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Posts posted by Zane

  1. Have been playing the Learning Battle. in demo. found out AI moves the ATG two places in the hedge row. each time the battle starts it is one location or the other. So I use the the off map Artillery to hit the two Locations with and my 60mm mortar. Then I stick a tank out the open

    hedge row area by the farm. to see if I got the ATG. Still got a lot of learning to do.

    Not as easy as the CM1 to learn the moves.

    Hope to purchase the Game soon.



  2. Zane - there were quite a lot of rules for CMBB for CMMOS, but unfortunately I don't think they are as complete as the CMBO rules. MikeT used to look after the rules but I think he ran out of steam on CMBB. Not sure where they are now, perhaps do a search through the old posts here, you might find them. Otherwise you'll have to wait until someone else can point you to them. Not a lot of passing traffic here at the moment with all the fuss over CMBN, but I'm sure some kind soul will eventually help you, just bump the post every now and then.

    I personally use CMMOS just for CMBO and McMMM for CMBB and CMAK. McMMM isn't as aesthetically pleasing as CMMOS but it is easy to use.


    Thanks for that info. I remmber there was all kinds of rule sets years ago.

    will keep watching the thread.


  3. Is there a separate set of rule sets for CMBB? I have the CMB0 rule sets installed and some

    mods added.

    Thanks for any info.


    May I ask if you are adding mods to CMBB what method are you using? I just happen to find

    the CMMOS MOD installer 4.05 with rule sets for CMBO. but I never found any for CMBB?

    I have the McMMM installer on my desktop. I can learn to use it.



  4. LS,

    Thanks for all that info. I Reinstalled McMMM back to my desk top. and installed a exposive

    Mod to CMBB. Seemed to work fine. I think the Dimensions of the BMP's was the problem.

    Now before I install a mod I check the dimensions of the mod BMP's to sure they are the same as the original size. Glad I made a copy of my BMP's Folder and wave folders.

    Thanks for your help When I have time I will check your other sky mods BMP's.



  5. Just a follow up. It's not a installer problem. Copy the Sky Dusk Clear Autumn from LS

    Sky mod BMPs 1411,1431 and 1451 to BMP Folder and had a Graining Blue sky with

    white streaks? Copy my Back up BMP's and Looks ok there is still a grainey look to the oriignal sky but the color's are there. Could be my video card or a setting?

    Question about BMP Dimensions? I notice looking at the orignal CBBB BMP 1411 that the size is 1024x256

    and the 1411 Sky Mod BMP is 1536x384 Could this be the problem? Should they be the same dimensions?



  6. Thank's LS

    I made a Back up copy of my present CMBB BMP Folder and my Wav folder.

    I have a idea tonight I will manual copy these BMP's 1411,1431 and 1451 that make up your Sky_Dusk_Clear_Autumn mod. First I will set up a quick battle with these Sky conditions.

    save the game. installed your BMPs and see if things are screwed up. I can all ways replace the BMPs from my Back up copy. Just to be on safe side I will download your zip file again.

    and install. if it still Looks bad in is not the McMMM installer. I need to reinstall the McMMM.

    I removed it last night. Is it ok to reinstall on my desktop?

    One other question is it hard to make a extra Clean Install of CMBB? and patch?

    and CMBO?

    I just got interested again after installing the CMBN demo.


  7. Thanks LS

    I will use GaJ's McMMM for most of my mods unless it is a CMM0S zip file.

    I installed one your sky mods the SKy_Dusk_Clear_Autumn in CMBB using MCMMM

    and I guess my Geforce FX 5500 256 Mb did not like it. Was a blue sky with some white

    streak's in it? I removed the mod and sky was a normal Autumn sky at dusk?

    Checking the BMP's and see what happened.

    Thanks again for your advice.


  8. Guys after downloaded the CMBN demo. Sure is going to be a steep learning curve for me.

    I have CMBO and CMBB installed haven played them for a while. I wanted to install some mods

    in CMBO and CMBB and have installed CM Mod Selector 4.05 with rule sets and have installed a few CMMOS Mod files made for the CM Mod Selector 4.05. I found GreenAsJade's web site

    with all mod's I need. I also have GsJ McMMM mod installer.. Installed one mod the command indcator. I have been looking at all Lucky Strikes Terrain mods and would like to installed them.

