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Posts posted by HardRock

  1. Actually I also noticed Russian HQs bunching up in the same area(I took Leningrad and they were in the forest protecting the next city east). I just figured they had so many they could use them as units to defend:)

    I also see lots of Russian air attacking anything. And they seem to have a lot compared to my paltry air playing at intermediate.

  2. Juheepers...I got to start all over on Normal difficulty <cough> beginners which btw is mislabeled ..I'm no beginner after 40 + years:)

    It's just a 10% decrease in MMP for intermediate correct? apparently I need that 10%.

    Playing Germans at intermediate I just feel stalled unit/mmp wise in May 1942. True I did take Leningrad. But stalled at Rostov and way short of Moscow (didn't even get Orel)

    So with AI being limited to being AI, I am pretty impressed with the AI changes. At least no more charge of the light brigade by them. True they still feel compelled to attack at crummy odds in spots but I can handle that:) But I am impressed with the concentration of attack and reasonable withdrawals.

  3. I see I can't even play SC Gold anymore. It needs GC so clearly gold is just an expansion.

    I must have erased GC since I thought gold would be all I need.

    I do have GC on my older networked computer but I don't think you can just copy the game folder.

    So I need to get the GC setup file so will contact support since it's outdate which makes this topic now void. Sorry;)

  4. Ask us what we think of video card hardware and drivers and we'll tell you. But be prepared, it isn't a "family friendly" commentary :D


    I feel your pain:) When I first bought a PC (286) I said "a separate video card?" after using a C64. The PC wasn't meant for gaming although it had the computing power.

    Computers or at least video cards need to be socialized;)

  5. Does everyone get flickering on the bldgs and to some extent bushes?

    Its like flicker shadows above the window heads and at the floorline.

    Very annoying. Tried balanced and high detail.

    Everything else fine. Veh and soldiers are nice!

    Hot game. Haven't played it yet but I got that feel.Fined tuned CMBO and thats good.

  6. I play RT exclusively. Just never cared for the WEGO. Either way I like tiny battles which is a lot to command properly in itself.

    I need two hours so usually play quick battles. (Didn't think I could edit time in the campaigns so might try that).

    Whats nice about RT is you pause to make all your orders and then can get right down to the action of a couple units to watch the glory:) Again pausing when new threats or orders arise. Its a lot of pausing but it still seems to have a good flow. I pause sometimes when I see tracer fire to see where its coming from.

  7. I often use quick move. They will still fire at targets. If it gets to heavy I just cancel the move till the fire lightens up.

    And moving quick in the open is a good thing actually. Its what they'd do.

    Hunting is mostly for moving when you don't know whats out there since they will stop when spotting target(s).

    I don't use hunt if there are targets in front of me since they won't move. I use quick.

    And if you need to get into a bldg crossing open gorund..even fast is appropiate.

    Moving slow is just for creeping foward a small distance to get a better firing location.

  8. They might be a tad boring? In CM1 they were often tiny scenarios/maps with very few units. ASL was IIRC more of a squad based scale. Where as CMBN is more of a Company level game.

    Still would be nice to see some of the classic scenarios re-created for a nostalgia feel.

    This is true.

    ah but a Kelly's Heroes campaign:)

    Prolly fit in 3 battles...the minfield,the river crossing,and the finale;)

    oo 3 tigers vs one sherman lol. can the AI make them drive dumb? :)

  9. That was my question a few days ago. Then I clicked on the "plus" sign after pruchasing a BN. I like the method now that I know it as said above it keeps the command link.

    Also when our purchasing individual vehicles or special units make sure the unit you then attached to (ie: BN,Co, or Plt commander) is highlighted. Important for C&C

    It's a backwards way of purchasing but I see why it's that way and it works perfectly.

    So much fun..you have a few minus points and need to cut someone...but from where:)

    Every point matters so some units will have less experience etc and even swap a HT out for a jeep or even a cheap truck.

    It's my favorite part of the game.

    I just wish it was connected to a campaign.

  10. We are definitely working on the force picking logic. Especially for Tiny battles. We thought we had the AT Gun obsession put to rest, but apparently there is still some condition where it comes roaring back into action. Trust me, it was much worse before :D

    So what are the other issues that seem to be coming up too much? We will take a look into them and see what we see. So far I've noted here:

    1. Rain

    2. Not random enough with map choices



    1. I'd like to be able to save during the force selection menu. Like take the saved force pool on another map.

    2. I'd like a campaign, even if a mini one (a few battles) with the orignal force pool selection.

    The quick battle is really my favorite since you choose your troops.

    I usually go with tiny or small battles.

  11. I like the quick battles. Lots of different scenarios and maps you can do.

    I did a small recon and both sides were down to less than 5 men!!! I Couldn't clear out the last Germans resisting fiercly with their submachine guns. Even tried charging the FO team I had left included in the 5 men. Had to end it by cease fire. But I won cus' I had the objective (the town)

    Been playing wargames since the 70's but I never cared for any of the WEGO...or "plot and watch" as I put it, including the CM series.

