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Toby Haynes

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Posts posted by Toby Haynes

  1. I read them. One day I might even make use of it!

    Great work as always, Poesel. I'm starting to get the Modding mania again so maybe you'll see some more objects from me in the near future.

  2. In my quest to make Dragons Teeth/ Czech Hedgehogs destroyable (partly so that the numbers in the inventory can be bumped up to the stratosphere), I have stumbled across the required trick.

    I actually mucked around with making the UrbanHouse deployable before I got it right. I added an entry to the Inventory.xml which looked like this:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> <Item>










    <Role>Area Denial</Role>




  3. To back Junglist up on this, Dark_au objects to the ability to drop a tank behind the enemy lines. Given that the name of this game is DropTeam and that Dropships are an integral part of the strategies employed, the ability to insert tanks into the field of battle anywhere does lead to new tactics not found on a WWII sim. But then again - this is a future war sim, not a historical one.

    Personally, I've really enjoyed playing this game since it was released. There aren't many games that have this level of staying power. Try the demo - if you like it, there's lot more in the full version and modders keep adding new stuff into the mix as well.

  4. This release has massively improved the single-player game - the new AI is a definite improvement and has cornered me a few times already with combos of light tanks and Hermes sneaking up on me.

    The all-weapons fire from the AIs has also rebalanced the game - the AI Thors are now to be feared by any Paladin or Apollo driver.

    There does appear to be a lag problem on Low Dunes - I've seen the server have pings of 2157 (that's not a typo).

    New GPU Particle option on the Settings tab. ... Medium to low end video cards will suffer by activating this option.
    This is sad news, at least to me, because my GeForce 6800 GT graphics card, which was the most expensive component in my system is now clearly a medium-level video card :eek: Stutter-city as soon as this is enabled and there is dust around...

    So - this release is a lot of good and some bad. If you can solve the lag problem, I'd be really happy.

  5. Oh well - this is embarrassing. We had a storm here today which knocked out the power and it looks like my evdev experiments with X.org never took - now it fails on startup trying to initialize the evdev protocol.

    Still the LMCtl utility works for me. I'll try and solve the X.org issue at some point...

  6. No - this is a zip of the libraries I needed, all taken from the equivalent 32bit Ubuntu install.. On my Ubuntu 64bit install, I also have a 32bit chroot of the same Ubuntu level (currently Edgy Eft 6.10). That allows me to run the few 32bit apps that really can't work in a 64bit world without (too many) issues, such as WINE.

    Anyway - for definitive instructions:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">cd DropTeam

    unzip 32bitLibsForDT.zip</pre>

  7. Ok - if you don't have an openalrc file, here's the contents of my system-wide one. This can be copied into your ~/.openalrc file.

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">(define devices '(alsa))

    (define alsa-out-device "default")</pre>

  8. One thing I missed was "Set Formation" (Alt-o) which makes one (or more) tanks stay in that position relative to another tank. Useful up to a point but I'd prefer something a little looser and I tend to deploy flanking units using advance or similar commands.

  9. Originally posted by Whiteowl:

    One thing I am having a hard time with (other than staying alive) is how to control the bots. I want them to move with me, or to just lay down some fire, how do I tell them what to do?

    All commands to the bots are done on the TacMap (press Space to toggle). You can select each tank by clicking the left mouse button on one. Ctrl-Click selects extra tanks. Drag-click selects all units in an area.

    Now - there are lots of commands. They can be accessed by right-clicking on the map. Take a few momemnts to read the short cuts next to the commands, since they are a massive speed-up to coordinating tanks. These are the ones I use the most. Most will require you to click on the map to specify an objective point.


    • Attack (alt-a) - move immediately to attack this objective.</font>
    • Advance (alt-v) - move towards this point, engaging the enemy as you go.</font>
    • Hull down (alt-h) - Move towards this point until you can see just it, then stop. If the tank is approaching this over a rise, this will only expose the turret of the tank to any enemy at the specified point.</font>
    • Defend (alt-d) - defend this point against all enemy targets</font>
    • Extract (alt-x) - GET ME OUTTA HERE! (will summon dropship for collection, regardless of enemy SAM or EWV vehicles, so care is required)</font>

    You can give these commands to both human and bot players. Bots will normally obey them, humans ... not so much :)

    Beware - you can extract another human player and that's not normally desirable, so be careful with that Alt-x.

  10. On the sound front:

    Check to see if you have a ~/.openalrc file in your home directory. If you do, move it aside and try again.

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">mv ~/.openalrc ~/.openalrc-backup</pre>

  11. Welcome!

    This game is very cool. It can also be quite challenging so don't give up, do ask questions and watch how the older hands pull off their maneouvres and coordination.

    Oh - and if you have a microphone, you should try testing the voice chat feature. Run a game in Standalone mode and press the Chat button - you should hear your voice coming back at you after a brief pause.This can make comms a lot simpler in games with other human players.

  12. I couldn't find Logitech Applet any more, but the following link allows you to set the resolution of your Logitech devices:

    LMCtl home page

    My xorg.conf file now has the following entry for my Dual Optical Mouseman:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">

    Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier "Configured Mouse"

    Driver "mouse"

    Option "Protocol" "evdev"

    Option "Dev Name" "Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse"

    # Option "Dev Phys" "usb-*/input*"

    # Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse1"

    # Option "Buttons" "5"

    # Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"



  13. Originally posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]:

    I have DT on XP and Linux (Xubuntu32bit)

    I have a Logitech G5 laser mouse.

    The Mouse works fine in both OSs.

    However when I zoom in and try to aim at distant targets in Linux (not in XP) the mouse seems to lose its accuracy. It feels like when you try to use an optical mouse on white paper or a completely gummed up traditional mouse.

    Given the discrepancy between the two OSs I thought: must be da driver. In a website somebody posted his xorg.conf settings for his G5. Under driver he had "evdev", whereas I have "mouse"

    Now my Linux has evdev, but if I exchange "mouse" to "evdev" the x server crashes.

    Any ideas?

    Yes - it probably is the driver causing the mouse to be used in low-resolution. I have a Dual-Optical MouseMan which is technically capable of 800dpi but I've ... ummm ... not bothered to try reconfiguring it.

    Anyway - Xorg requires certain arcane knowledge which can only be acquired at night with only the glow of the LEDs illuminating your straining eyesight as Dark Secrets and Strange Magicks are explored.

    Or you can just read this page instead (darkness not mandatory) smile.gif

    Configuring Logitech Mice

    If X.org is proving difficult to debug, you can send me the logs over email and I'll waive a few strange herbs over it :eek:

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