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Posts posted by Bunyip

  1. The Dropteam guys seem to have no problem supporting then all.

    Guess it's just a matter of the devs picking/knowing cross-platform toolchains and libraries.

    I'm sick of being treated like a second-class customer just because I have a sense of quality. :mad:

    Oh well, I'll just have to keep pirating MS's ****e, they sure aren't worth the cash.

  2. Hi,

    spent a few hours on drop team over the past week, so here's a few thoughts.

    1. Steering is clunky.

    The "steering wheel turn rate", ie lock to lock time can be frustraingly slow for low speed maneuvers. I'm in the UK so lucky to play on <100 ping, which probably makes this worse. Converting an analogue control to digital is always going to be a massive compromise. I'd suggest a second set of hard turn keys. eg s/d for left/right and a/f for hard left/right. Should be fun watching all the rolly polly shrikes after 100kph hard turns :D

    2. Turret quibbles.

    Enemy turrets are blanket visible on the minimap and this makes it a trivial task for some on-board arty to clean em up.

    Secondly turret deaths count as player deaths. Score doesn't count for much in a team game but it makes for some ugly stats.

    3. Some endgame chat might be nice, always good to acknowledge a worthy opponent.

    4. Visible model damage.

    Tyres are definately one that stands out as an example of a nice to have.

    5. Non-vertical Drops.

    Can I start a dropship pilot school? What's with all these rookies bringing 'em in vertical? Siting ducks every time. Surely an angled, curved, or terrain hugging approach would increase survivability...

    6. Audio.

    As it stands the immersion factor is severly lacking! How about a surface/speed sound. ie tracks on snow, tyres on road, etc. Add to that a relavent engine and transmision sound. ie hover turbines take a second to wind up to full speed, and few more to wind down to idle when the "brakes" are locked. Of course the turbines would have to wind up before the tank popped back up off the ground. MBT's could have automatic sounding setups. The small wheeled vehicles would be candidates for manual transmissions. Anything would be better than the on/off engine sounds at the moment.

    Turret traversal, ammo reloads, gatling wind downs would add another layer.

    Every heavy vehicle I've had anything to do with makes a hell of a racket, and I feel this vehicle game is sorely lacking that.

    7. Ammo change.

    I haven't noticed any delay on changing ammo type after reload.

    8. Weapon/vehicle combos.

    Why are there no plasma armed vehicles? Where's the 76mm turrets? Why do ions only come in one size? Can MBT's not have tube launched ATGMs yet? I hope there's more to come on the retail release.

    Other than that it's a great game and wish you all every success! :D

    PS, Get in touch with Jon Tuffely at Ground Zero Games and license a Dirtside mod. He's got a great little tabletop that should match this engine nicely.

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