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Posts posted by Moosegum

  1. I love the fact that you can review your forces after the battle and see how many kills they got.

    But it would be nice to have more direct info for losses too, in the post-battle screen as well as during the battle.

    As it is now, a weapon icon disappears from the platoon info panel when the soldier dies, but it would be more informative, I think, to have the icons be greyed out or something similar so you can easily see how the unit is depleted.

    It can be difficult to quickly determine how many men a unit has lost otherwise.

  2. Another small question:

    In the video a german platoon is ordered to move through a hedge/bush (not a full hedgerow as far as I can see) during the next turn, but as the turn starts the platoon decides it cannot go through the hedge and takes a long, potentially deadly detour to get to the destination.

    Is there some way to find out whether a unit can pass through certain terrain, i.e. bushes, hedges etc. before you order them to move?

  3. Aw come on guys. Giving the player 2 hours plus to complete a mission that has been playtested and found to be doable within 50 minutes is just making it WAY too easy and 100% guarantees a win to the human player. Just enjoy the challenge.

    That's why an option to keep playing when the time runs out, be that 15 mins or 2 hours, would be perfect.

    You would still be punished as the rest of the battle wouldn't count towards the battle score or progression in the campaign - AND you would get a chance to play a battle to the end just to see how it turned out.

    I would love such a feature - and I can't really see who would loose anything if it was added.

    If I remember correctly (which I might not), the original Combat Mission games had this feature... although it was added in patch, I think.

  4. A shame - the time limit pretty much ruins campaign play for me, but I'll still have the single battles to enjoy and there's more than a few of them so I'll live.

    I hope, though, that you will make it possible to continue a battle after the time limit expires at some point in the future, or solve this issue in some other way, so we dont have to miss the climax of a battle.

    Punish the player in the final score for not keeping to the schedule, but don't ruin his gaming experience by kicking him out of the game. That's just mean... ;-)

  5. I'm playing marines, and I'd like to increase the time limit for all the missions in the new campaign. Any way to do this?

    Can't seem to load the campaign through the scenario editor...

    It would have been really nice to have at least had the option of continuing a battle after the time limit was reached and the score was given - can't see why a player should be consciously limited in his choices like this and forced to quit a battle that he'd like to see to the end...

    EDIT: Otherwise the Marines Module is great, by the way...! :-)

  6. So does that mean casualties will be tracked for several missions (a whole campaign) or just for the current mission? (didn't play CMx1 much)

    Tracking casualties for a whole campaign would be very cool and help a lot in creating a realistic, engrossing atmosphere in campaigns...

    (this feature is a darling of mine, so please bear with me for persisting...)

  7. Steve wrote:

    One of my top personal wishes is to see casualty tracking put in. I've even got a pretty good idea of where/how to display it ;) [/QB]
    Do you mean 'casualty tracking' as in: Tracking of a unit's kills (and even losses) over whole campaigns à la Close Combat - maybe also with the possibilty of an award system...?

    In other words, a modest role playing element....?

  8. Originally posted by gunnergoz:

    <init whine mode>

    Now I'm really depressed, to hear that we have to wait on some big, glacially slow and probably indifferent corporate behemoth like Sony for the fix...I'd feel a lot better if I knew that it was something you guys were working on personally.

    <exit whine mode>

    My feelings exactly, which is why I have just bought and downloaded the Battlefront version.

    Now, if the Paradox fix arrives in half an hour I'll feel a little stupid, but what the heck - I just got an unexpected day off (major power failure at work) and I'd rather feel stupid than bored, so, I showed them the money. :cool:

  9. Ah, my post came across a bit more harsh than intended.

    My point is, that every patch (as far as I know) since CM:SF came out has been released in three versions: Battlefront, Gamersgate and Paradox.

    And every time the Paradox version (and the Gamersgate too, I would assume) has been released several days (one of them a week, think) later than the Battlefront one.

    A small thing, you could say, but every time it has really irritated me - having to wait for the patch for several days while everybody else is playing and shouting how great/terrible it is, only because I bought a certain version of the game... Why not save yourself the irritation if you can.

    And there are a few other issues, but the extra waiting time for new patches is the main thing.

  10. I'm experiencing this crash too.

    Paradox game version, Paradox patch, clean install, tried downloading from several different mirrors, CTD whenever I left-click a vehicle.

    I have the day off today, and won't get a chance to play again for the next 14 days, so this is a real downer.

    If someone can just confirm that this is another Paradox issue, I'm gonna throw out my discs, download the game and never look back...

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