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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Zanadu

  1. To Shatten: Have had the same problem, but it cuts both ways. My best are currently rated about 20 pts. Recently on an intercption mission, the AI sicced a Japanese ace rated at 54 pts on me. Got wiped out totally. But .. a few missions earlier, the same pilot shot down a 37 pt. ace and grabbed a lot of xps fast. Got him and two bombers while the AI team got the wingman. My leader picked up over a hundred points on one mission.
  2. I just downloaded the new changes. I'm not certain that's the problem, by my last fight (on local) both my leader and wingman scored kills and gained xps, but when I went back to pilot management the kills, xps and fatigue hadn't been added to their stats!! What's going on. I got no error notice, just no results.
  3. Unfortunately it over fatigues the pilots in the game seriously. I hand copied the 'Error' message. It is as follows (best I can copy from hand notes: Error occurred in : mscorlib Description: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. Track Info: at System.Collections.ArrayListEnumeratorSimple. More next() at bartbert.games.difo.client.forms.MainForm. PlayBombers()
  4. I have had one hang up. It was right at the end of an 'interception' game. The AI friendly leader had just shot down the last e/a (He111) and the game quit moving. Just sat there, unwilling to finish, and put up an error notice. When I quit the game, it counted my damaged leader as 'bailed out' and my undamaged wingman as 'damaged', by the fatigue it gave them.
  5. Isn't the structral strength of the a/c the measure of fragility?? Any a/c is subject to 'the golden beebee' effect. The crazed bullet that bounces off the edge of the armor and thru the side of the pilot's head, etc.
  6. When discussing the range of weapons, it should be noted that about 80% of fighters killed, were killed by an a/c they hadn't seen until it was shooting at them. Against a non-maneuvering fighter target, getting hits at 600m was quite possible if the shooting a/c was a stable enough platform. The RAF was certainly influenced by the fact that the Spitfire's controls were so sensative that the a/c wat too 'twitchy' for long shots. Also, a/c with wing guns were limited in maximum range by the fire dispersion beyond the haromization point.
  7. The German style of air tactics emphasized that the leader was the 'shooter' and everyone else was there to support him. Leaders were picked by number of kills rather than qualities of leadership. The result was that a comparatively small number of pilots got a wildly disproportionate percentage of the kills.
  8. to Jaroen: In looking at range you missed two factors. The ranges you gave were for internal fuel, but at different altitudes. The 900 miles for the P38 was at 30K ft., while the 1300 miles for the P51 was at 10K. Comperable number for the P38 would be 1175 miles. The P51 counldn't do combat maneuvers with a full internal fuel load as it was too tail heavy until at least have the contents of the fuel tank in the rear fuselage were used up. So range on internal fuel, when figuring Combat Radius had to be reduced by at least 15 percent. Followed with another reduction of 20 percent to both a/c for fuel used in fighting and results for combat radius are: P51 at 10K/@ 890 mi. P38 at 10K/@ 940 mi. P51 at 26K/@ 650 mi. P38 at 30K/@ 720 mi. Close, with a small edge to the Lightning.
  9. Add to the above. The following is the first verse of a poem credited to an 'anonymous B17 radioman of the 15th AF, Italy, 1944'. Oh, Hedy Lamarr is a beautiful gal and Madeleine Carroll is too, But you'll find if you query, a different theory amongst any bomber crew. For the loveliest thing of which one could sing (this side of the Pearly Gates) is no blonde or brunette of the Hollywood set, but an escort of P-38s.
  10. Compared the the Lightning, the Mustang had three advantages: better roll rate, a speed advantage of 15-20 mph, and it was much cheaper to build. Advantages of the Lightning were: higher climb rate, better pitch rate, better acceleration, better gun battery and a more stable shooting platform. In horizontal turn rate and range the two were very similar with the Lightning having perhaps a very slim advantage in both. The Mustang's rep. is largely the result of the fact that very large numbers of them entered combat at a time when the quality of opposing pilots was in serious decline. Actually, the bomber crews generally preferred the Lightning as escort, because the chance of mis-identification was less. A Mustang that tried to chase a '109 thru a bomber formation was going to be shot at by the gunners. A Lightning could do that without being mistaken for another attacker.
  11. A question: Why doesn't the (-1) damage reduction for mmg's apply to the rear gunner of the '110, or the gunners of a/c like the Swordfish, Stuka, or about any of the RAF bombers, which were armed with the same .303 mgs as the Spitfire and Hurricane???
  12. On the ammo question. The Hurrican II with 4x20mm carried 90 rds/gun (about 8 seconds of fire. The P38J/L carried a single 20mm with 150 rds (about 13 seconds of fire) and 4xhmg with 500 rds/gun (about 45 sec.). On the other hand, I believe that the 30mm cannon was considered virtually useless against fighters due to the slow rate of fire. It was devastating when it hit, but actually getting hits even on a B17 required an aimed burst, or you were likely to put shells on both sides of the a/c without hitting. Against something as small and agile as a fighter ...
  13. I'm feeling better about it now. Appearantly I was just unlucky enough to get two very tough opponants in a row and got cleaned twice. Had much better luck in several sorties since. Also have started going in at VH instead of H.
  14. What I'd read suggested the game was energy management, so bought skills for that: power dive, zoom, stay with him, high performance, redline, etc. Usually start at High. And try to check out oppoanant for lack of zoom or dive looking for advantages. My last, the opponant (A6M5) had both and others plus 'extra cards'x7. Actually did shoot him down, but at cost of both my Corsairs. Running badly into fatigue debt.
  15. Can't say I'm happy with the change. Been playing on local vs AI. Hostiles come with 'draw extra cards'x4 or 5 or sometimes 7. I find this a pretty tough go. The new damage rules seem to have pushed tough to nearly hopeless. Was having a lot of fun prior to the change, but not much fun in having every a/c you send up shot down.
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