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Posts posted by Steven482

  1. I am still puzzled to understand the effects of some of the unit attributes.

    If a leader has negative (-1/-2) Leadership rating, does that mean it is better to keep him away from his troops? Or is he still bringing a positive effect to the table (C2 of course, but anything else)?

    Under the morale section, I typically see "ok". But how does the -2 / -1 / .. motivational modifiers effect this? Or don't they?


  2. I am wondering how the Ammo Bearer work in the game.

    Very often when I play a QuickBattle, the Ammo Bearer does not carry any special Ammo at all.


    German Antitank Team:

    1 Squad / A Team obviously owns the Gun and it comes with 36 AP and 15 HE Ammonition.

    1 Squad / B Team (the Ammo Bearer) does not have any Gun Ammo at hand. Only 130 7.92mm and 2 Grenades.

    German Infantry Gun Team:

    1 Squad / A Team comes with 30 HE Ammunition.

    1 Squad / B Team (the Ammo Bearer) again only brings 130 7.92mm and 2 Grenades.

    Is that how it is supposed to work?


  3. As others already pointed out, the time spent on on a SetUp heavily depneds on the circumstances of the scenario. However I tend to take a very slow approach.

    Here is what I normally do (in any scenario vs. a human opponent, but generally also vs. the AI):

    1) How does my OOB look like in detail? (60min)

    I have created a specific scenario Excel-Template that I use to jot down each single units details so that I fully understand which troops are at my disposal. I am crazy enough to take note about morale, bullets, formations, chain of command and all others aspects available to me as a player, NOT using the editior. I normally start by clicking on an enpty spot on the map and then use the '+'-key to move through my formation step-by-step (i.e. unit-by-unit) until I return to the top level unit I started with.

    2) How does the map look like? (30min)

    I take Screenshots of the whole map from Top-Down as well as 8 directional angles with the view settings 3 or 4. If the map is really large, I zoom down quite a bit and puzzle the individual Screenshot pieces together within a Paintshop.

    3) What are the environmental conditions of the scenario? (5min)

    I take notes about the weather, wind and other conditions. What are the victory conditions? What is the time limit?

    4) Roaming the map from a defenders / attackers perspective (20min)

    Depending on the task of the scenario, I spend about 15-30min roaming the map from the player's perspective. I try to identify ridges, sunken spots and other important factors. Where is the objective? Where are the most logical areas of advance? Where are good spots for Overwatch positions? Where would I put my defense line?

    5) Sort my troops into parade formations (10min)

    I really appreciate if the scenario designer has setup all troops in a logical sequence, i.e. along the OOB defintion so that I can clearly identify them on the Map. If this has not been taken care of by the designer (or if I play a QuickBattle), I will arrange all my troops along the logical order of the OOB. I tend to group them by HQs. All my Fortification assets I also group by type. Just to have a clearly defined initial starting config, I select all my troops and assign them a facing towards the enemy and define a general 360degree target covered arc of 25m.

    6) Define an overall plan (20min)

    Now the time comes when I start defining in more detail an Overall plan that also takes into consideration the time limit of the scenario. If I am the attacker, I define the main axis of approach as well as an alternative / supportive axis. Then I define where firesupport will come from. I also define a timeline, where my troops should be at a given time (H-Hour + xmin). Normally I devide the scenario timeframe into 4 phase (e.g. 0-15min, 15-30min, 30-45min and 45-60min for a 1hour scenario). For all of the approach venues and the fire support, I define where the units should be at then end of those segments. If I am the defender, I do pretty much the same things. However instead of defining the areas of approach, I define the areas of defense. Normally I have Skirmishers, defense 1, main defense and last stand. I also define a main rally point, usually around the last stand.

    7) Sketch a map (25min)

    Now from the Screenshots (especially from the TopDown-View) I derive a full map. This will be Overlaid with arrows / circles / notes that summarize the plan somewhat.

    8) Assign the troops (20min)

    At this time I will then assign my troops broadly to their specific tasks. Normally I try to maintain the formational structure as much as possible. That mean for example that dealing 3 Platoon will be assigned to the skirmisher role, while 2 Platoon will man the Main defense line when defending. I pay very close attention to the quality of the troops I assign. Normally I select the best Platoon for the Main task. Within the Platoon I also rate the individual squads. Typically I have unit 1 (the best), unit 2 (midlle) and a reserve (unit 3). But it depends on the mission.

    9) Place units on the map (90min)

    Now is the time to split the overall plan into its location subsegments. For that area I select the earlier defined troops and put them onto the map. I analyze the immediate surroundings of that location and position the troops to their final location. I might split them as needed. Then I also define their individual targets arcs for that location, speficify weather they should remain hidden and pay extreme attention that they are all in good C2 communication with their HQ. I cannot stress the latter enough as it drives my crazy to find my troops being cut off from C2. As I mainly play on Iron-Level, it is of utmost importance to keep our assets together. At this time I also issue all my movement orders to the subunits and align their first turn movements with the right sequences.

    10) Check the final Setup (30min)

    After all this is done, I check each individual unit one more time starting with the highest ranking one. I work my way through all of them and doublecheck the LOS, the hide settings as well as the C2 links. Finally I save the game one more time and I am ready to click the red action button.

    There you have it. If I sum up all the individual time-segments, I get an average time for prepartion (w/o having played a single turn) of about 310 min (about 5 hrs)

    It can even be longer for larger scenarios.

    For me part of the fun of these games is the planning and analytical part. I do not want to rush things. Everything that my troops do should have a max. effect to the ultimate goal of winning. The setup is an important part of this.

    As there the saying goes: Luck does ot exist, it all comes down to poor / good planning.


  4. I have played SC2 some years ago and just today downloaded the Global Conflict Game.

    I like diving into it straight away and prefer PBEM games.

    My main interest is for Scenario 1, any side.

    If you are interested, please drop me a PM.

    My playing style is about 1-2 turns / week, work permitting.

    I can guarantee not to drop out of the game until it is finished or both sides conclude that the scenario is over.


  5. I recently installed the V1.04 Patch to SC2 WAW.

    Thanks to Hubert's support I am now experiencing no more speed delays. Finally the game is playable in Windows Mode under Vista. :cool:

    Still I have something to ask for:

    It loks like the SC2 is pretty much centered on my Screen, but the window is borderless. Therefore it lacks the ability to MOVE the window around on my screen.

    I would like to open Excel in parallel so that I can keep track of the individual losses. However due to Screen Limitations this is a bit difficult.

    Is there a way to define the Window Position? :confused:


  6. Hubert,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    One of the Challenges in most complex games is how to access the internal data. If you really would like to fine-tune strategies I always find it extremely helpful to know in what status your forces are.

    For this Excell is the perfect tool IF you can access that data somehow. For some games I have seen 3rd-Party AddOn_tools that can handle that, unfortunately not for SC2 so far.

    Looking forward to see the feature in a future update.


  7. 1. Battlefront Version 1.01 (Download Version)

    2. Intel Core 2 Extreme Processor QX6700

    3. 2x Nvidea 8800 GTX with SLI activated, running at 2560x1600

    4. 2GB RAM

    5. Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit

    6. No Error Messages, but horrible FPS rate. Graphics are way to slow for my HighEnd System.

    I have no problems running other games like Call of Duty 2, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter or Silent Hunter 4 all at Max Resolution.

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