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Posts posted by Moosegum

  1. Originally posted by Floydii:

    I consider this exploit fair trade for my retarded troops ignoring the gaping hole I blasted with an MGS, and trying to run out into the street to use the front door.

    That's a good idea. Just managed to breach a wall myself and when I told my men to run through the gap - off they went in the direction of the main gate...!

    So, according to house rules, clipping-and-dismounting is allowed only after a wall has been breached.

    Should work nice.

  2. Borg spotting in CM2 is wonderful.

    One comment: Though I agree with others about it being unrealistic that our units can easily determine the details of a unit (type, number, state) I would suggest that you make this a feature that you can adjust in the realism settings instead of just cutting it down once and for all. And please don't just tie it to the 'easy' setting...

    Specific attention when fine-tuning the spotting should also be given to any RPG units. Soldiers on the ground, I think, are very much on the lookout for these, so they should be a little easier to identify when first spotted or when the first RPG has been launched (but still just as hard to actually spot in the first place).

  3. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how exactly do you guys breach the walls?

    I have no problem blasting a hole in them with the gun of an Abrams or perhaps a Bradley, but what if you only have Strykers available?

    Do you have to have special infantry to use the 'blast' command - or can all infantry units do that? (I haven't been able to do it in the first 4-5 campaign missions).

    I keep hearing people tell how they breached a wall with a Stryker Platoon as part of their tactics in a scenario, but can't for the life of me figure out how they do it without the 'big guns'....

  4. How about an army barracks, where you could browse through your units and check their status, kills, technical data etc...?

    This would really add another dimension to the game.

    The de-briefing screen could have a button that took you to a detailed resumé of the battle, with status and kills for each participating unit in that particular battle.

    And the briefing screen could have a button that took you to a similar screen that showed statistics for the units for whole campaign so far.

    Clicking on a unit in this screen would then give you a full technical run-down on the particular unit/vehicle.

    That wouldn't take so long to implement, would it?

    What - two, three hours of work...? ;)

    And it would make so many happy CM2 players even more happy!

  5. Yes, I have heard.

    Well, I guess I can see where they're coming from at least when using the WEGO system.

    But to make the new real-time gameplay flow like it should a faster and more painless way to get around and issue orders is needed.

    I can't see the point of making a real-time game engine with great graphics and then tie it down with a WEGO interface/camera that forces you to play the game from a chess-board perspective.

    I hope they are considering softening their principles on this point, but I guess only time will tell.

  6. but to be fair its not all that hard to just click the unit, padlock it with the tab key and then hit the 1 or 2 keys to get the camera down to that same level...
    But once you're down there, it's very tedious to go to another unit. You have to pan the camera and find the unit and then start the process over.

    A way to easily jump from unit to unit would be great.

    Personally I'd prefer to be able to select units from a roster of some sort in the bottom or on the side of the screen. One click would select the unit, double-clicking would take you straight to a slightly elevated, back-drawn, over-the-shoulder view of that unit.

    It could just be an abbreviation for each unit written in small, semi-transparent letters down one edge of the screen. That you could turn on and off with a key-command. And the abbreviations could perhaps even be color-coded depending on the status of the unit...

    Right now, I would settle for a way of selecting the next/previous unit without the camera turning in the direction of the unit...!

    This can be very irritating when you have limped the camera into a good position for surveying a piece of the battlefield and want to start placing your units on that piece of land. Everytime you choose another unit the camera turns towards it and you have to pan back again to place the unit.


    And it makes it a pain to issue movement orders from any perspective that does not already have all units you want to use in view.

    So, how say you? Any chance of a unit roster sort-of-thing?

  7. So, my initial attempts seem to indicate, that it is not possible to change the time-limit for campaign battles.

    The editor doesn't even show the CAM-files in the file-browser.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Is it perhaps possible to get into the campaign files some other way - using an extractor of some sort?

  8. Is there a possibility down the line for improving the way you select units?

    Like a box on screen from which you can select the units (a la Close Combat) or just a way to assign units or groups of units to specific keys?

    Having to pan the clunky camera around to find and select a unit and then pan and drive the camera again to select the spot it has to go to is tedious to say the least. The only real gripe I have with CM2 untill now.

    So, any chance this will be reworked or expanded?

    EDIT - And add to that, a key-command that shows you the planned movements of all units (can it really be that it's not there all ready...?)

    EDIT again - How about a mini-map? That would lessen the burden of having to clunk all the way across the map to a specific unit...

    [ July 30, 2007, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Moosegum ]

  9. Yesterday my girlfriend told me to watch a chocolate-almond cake that she had put in the oven while she went over to a friend's place. "Sure", I mumbled without removing my eyes from the screen.

    Two hours later the smoke alarm went off.


    I didn't get any cake last night.

    As a matter of fact, I didn't get anything.

    Damn you Battlefront.

  10. Yes, I knew I would get hit on the head with some patronizing idiocy for asking this - but that comes with the territory, so it's okay.

    The coke power-ups were a good one, though. ;)

    Thanks for the advice, Sergei. My problem, I think, was that I made my men crawl too much (not sprinting), and it took them close to 10 minutes to catch their breath afterwards, which seemed a bit long to me. But I guess it's hot and all that.

    I'm impressed, though, that you take the weather into account with these things. Nice detail.

  11. After fighting little while my squads loose the ability to move quickly. Only the 'move' and 'slow' commands are available.

    The panel labels them as 'exhausted' which I guess is realistic - but although I let them rest they don't seem to regain strength.

    They are not being fired upon.

    They have taken casualties and have wounded men among them, but does one wounded man make it impossible for a squad to move quickly the rest of the battle?

    How do I restore my units' ability to move quickly?

  12. Well, I'm sorry, but it does.

    I get seasick.

    Somehow the camera movements are making me seasick.

    After about 20 minutes of playing the demo I'm so nauseous I have to go lie down. Happens every time. :(

    It's really stupid, I know, and I don't know whether to cry or laugh about it. It's really silly, but it's also keeping me from playing/buying the game.

    I mean, the game looks good, better than I expected (feared), but I can't go out and buy a game that I know I won't be able to play...

    I haven't had this problem with other similar games before (other than FPS shoot'em ups). I've played lot's of CM, Total War series, NWN2 which have similar 3-D cameras and never had problems with nausea.

    So, something in TOW's camera movement is different and is making me sick. And I do feel the camera movements are kind of "softer" than in the other games i mentioned.

    I've tried adjusting the camera sensitivity in the options menu, of course, but that makes no difference.

    I know it's nobody's fault other than some defect in my own stupid head, but none the less this game seems to be off limits for me. A real shame, for as I said, I think the game felt quite good and I was looking forward to getting into it. But that was not to be.

    I just find it odd as the other games I mentioned do not make me sick and I do as much swirling and moving up and down and back and forth in those games as in TOW. :confused:

    Well, the inner ear is a harsh mistress. smile.gif

    Here's hoping they use another camera-system in CM2.

    Enjoy the game - and post some screenshots for an old handicap like me (God, I really do feel old writing a post like this... :rolleyes: )



    EDIT: Changed the subject title a little to make it look a bit less grumpy ;)

    [ April 21, 2007, 03:19 AM: Message edited by: Moosegum ]

  13. Two questions from a coming CMAK owner/scenario designer:

    How many battles does a typical operation consist of? And is it possible to create operations with a very large number of battles (i.e. to perhaps simulate the entire North African campaign as experienced by one specific battalion/company...)?

    In connection with the above: Is it possible to link operations together as another way to create a campaign-like experience as the one described above?

    best regards,


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