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Posts posted by BillyBob

  1. The more I play this game the more one salient point becomes clear (and explains most of what's wrong with it)...the computer AI is omnipotent. It spots, fires and destroys with flawless accuracy. No matter what the human player does, no matter how cunning or clever or sneaky he is, the computer AI knows exactly what, where, when and how you're doing it. Meanwhile the human's assets couldn't find their own arse with both hands and a map.

    So the gameplay becomes nothing more than an excercise in frustration. Skill is rewarded with a cheap slap in the face.

    Suggestion: reduce the AI ability by about...oh, I don't know...75%? And you might save this game from total disrepute.

    [ April 28, 2007, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: BillyBob ]

  2. Originally posted by Vegeorite:

    Having played for a little while now, your analysis 'might' be lacking rigour.

    Were the FFs facing the Tigers with their turret or hull observation holes? The Tigers mighthave been looking the wrong way... .

    When there's a lot going on it's easy to lose track of the relative status of units.

    There's SOME abstraction in the spotting algorithm but not so much as at first seems.

    Practise a few similar situations, pause and check who could feasibly see what.

    It isn't BS - spotting may be a tad toooo realsitic for other aspects of the game to handle. I mean, you can't leave it up to the AI to carry out broad orders like flanking moves. Your order will be followed so it had better be a prudent one!

    This game LOOKS like a drag-and-drop job but it is more demanding than that. It is frustrating.

    My 2p!

    As soon as the Tigers started taking fire I paused the game and had a good look at exactly what was going on.

    From each Tiger's turret (1st-person view) I could see only one Firefly and some infantry, all on the other side of the map. All those units were engaged with my forces on the left flank.

    From the Firefly I could see the Tigers' icons, but nothing of their actual hulls or turrets.

    Despite all this the Firefly was able to fire upon the Tigers, but when I ordered the Tigers to return fire I got the "No clear line of sight" message. Both Tigers were facing their Glacis towards the Firefly at this point.

    What should have happened is the Firefly should never have spotted the Tigers in the first place. Distance, otherwise engaged and multiple obstructions would have made such a feat of spotting from a buttoned tank absolutely impossible.

    The Tigers should have been able to complete their sneaky move and take the four Shermans on the front of the hill in the rear and despatch them in short order.

    It is clearly impossible to do ANYTHING in this game without the omnipotent computer AI totally trashing it with utterly bogus abilities.

    Like I said elsewhere, the game's a turd.

  3. Originally posted by athkatla:

    because he can't be bothered to play the game as it should be played,

    Yeah, you're right. Clearly this game was intended to be played as the allies, because the German side's historical strong points are so nerfed as to render any hint of fidelity as nothing more than a still-born atrocity.

    Gee...them allies, they can spot, and fire, and hit, and destroy with super-human ability. Fancy dat! Another game wih an allied bias so strong it stinks to high heaven.

    Unless allied players are finding the same thing happening? In which case it's just the game is so poorly coded the computer is always going to whup the human. Super-AI, it can see all, hit all, destroy all.

    Whatever the explanation, the game's a total turd.

    Fan boys, go hawk your spiel somewhere else, we're sick of hearing the ****e.

  4. Playing the St-Lo battle. The Yanks have come up a hill on the right flank, so I send two Tigers around the blind side, to take them in their flank. But gee, one Firefly, way over the other side of the map, is somehow able to spot them through the trees and bushes and hills, despite being engaged with his own stuff on the left flank, and knocks them both out with a handful of shots. The Tigers (of course) are unable to return fire ("No clear line of sight!").

    Beyond pathetic. Beyond frustration. Utter, unmitigated, BS.

  5. Originally posted by SA_Avenger:

    I totally agree, AI is "cheating" and it's annoying. (usually it knows exactly where your men are)

    Wether I have men crawling behind bushes or tank hidden behind hills and tons of trees they still get spotted. (I don't see the ennemy when I go first person)

    Totally true, and it's a game destroying debacle.
  6. Originally posted by DeLaVega:

    Blade Runner:

    To 1):

    Yes that stopping makes me crazy, too, sometimes. Especially when the tanks are under fire.

    But I guess, since the tank commanders get their orders by mail pigeons they have to stop and take them aboard.

    To 3):

    You are right, I also faced this phenomenon. First in the Citadel mission ...and then in the rest of the german campaign, too. I posted it already in another post. The way how the T-34 AND M4 afterwards just swallow the 8,8 cm shell looks more to be a balancing and gameplay reason than a realistic fact.

    Even with the T-34 sloped armor it shouldn`t look like they got no harm at all. Because the way it is now you also can use the Pz IV`s. There is no difference in the different calibers (75, 76 or 88mm) in the game. At least not in the german campaign. :)

    Totally agree. T34s are trading blows with Tigers and Panthers and coming out equal, if not ahead. 88mm bouncing off T34s, but 76mm and 85mm having no trouble knocking out the big cats.

    This kind of nationalistic developer cheating I truly despise.

  7. Yes, Krull should have tried the demo first, but although he'd already downloaded it he went with the reputation of 1C and Battlefront and bought the full game before he'd even installed the demo.

    As so many of us have now found out, that was a big mistake.

    I'm not going to trawl over points raised elsewhere, I'm just going to give my overall impression of why this game doesn't work for me.

    As soon as you get into a battle you're blind. You don't know who's going where, who's coming from where. So you move in what you think is the right direction, per the briefing map.

    Suddenly enemy icons start popping up, firing begins, and you wonder why your hidden units aren't hidden. Infantry laying prone behind bushes are spotted, AT guns you camoed-up in bushes are spotted, tanks you had masked behind bushes and trees are spotted...the battlefield might as well be a snooker-table and all the shots and hits are down to who can flip the coin fastest. Which hardly matters at this point, because the FPS has dropped so low you might as well be looking at pictures in an album. What am I running here? I have a P4-3.2ghz CPU, a 6800-Ultra graphics card and 2Gb of high-speed OCZ RAM. 1600x1200 with full detail (you didn't expect me to can the eye-candy too, did you? That's about all this game's got going for it right now).

    I say flip the coin, because those T34s sure as hell out-gun and out-armor Tigers and Panthers. I guess 1C couldn't resist the old national bias, eh? 88mm bouncing off T34s at under 500m range, but return fire from those T34s doesn't seem to have much problem knocking spots off the big cats.

    Trying to order units to go places without multiple waypoints, that's a bunch of fun.

    The game is one big confusing and very frustrating mess. Situational awareness is simply non-existant, and control is an excercise in futility. You might as well start the battle, order all units to advance and then leave everything to the AI and watch the resultant mindless brawl as if it were a movie (a very pretty movie, but just as non-interactive regardless).

    So, having been sickened of the off-line play I thought it would be nice if me and my brother could circumvent at least a little of the frustration by having at it with the MP.

    Oh no, that wasn't playing ball either. I read the doc and did everything to the letter, but he was unable to connect to me. I tried variations, but still no joy. Now, I've had to configure my router and PC for quite a few games in the past, and have always managed to come up smiling. But this one? Total failure.

    Something so simple, you'd think. I mean, you held the game back after the Russian release, so you'd have thought all this stuff would have been...ahem...tested? Just a little bit.

    This game is an inexcuseable disgrace, and you, Battlefront, should hang your heads in abject shame that you let it loose in this shape.

    Your reputation is in tatters, and deservedly so.

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