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  1. Bravo, a compassionate nance and Yamaha head @ that too. First go learn English, then take a hike Kike
  2. The reality-based camp says more than two Peter, estimates are in the billions and rising. :eek:
  3. I can give a lucid answer. My parents are loving and tolerant folk, when they had me, little did they know their son would be on to your country's and people's ruinous designs on mine. Who's America's worst friend and enemy? Israel. Who's a threat to the globe? That's right. Whose barks will no longer be heeded (hoepfully)? Right again. There's yet a lot you're incapable of understanding, so Spare us the sentimental malarky why don't ya.
  4. I don't mind J D's Saltiness, nor am I looking for longevity on thsi board. To have lasted more than 1 post is a triump already. Cha, Cha. [ April 24, 2006, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: TanksMucho ]
  5. When it comes to bombarding Iran’s numerous nuclear facilities, Israel has no choice whatsoever but to remain “idle.” It can feel as uncomfortable as it wants, foam at the mouth and lay eggs, it has neither the capability, ordnance, airspace, or logistics for such a distant and complex mission. Better yet, an air campaign which must be sustained for at least several days to have any semblance of success. The implied claims and threats of Israel are the stuff of posturing, grand standing, theatricals and misinformation. The only country in the universe capable of mounting such a bombing campaign is the USA. Next to America’s might, Israel comes off as a crushable termite. However, termites by their nature are destructive and treacherous insects, they covertly infest giants and begin to attrit and corrode. That’s how Israel incites and indoctrinates Washington neocons to do its dirty work. The Israelis attain a strategic piece of mind over the dead bodies of young American soldiers and their Defense $billions. __ First Iraq, and now the nagging and whining on Iran ( proof? Oren m Nance). To compare the Iraq 1980s bombing run to a potential Iranian bombing campaign is futile and militarily comical. In the 80s, Iraq was engaged in a vicious war with Iran and had ONE overground, merely defenseless and uncompleted nuclear reactor. Israel exploited Saddam’s preoccupation with the first Gulf War and struck. Even with all the latter Iraqi debilitations, Operation Sphinx almost failed due to refueling problems. To add to what Mr. Cairns stated, in order to insure first strike success, an Iran campaign has to designate hundreds of targets in a coordinated, integrated, simultaneous maritime, surface and air effort. The above is notwithstanding the need for in place, vast supplies of smart, dumb and b bustin’ ordnance coupled with covert ground element laser guidance. Add to the latter, battleship, sub and naval patrol presence to keep the Straight of Hormuz open for tankers and your SUV. Whence da **** does Israel come up with such colossal, superpower capability and assets? Hah? From a bagel shop? By the time US bombers begin returning to Diego Garcia, and as we complete our 5000th sortie, Israel would still be sucking Turkey’s dick to let it over pass with its two F16s. Forget about Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi airspace, not gonna happen. And as if airspace was the only prohibitive factor. Now if you tell me Israel has the capability to bombard heavily populated, emaciated and famished Gaza ghettos, I’ll more than agree with you. But even then, it’ll run out of ordnance and ask us for more; freebies of course. Such grandiose campaigns are for giants, not their flea-ridden pets. And the mere reassuring knowledge of Americans possessing this almighty, unmatched capability is enough. Prosecuting a last hooray, $costly and needless Iranian campaign at the behest of Israelis and Rumsfeld is pure folly. [ April 24, 2006, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: TanksMucho ]
  6. Here’s what YOU should remember, the Iranian president is merely addressing unfinished business. He’s lamenting the fact that Hitler didn’t incinerate your grand parents along with then-toddler Olmert genius. You’re concerned about the well being of gays are ya? That’s one sorry ass predicament, a Golani nance. Heck, half the population of the union’s red states, rural and middle America want Israel and its kind wiped off the map, the mullah merely had the stones to announce the desire of half the globe. Suddenly everyone is shocked, shocked! All you impotent Israelis wanna do is fight to the last American. And you’ve three stooges in the white house buying every one of your diabolical designs. Israeli generals brag to the media about takin' out Iran’s subterranean facilities preemptively eh? Why the Israeli air force couldn’t take out a massive herd of goats in south Lebanon, let alone distant, scattered bunkers. You ran outa there like horrified flea-infested gay dogs. But hey, Olmert can sure lobby Kike-placating Americans to sacrifice their constituents’ sons for the ends of a manipulative and damnable Jew state. The only force on earth that can undertake such a bombing mission is the US Air Force. Tel Aviv can only stoke, poke, drool, wish and dream. Consider this though, Israeli soldiers like your Cabala Shylock ass are very good with bulldozers. Hell, give Oren a bulldozer and he’ll turn Harlem and its inhabitants into Fenway Park & Cemetery overnight. You can talk, nag and whine till you turn blue and dead, Iran will get the bomb, later rather than sooner, but will get it. The days of Kikes being the lone Nukes-bully in western Asia are long gone shmuko. Start learnin’ to be on the receiving end. Oh! Wait, you’re already good at that, you’re Oren nance. The only regime change that’s takin’ place in your neck of the woods is that of your blimp and comatose ex prime minister, the Pol Pot of the Mid East (worse than Hitler). Because he sure changed his regime, he once weighed a ton and now, after a good brain toastin’, his comatose ass may resemble earth dwellers after all. It’ll be nice if all of Israel follows this kinda Kike “regime change.” I'm confident the above lighthearted observations won't be construed as anti-Semitic. [ April 24, 2006, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: TanksMucho ]
  7. Will you stop for a minute and reflect on how right you are? Are you the voice of reason and the consummate diplomat? Absolutely. Should your sanity and cool head entitle you to takeover as president? Yesterday isn’t soon enough. Should your less handsome, equally perceptive brother replace Rumsfeld? Without a doubt. Is your level of intellect paralleled within red states? In a pig's eye. Are you an expert on the intricacies of the NPT and laws which govern it? Par excellence. Are you and like-minded Americans who aren’t in a trance too late to save us all? Afraid so. Will many say you told us so at the $8 a gallon level? Lamentably yes.
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