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Posts posted by Severin

  1. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    I've been reading everything there is to read about Strykers since before they were called that. So if I don't know what I'm talking about, I've obviously been doing something wrong these past three years :D


    This is really what it comes down to for me. I'm pretty much inclined to think someone is competent at their job unless they prove otherwise.

    Civdiv, I think we can all say that old Mr. Grammont has proven that he knows what he's doing as far as his job (making wargames goes) goes.

    As far the "Does the Stryker suck" argument that we've had sooo many times before my $0.02 is:

    1) Pretty much all the guys using them I've heard think it doesn't suck

    2) Most of the independent analysis I've heard (Steve including) think they don't suck

    3) It doesn't f'in matter cause the Army will be using them for the foreseeable future no matter how much they may or may not suck

  2. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    BTW, there is a great video up on YouTube that shows some type of aircraft bomb hitting a building that couldn't be more than a 100m or so from the cameraman's position (they were the grunts calling in the strike). The hit was dead on and they were thrilled. Couldn't tell if it was because the enemy got killed or because the bomb didn't hit them instead :D

    You got a link for that?
  3. I like the idea that if your CO gets popped the mission you are fighting is immediatly over. And/or a big hit to you final score similar to the idea of your character being relieved for pussying out of a mission. What was the quote?:

    "Well, Col. me and the boys have been talking and we'd really rather not take that town. We're all kinda tired."

  4. I seem to recall several stories about them crashing. Did they fix all of that, or are those just acceptable losses now that we are at war?

    I recall hearing it was a good way to kill a bunch of marines real fast, but that was several years ago.

  5. Also:

    "The problem with story driven campaigns is that if you try to balance things out, to make it interesting for both sides, the battles all tend to seem similar. With a single player only option the story can be far more interesting and dynamic. The non-player side might have a single sniper and some mines, for example. Horrible experience for a Human player to command tht side, but the AI doesn't mind at all [big Grin] And from the other side, it could possibly be one of the most challenging scenarios that the player has ever experienced, even though he's not facing a dozen tanks an a battalion of enemy troops. So to NOT have the option to do something like this, simply to make sure the opposing side isn't bored to tears, is just not an option. Which is why most story driven campaigns are single player only, even for otherwise multi-player games.

    Will we allow for multiplayer campaigns at a later date? Perhaps, but for the first title the answer is as above... no.



  6. Been lurking for quite a while. Might as well make myself seen.

    "Snipers, be they solo or in teams, are accurately portrayed. No abstractions like in CMx1...



    It took about 30 to search for this.

    On that note, Welcome to the community Mav1. As had been stated before, most of the questions you are asking have been answered before. No need to clog up the board with new threads.

    [ March 04, 2006, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: Severin ]

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