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Everything posted by zwinship

  1. Still want to see airmobile but that's ok... Still from the screeneys and vid clips well worth the $65 pre order for delux. BTW loved the picture of the mouse pad, that was what reallllly sold me on the delux version!!!
  2. Yes they are. Your speed isn't cut down very much but you do lose some handeling. I have been working on Humvees for a few years and have some interesting storys about how much damage they can take and still get you where you need to go. The most interesting is one that was brought to me with 3 broken CV shafts and 2 flat tires they drove it about 10 miles that way over some fairly ruff terain.
  3. I don't remember who posted it but I am going to be waiting for my helicopters!!! I couldn't see a Marine addon with out them... Here's to Hope.
  4. That might be interesting... I don't think I would feel right about killing them though... I apoligize for my spelling it is horrible on the best of days, The worst part is English is my first and only language
  5. I did read about them doing Airmobile operations in one of the Annexs in the TM but how often it is done is another story all together LOL
  6. I was thinking about the add on mods especialy for the Marines that it would be a great add on. I would agre with you that in a stand up tactical battle like they are portraying in CMSF it wouldn't make alot of sense. I was thinking more about missions like Liberia or Somalia where the Marines came ashore to evacuate civilians out to sea. I don't think there have been any major "fire fights" because none of the "rebals" had the guts to shoot at the marines but I remember reading about an incident were a sniper took out a "rebal" walking to close to an embassy with an ak in his hands. I think it was in one of Tom Clancy's nonfiction books about the Marines. I used to play alot of steel panthers 2 and 3 and try my hand at these type of scenarios but they were almost imposible to model acuratly with the AI. This seems like the perfect medium to play test alot of this type of scenario. Maybe I am hopeing for to much but PLEASE Steve if you can I would be one of the first in line for an add on like this
  7. I know this is probably to early to start posting about but I have been very interested in alot of the info from other threads about the add on mods for CMSF. I understand all the focus on Blue force but lets think about the red force also!! Will we have a genaric 3rd world "gorilla force"? Where are the Marines sent into and for what? Most of there operations outside of OIF have been "small scale" operations in 3rd world countries to secure US interest such as securing evacuations of embassys and US nationals. I would love to see this modeled in the game. It doesn't look that hard to code with the new victory conditions. Blue player has to secure Embassy and keep civilian casualtys to minimum as they are evacuated by air... Steve is there going to be airmobile operations in here? I know it doesn't have a lot of relivance to the strykers but would be fun to have!!! Correct me if I am wrong but the Brits use alot of airmobile forces don't they? I have been drooling over the posibilitys this game is going to present as I am a huge fan of modern wargames!!
  8. I wouldn't say, "killing" but battlefield effects are greater by air and arty at the operational level. Air and arty funnel and attrit but do not defeat. (I say this as an Air Force weenie). You are however correct in stating that any force (light, medium, or heavy) is never so "deep" as to be out of reach of support. </font>
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