    However with RT this game is very impressive.

    Has to be the best game in this genre by leaps and bound.

    Called in a strafe P51. Heard it but didn't see it. Nor saw any strafing..

    The detail is outstanding!

    I wonder what folks think is more realistic..turn or RT?

    I would guess turn based since the orders are already given for a certain amount of time... but RT is more fun:)

    Oh and saw the tree leaves blow. Checked weather and it was a strong wind. Blowing leaves...are you kidding me!:)

  12. My obs....

    2nd time playing axis. First time I played at +50%. After reading here of lots of mmps for the AI to have lots ofunits I turned off the fog of war around mid 42 and looked what was facing me. Forget it.

    Restarted. Set experience at .5 instead which works fine.

    The thing with difficulty levels is historical feel. If you're fighting twice as many units in the case where games add more is no fun. If you're adding stronger units (in this case experience) it feels funny losing a battle attacking with a superior unit.Thus the realistic feel is taken away.

    Therefore the most realistic and hence fun would be normal difficulty..otherwise (maybe because the AI is so easy in most games) it's just an exercise in playing a game lets see if I can beat it outmumbered 10:1 or whatever.

    Luckily the AI in this game is pretty darn good compared to most. Leave a hole and you'll wish you hadn't. Get cocky and send a panzer out a alone and he's dead.

    I'm in late 41 and overall thoroughly enjoying the game. Getting all the Japanese units ready to take indonesia all at once and then be ready to grab the Phillipines soon after while protecting the amph units from naval attack is a trip. Lot's of planning req'd.

    No game will have a great human AI. Accepting that, this "game" is the best challenge in that at least you have to plan.

  13. re: Foochow. I left it alone early on thinking I could mop it up later. Not so, the garrison must be made out of steel. The next time I play I will concentrate on this first which takes all 3 square sides plus CV air.

    When I did take it I left it vacant and they put a partisan there along with another unit adjacent. Again I had to shift more resources over to take it AGAIN!!!! grrr.

    I notice in this version CV air doesn't do as much damage but sure takes losses. Fine, I like the challenge:) I do play at intermediate +50%.

    As others said you have to treat each square in China separate. There is a place in the north where I leave open and the AI loves to send a unit in where I promptly have 3 units to counterattack and destroy it. I always try to destroy a unit first so it can't reinf. However there are times you just have to start hammering to wear it down.

    By Oct of 41 I have all the major cities in China I expected to take (basically up to but not including Chunking). Thats where I usually stop and defend so I can concentrae on the 2nd stage...Thailand Burma etc.....

  14. Thanks for your Replies Hubert and Bill, I appreciate your game and your help.

    I have decided to journal this learning experience for comment and shared enrichment for any other newbies out there.

    It's 1943 scenario and I'm playing for the allies. We started out invading Italy. It was a bust. The allies took Sicily but can't get anywhere on the boot. Lost about 4-5 units trying to get at the boot but they were slaughtered. Germans in Naples held strong. The invasion is off for now.

    Learning experience here. Unlike other wargames where air units are at an airbase and fly out to attack their targets, then fly back home with enemy planes flying in to intercept and escorts jumping in to defend. These units don't "physically fly" to the target hexes. Wow, that takes getting used to. I'll have to read up better on how air movement and attacks work. I was hoping I could fly all those British/American planes to Italy and blow the Axis out of the boot. Doesn't work, not enough air range. Also, It takes getting used to the planes "Attack first, stage airbase after." That seems to be the way they work.

    Lots of short cuts in this game like air attack. You can't attack and stage in same turn so it doesn't matter except by attacking with ground units first might give them room to vacate some hexes to stage the air in closer to the front. (thats kinda key here as like you said..air ranges are precious. At least till later in the game when you upgrade to longer ranges.

    You'll probably like this game..with lots of things inherent (like flying air) it plays much faster with the same result.

    One thing I noticed Hubert. Italy's units aren't on the board pre-war so no way of getting units to Africa in peace time.

  15. Well since Hubert said this is the last incarnation (whats he doing next:)) and he wanted feedback from non-reg posters.........

    I've played all from SC1 on (including the great 3R mods) 4 turns in campaign on intemediate diff (+50%)...

    re: map scale. I like it and think it fits army sized units which do not "manuever" at this scale.

    The small manuever terrain in sw china is great...ie: challenging. If a game isn't challenging..it isn't a "game"

    Not sure on the comments on the Brits not going after U boats.

    Lost one U boat and another damaged sitting on the north atlantic convoy so...

    re: japanese havr to much money. Good explanation Hubert. But at intermediate I can barely build inf,one armor and make up losses. So I don't have too much especially knowing my oil will be cut off:)

    France seems easy but big deal..they're froggies.

    Thats all I have for now. I love it as I did the past ones and this as I would expect is the best.

    Good job Hubert. Whats next? ;)


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