    I need some advice which mod installer would work best for mods that are not made for

    The CM Selector 4.05 installer?

    Forgive me I am not the best writer. and speller

    Thanks for any comments


  9. Schrullenhaft,

    Thanks for that info. My MotherBoard is a ABIT KV8 PRO. The ATI HD 2400 Pro sets in

    my AGP slot and requires a external Pwr which I connected to it from my 350 Watt PS.

    ATI system requirements says at lease a 270 watt or greater PWR supply. OS Windows Vista, All versons windows XP. Right now my old ASUS AGP-V7700 sets in my AGP Slot

    with no external Pwr. And runs like a "Champ." Systems Boots up normal.

    Runs All my programs CMBB CMBO ok. The only Sim that I am a little worry about is MS Fs9. the FPS when flying in clouds. the V7700 just has 32MB.

    My ATI card ran ok for serveral Months then the problems with Boot up, which a times would take as high as 10 times to get XPSP3 Pro.OS to load.

    Thanks for the tips about what to check in my BIOS Settings I have a book showing defaut settings I will check that out.

    Again Thanks


  10. Schrullenhaft,

    I remember seeing you on these Forums yrs ago. Still helping folks. That sure is nice you do that.

    About startup problems with my PC. I have a custom made PC Approx 5 yrs old.

    A ABit KV8 Motherboard with a AMD Athlon 64bit 3000+ approx 2.1 gig. I GB memory.

    When I would push the pwr button the PC would try to boot up but just would go to a blank screen with a white mark in corner? I would keep starting and it would boot up half way

    and hang up. after sometimes 10 attemps It would Load up ok. and be ok till I had to reboot

    then it would hang up again. Just to isolate problem I had a spare 3D card in a backup PC

    I removed the ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro 512 MB card I got from Circuit City when they went out busness. and installed the nVIDIA 32MB AGP-V7700 GeForce2 GTS and the starup problem was gone. And I can run CMBO and CMBB now. This card seems to work fine.

    My OS is Windows XPSP3.

    My system is old, And I am old just turned 73.

    I was surprised to Folks still playing CMBO and CMBB. since the game came out approx 10 yrs ago.

    A question I have is CMMOS program and the rule sets still around? I see MCMMM

    is around but I Just could never figure out how to use it.?

    Thank you sir

    Have a good one

    'Zane" Real name is Lane.

  11. Just installed CMBB on this PC. My ATI card Radeon HD 2400 Pro card has been giving me

    Fits on startup. So I installed a old nVIDA GeForce2 AGP-V7700 32 mb card. So I can run

    CMBO and CMBB. I have CMBB ver 1.0 US CD version from Battlefront 2002.

    I have download patches 1.01,1.02,1.03 to my desktop. is this the order I need to install the patches.

    Thanks for any info.


  12. Guys,

    I Installed CMBB it was a CD From Battlefront. It is ver 1.0, found patch 1.01 and download to my desktop. Not installed? Do I need to find patch 1.02 and 1.03?

    Having trouble finding patch 1.02 and 1.03? Have any links or info.

    "Update" Found and Download patchs 1.02 and 1.03 to desktop. ready to install 1.01,1.02,1.03.



  13. John,

    I have CMBB Also. Guess I will install it next, What patch, Will I need a single one?

    I have played both games. But sad to say I have all mods on a AMD 800 Duron setting on floor. I had a VisionTek ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro. Installed in this faster PC. but I was having startup problems. I was using my faster PC to fly Flightsim Fs9.

    Not sure it will handle Fs9 but sure it will run CMBO,CMBB.

    Question are there still mods around for both CMBO,CMBB?

    Thanks Guys for the info.


  14. Hello,

    Just installed CMBO again. Rec Sim from Battlefront US verson CD I 7/21/00 shows ver 1.02.

    What patch do I need? I downloaded patch 112. but not installed.

    My ATI card was giving me trouble. So I installed a old Nvidia GeForce2 AGP-V7700 32 MB.

    I am running a AMD Athlon 2.1 Mz with 1 gig Ram. not the fasted but hope it will run CMBO.

    Were are the mods for CMBO.?

    Thanks for any info on patchs I need.


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