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Nikki Mond

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Posts posted by Nikki Mond

  1. COH is like a modded version of War Hammer. They took the warhammer engine, remoddled the orks and space marines to Germans and Tanks, but the engine itself was not changed at all. Therefore very very abstract.

    I enjoyed warhammer because it followed the rules of the game I expected. but COH is just weird because the WW2 skins and maps seem so out of place.

  2. If you want to make a unit element have the same uniform as the SS sniper, that can be done with the mission editor and provided you have the special tasks squad mod. The mod unlocks normal infantry weapons for the soldiers. Without the mod your squad would all have scoped kar 98's and be all snipers

    Select a german group detachment in the editor. Change unit to SS sniper. This gives the camo skin. Change Job to infantry, or commander. Open the backpack and choose a weapon.

    You can do the same using the Heer sniper unit. This will give your soldiers the Tan and Water camo pattern.

    I also added an element called infantry_SS_mountain if you want the pea capped guys to have a camo smock. If you don't have the JSH mod I highly recommend that as well. Just install it before the Special squads mod.




  3. discussion of clearing minefields on the tow2 forum. (I don't have tow2 yet).

    This could be done at the scenario level in the mission editor in Tow1. Most modders know this but it would be of little value to game play.

    Typically have a mine field rect created using a trigger as per normal. And when a certain unit such as a special task squad of sappers, or create designated pioneer squad, enters this same rect start a countdown clock, for I dunno 5 minutes? Then use the destroy trigger script for the minefield.

    Minefield cleared. You could set up long skinny minefield rects so it would appear a narrow strip is cleared.

  4. Hmmm, minimap not there just the place holder. I DO have the minimap.tga and minimap.mat file in the folder. The mat file seems OK I opened it up.

    Could it be the load ini? I researched some old threads.

    @Gnasher, you had a similar problem wayy back, how did you resolve it.

  5. well renamed the folder popped into jsgme works great

    Good to hear the special squads can be used with the extractor. Manual extracting can be a bit of a pain. I was wondering if anybody had success with that. Thanks for the feedback.

  6. I'm made the original Desna map, the stock map does not crash. Works fine.

    BUT I too created a modification to Desna where I dropped in a row of trenches and some obstacles. This crashes, about 10 seconds into the game.

    If I have time I'm going to remove each obstacle one by one and see which object is the culprit. These crashes are related to an object violation.

  7. Wow! You guys are so far over my head with this stuff! I just thought it would be fun to do some more moody maps like a destroyed city or muddy no mans land etc but it all becomes so technical! I would like to make some barren burnt trees and knocked over trees and some bomb craters but I havent managed much of anything yet! It all leads to so much frustration! Ill go lick my wounds for awile but I will come back & experiment again because I just like to create!

    We were all there guy. (listen to me I'm mister one map wonder:D) Its just a few tools are required because the data is hidden.

    Im glad somebody else mentioned dead or exfoliated trees. Maybe a modeler will put aside his next AFV project;) and create a couple burnt, or dead tree objects. Much needed for maps IMO.

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