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Nikki Mond

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Posts posted by Nikki Mond

  1. Originally posted by boog2006:

    I liked it. Thank you.

    One thing though for those that are into this sort of thing, Feb '43 is a bit too early for panzerschreks (or fausts) but they do come in handy.

    Those were actually captured bazookas from Tunisia being field tested... ;)

    seriously tho I realized that after...but the weapon tables didn't allow slotting more than 1 patrone, and that as sole weapon.

    Thanks for trying it out and the AA comments. I wanted to get these out before the humongo patch. I think the game will play differently with the LOS changes. (for better)

  2. in the mission editor. Totally expand the mission Tree Group of the detachment until each individual soldier is listed. Then go to the Backpack set in properties below. All weapons will be there.

    The weapons differ slightly from SS to Heer. for example. Heer have MG 42. SS you have to use a outer crewman for MG42.

    You can also change the skins on some units the same way in properties under skins.

  3. This is the pre-panther era. Schirtzen has made it to the stugs. The russians are rolling T34's off the assembly line, giving four hours training to the crews and sending them straight to the front.

    What odds are you facing? Depends. Same historically. 1 to 1 if you kill in a timely fashion. The Germans were successful in these knife fights. Aim high for the guns, recognize a gunless T34 and move on. Control your tanks personally. Don't get tied down with the infants, but you'll need them too.


  4. I am about to release another battle. Operation Winterbrau. Febuary 1943. General Manstein reorginizes his forces after the fall of Stalingrad and takes the initiative rather than opting for a static defence while the ground is still frozen. He gives the go ahead for Hoth to commit a series of armoured thrusts in the Bielgorad. Catching the extended Russians off Guard. You command a Panzer Kampf Kompanie plus attachments, tasked with protecting Hoth's flank. This is a meeting engagement.

    EDIT: This battle is now posted you can download it from CMMODs: CMMods Link to all TOW Mods Here!

    or Badongo here WinterBrau Site 2


    [ January 02, 2008, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

  5. Used 2 Createrectbyobject, for each of my tanks. Man the enemy makes a B line right for one then attacks the other. Works great. But there is a performance hit really slows till the tanks are gone. Im gonna see if I can clean it up.


    EDIT: Fixed I had the Createrectbyobject after a WorkArmy 2 statement. Tho the rect is created around an Army 1 tank. Thats all it was. Jerky slodown is gone smile.gif

    [ December 29, 2007, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

  6. Thanks , sorta what I had in mind ,just had to see an example. The back half worked. That is Group X did move to point after unit Y was killed.

    Brings me to my next question. I can't seem to get a group to attack or storm a unit. I did have success storming and attacking rects but not units.

    It seems attack might be working, but the groups attacking keep a long distance, not aggressive. And storm does not work at all. So what is the difference between storm and attack?

  7. When using the mission editor and customizing a german detachment unit back pack to faust patrone. The soldier displays 10 in the magazine/amunition slot.

    I thought this to mean the soldier either gets 10 FP warheads or actually carries a bundle of 10 ( a little unusual).

    In anycase its just 1 FP and 1 shot. Not sure why the ammo reads 10. I am working on an early 43 scenario thats why I was arming with patrones.

  8. Originally posted by Earl Grey:

    Looks very good! But know what's missing for me? I want to see some real woods, not only patches of tress and single ones... is that actually possible? I think it would make the maps more realistic, especially this one..

    The map editor can add trees OK. But it would look like the tanzmanian devil having vehicles smashing down a forest. I'd like to do a Hurtgeon forest scenario. Not sure if the map editor can restrict vehicle movement to roads tho

    Oh and this scenario is now available at the link below or CMMods.

    Link to Operation Blunted spear.

    [ December 20, 2007, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

  9. Originally posted by Gnasher:

    Have you set the layer to point to the briefing in the campaign editor section?

    Yes I am well versed in the Campaign Editor. And folder attributes are open. The layers are set.

    The campaign editor is not saving cleanly. the mission descriptions and SID are missing when I re-open the editor, although at the submission1 level all is still there. I have deleted and reinstalled the whole game a couple times now including the tools. But this is likley at the register level.

    There is no way in the campaign editor to cleanly delete old versions of battles. Even if you take out the folders the xml files are there, and register values.

    Old versions still show up, and can corrupt

    So lesson learned. I am going to put the mission on CM mods. Its complete. Plays well (I think). And maybe someone could give me some feed back.


  10. I did try copying the briefing mat, all I get is a white blank window at the briefing, with a question mark in the corner.

    I tested and the submissions all work ok. Just the tga aint showing. Cant figure it out.

    BTW I found your site Rofl today doing a search and used your maps and arrows etc. Thanks

    Hey can I send this mission and the campaign files to somebody to have a look at? I cant resolve this at all. Probably a missing tag. Its got me stumped, I can't think of anything else to try


    [ December 17, 2007, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

  11. A Historical design note. the 6th Gebirgs had a very unremarkable track record. And were forced to fight a tactical retreat from the Finns into Norway during the Lapland war. From there they made it back to Germany, had a short refit period where they outfitted with STG 44, MG 42 and PanzerFaust 60 and 100.

    I customized the weapons in the squads to reflect this. You will notice below a staff squad, modelled after a Stossetrupp. Yes that is an MG42 not 34 in the squad. Plus heavy AT weapons STG 44, officer sniper (major Konig ;) . The Pea Caps fit into the Gebirg genre too.

    This engagement starts as a light company level battle requiring some micro management. But soon grows to a regimental level slug fest at long and short ranges.


  12. I have a historical battle nearing completion I will post very soon. I may use it as part of a campaign as well.

    Saar River Valley March 1945. The 6th SS (Gebirgs) just out of refit are tasked to cover the last defensive line in France.

    This is a meeting engagement, as a mechanized infantry recon force from the 3rd armored race a fully supported mountain regiment for the high ground objective. The objective is not so straight forward as it seems

    I also tweaked the ray tracing and dynamic lighting to highlight slopes and dead ground shadows.

    EDIT: Now available at CMMods or the Badongo link below

    Blunted Spear single battle LINK


    [ December 20, 2007, 06:55 AM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

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