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Posts posted by ThePhantom

  1. Sorry about the Bravo Assault on Babado Version 2, Cpl Steiner. There is a Plan 2 that is not planned and it is labeled "Use Frequently." Try it again - The right plan will come up.

    I didn't put Return to Babado Ver 2 at CMMODS yet. It's more of a test to increase the difficulty. I'll put it in CMMODS after this run.

    Handihoc, when I was testing the version 2 the A10 was just too inaccurate to help anywhere. I found that the Appachees arrived sooner and where much more accurate. The 155mm battery helps too. With the version 1, the US force can push into the red reinforcement zone and that was slaughter. The scenario was too easy. This time, I have a Syrian special forces company that is a "blocking force" that wont allow this to happen. They perform the job very well, maybe too well. I also opened up the inner compound more. The Syrians are in a much better position once the US force enters the inner compound.

  2. I've got a test version ready. This will make Return to Babado more difficult to get a victory.

    The map has been extended to allow the Red Mechanized force in the North more room to maneuver. Also, the Red army has a strong infantry support element that should make it more difficult for the US units to push too far passed the Inner Compound and get in the way of the red mechanized force entry to their objective. I've added a red infantry assault into the compound at the end. It adds to the chaos and increases the intensity of the battle, slightly. All deployment times have been adjusted ten minutes sooner. It seems the Red army is in better position when the US gets there. I'm amazed how much more difficult this scenario is with these new additions.

    For the US side I've added one more Stryker assault platoon. It seems to help at the end. Instead of the useless A10 air support - I've replaced it with 2 Apachees. They provide great support for the assault. I only wish their arrival time was shorter and you will too.... Trust me. To give the US some added punch they have 155mm batteries available near the end.

    I have tried to change the elevation of the terrain to avoid the strange LOS issue. There still is an occasional shot through the high walls. You may lose a guy or two from it but it shouldn't stop your assault.

    I've had one comment about too many armored vehicles in a confined area. I've opened the inner compound to allow entry at multiple points. It still will be messy - If an urban battle broke out with both sides fully mechanized. I believe it would be extremely messy.

    Only play as Blue for this test version.

    Give it a try, and good luck.


  3. When deploying a defensive perimeter the first thing you do is place "mines."

    OK, I'm sorry - It's now an IED. Everytime an infantry platoon is sent out in harms way there's always a box of M18A1 Claymore mines just waiting to be used and can be deployed at any time with the platoon commander's order. They're impressive to watch go off. Hate to be on the other side, and yes they can be command controlled by the use of a "clacker."

    The Claymore mine is no different then a couple of 155mm shells stuck together with bubblegum, tied up with a shoestring and remotely detonated.

    I bet if we were in conflict with a more capable mechanized force. There would be a bigger claymore mine and our troops would have a great time knocking over a couple of APCs from a distance.

  4. This scenario is based on the original Assault on Babado. I've made it a larger scenario but still keeping the American assault then the Syrian counter attack form. This is the test version, so any comments will help iron it out.

    Without giving too much away about the game, I want to go over what I was trying to accomplish. First, the American force has two missions at start.

    The western force coming out of the Jabnarh district will have to clear a path through the walls to the inner compound for the following mechanized force. I wanted to try to make contact with the hidden enemy in an urban environment using infantry, and destroy him with limited to no friendly casualties.

    The eastern group will be two infantry platoons advancing on the Kaf Lambar district. They must cross an open area with limited cover, including two roads.

    With the Syrian forces I basicly attempted to have them delay the initial American assaulting groups and then attempt to counter attack the inner compound directly or flank it - depending on the three types of plans choosen by the AI.

    The Syrian side is not designed for a human player against the AI. The American assault is planned but I really haven't tested that yet. Looks boring and I don't like being the bad guy.

    I've enjoyed making this one.

    Please be prepared to see a few LOS issues concerning the high walls. However, it does not effect the overall game play, in my opinion.

    Get it at http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMMods.nsf

    or http://www.mediafire.com/?el2yn3pthjt

  5. Veterans day is one of my favorites. I just can't understand why the kids get tomorrow off. I just look at them and wonder..... They hardly know what a veteran is and what on earth have they ever done! Then tomorrow, being a veteran - I'll head off to work at 0455. Where is the justice.......

  6. Congrats Grunt, that's great to hear. The only thing you have to do is..... "Find the time to play."

    Be sneaky - Overcome, improvise and adapt. I've been doing it for years.

    PS. Don't get caught...When SHE comes - Turn off the monitor quickly, grab a kid and start playing with them. That's how I do it. Well, now my kids are too old, so I just grab a dog. Works just as good.

  7. Good AARs, Redcon. I don't have to show my Pics. Same stuff. You won.... You won...

    The first game - I wanted to try something new. Take the center city and build a strong defensive perimeter as I took control of the objectives. What shocked me was Redcon dropped slightly North of my drop. It was like a couple feet from my drop. What about the plan? It vanished. What was left was a pathetic scramble to think of something to do. Redcon had a 14mm AA position in the central part of the city. It was this one robot - This freaky, mean, thing that just sat there - Shooting everything out of the sky. I didn't want to change my drop schedule. I knew I would get to Bob or Dick! Whatever its name was..... No, it became an obsession. I wanted this robot killed - Stripped of its tires and have all metal parts ripped from it, piece by piece.

    Something terrible was happening. Robby or Rick or whoever that bot was - was kicking the crap out of everything I threw at it. It was standing on top of a pile of downed dropships. Stacked three high!!! I couldn't believe it. It was just sitting there, laughing at me. I truelly hated him. I would get just close enough to shoot him. Wham! Redcon would take a shot and blow me away.

    I didn't remember the mission. I went off course and played bad.... and I lost. Redcon you beat me hands down on this one. Good job.

    I still hate Tony or Chuck or whoever that bot was....... The prick.

    The second game - I stayed focused. I played the way you should play. Think of the overall mission not evil individual bots. My shot came back too. The first game I couldn't hit anything. The second game I hit everything. I just did a push from the South into the city. Once I establish control I setup a AA screen and prayed time would pass.

  8. Gentlemen,

    I have a problem with the new update. I have Windows XP. When I am at the network tab and select the refresh button. I have one server that shows up highlighted, "Delta_Povenis" - The Join Game button is not enabled. I can not connect to the server. This happens only when there is one server listed.

    [ September 13, 2007, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: ThePhantom ]

  9. OK, I've made it with some two story buildings for the MG squads to support the assault into the compound. Play as Blue only or two player.

    If you play red - the blue side crawls the entire way and die one by one as they enter the compound.

    The enemy will counter attack this time.... So stand by. I seriously like this one. Download it and get ready to command Bravo Company - To clean the streets and kill everything they see.


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