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Posts posted by flintlock

  1. You can also select a unit, friendly or otherwise, and press the "Enter" key to zoom onto it and obtain am eye-level view of what that unit sees. This is a wonderful feature. I found the camera a little funky at first too, but after a quick tweak, I now find it's actually well implemented and intuitive to use.

  2. I definitely intend to spend some time getting familiar with the editor, and hopefully produce some respectable missions. At this stage, I just need to tear myself away from the game long enough to do so -- and that's a lot easier then it sounds.

  3. Originally posted by JohnO:

    The only problem I have right now is the Mission editor not opening.

    I hadn't tried the editor yet as I haven't been able to tear myself away from the full game (good stuff this). After reading your post, curiosity got the better of me and I was able to launch the mission editor without issue. It's odd that it won't open for you. :?
  4. Thank you for the update, Matt.

    Things happen, such is life. Given the challenging circumstances, I'm sure Battlefront has done the best they can to resolve the issues as quickly as possble. I'm certain most reasonable people appreciate this fact. Thanks again for your hard work and feverish efforts. Looking forward to play the game soon!



    [ April 18, 2007, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: flintlock ]

  5. I most certainly received a sound thrashing! I wasn't trying anything tactical or strategic in those shots. It was late, and I justed wanted to take and post a few screens before going to bed. Not that I'll do a whole lot better tonight. ;)

    @ Ribbentrop, those were at 1280x1024 (4xAA/8xAF)



  6. It definitely seems like a very good game. The camera, although adjustable in settings, seems a little funky at first and takes a little to get used too. Nothing major though, and overall the demo has been a lot of fun thus far! Looking forward to spending some time with ToW.

    /Big thumbs up!

  7. Originally posted by crazyman56:

    i have used download estimators they say it will take me 15hours is this true?

    Not usually, at least from my experience.

    Once the digital download is available and you've started downloading, a quick check of your download speed is a better indicator of how long it will take (assuming the speed remains constant).

    There are also bandwidth speed test sites available on the net which you may use to get a rough estimation of your general bandwidth speed.

  8. Originally posted by Vaporblast:

    Anyone knows if we'll be able to buy an in-store version of the game.

    Eventually, yes.

    Moon has mentioned in a few posts that Battlefront does plan to release a physical retail copy. There is no firm date yet, other than maybe later this year or perhaps early next year.

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