin is a portable weapon system but when i order the troops out of a stryker the javelins seem to remain in the APC. Or are the supposed to be fired from the ACP, if so, how to do it? I have no clue and its very frustating. I cant even get my soldiers to fire a AT4.
  6. Yes, but the shells seems scattered all over the place. You seldom hit anything. Well i guess thats the way it is then.Thanks for answering.
  7. Is there any way you can resupply the tanks? And is there any way to get more accurate artillery?
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