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Posts posted by CSS

  1. Well to answer the questions I served activelly in the 12th Group special forces for eight years during the Reagan administration.Havin a library of over 4000 books is infinately ore pleasurable than playing Soldier real time. The only time Air power stopped an attack on its own was the German Averanches campaign of 1944.

    No unit that could be classified as an HQ was ever destroyed by air power. In the Game you literally can snipe HQ's with Air power alone and create completly ahistoric realities.

    Our house rules make the game much more WWII similar and Victories are won by Strategy and planning , than by mere brute force. Battleships and Cruisers become essential for Amphibious landings.

    Offensives and defensives become much more the ground of terrian and finess. It is no longer a case that you can hit the all important hex with 20 airstrikes and crumble the enamies line.

    Try it if you are doing a PBEM, the game becomes much more historical and breathtakingly tense.

  2. I PBEM SC with my gaming buddies of over 30 years. To make the game MUCH more realistic, we use a few very simple house rules that greatly enhance the game.

    1. HQs can only be destroyed by land combat.

    2.Any land unit may only be struck by two air units per turn.

    3. HQs make only be struck by one air unit per turn.

    4. While nuetral The US can only move fleets on the 48 contiguos coastline

    5.Italy may only move on her coastline or port to port in Afrika.

    6.No Nuetral ship may block any shipping route at all.

    These simple rules have GREATLY enhanced the fun and realism of our games. We almost exclusivly play Brute Force, but look forward to Nupremal's Masterpiece once I upgrade my PC's power.

  3. When Hitler did the Non-Aggression pact with Staling in1939 it shook the world, When germany invaded and was conquering France and the low countries England offered instant Merger of France and England. Yes All French citizens would be English and all English citizens would be French ONE country fighting the Axis till Final victory......the Vichy goverment declined.

    In Decemer of 1940 Molotov actaully tried per Stalin to become a FULL and Forth partner of the Axis powers. Hitler at his Zenith declined, up till past the battle of Kursk Stalin was ready to make a separate peace.

    So let us think not, the possiblities WERE definately there not mere wistful conjecture.

  4. Other parts of the world in WWI Germany had three major colonial areas in Africa. Lettvow Von Vorbeck , a reserve Colonel tied down over 250,000 troops in his first true guerilla warfare. He was never defeated all the way to 1918.

    Germany had several Pacific colonies and an Pacifics fleet consisting of 2 battle crusiers, and three light crusiers. Under the command of Admiral Schnee. He smashed the British in the Naval battle of Coronel. Handing the English their worst Naval defeat scince Napolionic times.

    The Japanes Siege of the German for of Tsing Tao on mainland China was a classic siege. The famous beer Tsing Tao is actully a German brew.

    The Japanese scarfed up ALL the German Pacific colonies , the Marshalls, ect ect.

    The Japanese actually sent a Naval squadron to the Med to guard against german and Austrin Uboats.

    The war was truly Global, if not as expasivly Global as the Second World War.

  5. Played against Axis at +100 expiriance and +2 stars. Also I do ZERO politics as a balancing VS the computer.

    The best part of something new, is that it is new and unpredictable. The amount of decisions the Allied player has is staggering. Many although sounded and were great left me so short of Points it was excruciating. As the war progress and I got the hang of thing I was able to mount defenses and Campaigns of my own VS the Axis.

    However unlike all previous Version of the SC series, IN Global the reboundability and reactive powers of the Axis was unbeleiveable. I several times though I had crushed the Axis in Russia only to see my Counter attacking Armies melt away and come under renewed and DOGGED offensives from the Axis.

    On China my defense was heroic I was sure that I was bleeding Japan dry yet after years I was finally out flanked and surrendered. Russia had Germany on the ropes. But 1 turn after China fell Japan attacked Russia eating up all my Stratigic reserves and wearing me down on two fronts faster than I could recover.

    In the Naval war BLOODY combat between England and all three Axis. After lossing the intiative to the Axis. The USA built a massive destroyer fleet and I swept the Uboats from the Altlantic....Only to have like 5 turns latter to be completly suprises by a massive Uboat fleet that decimated my destroyer fleet.

    In the Pacific my Carriers ruled supreme till be caught in rough weather were mauled by Japans Battleship.

    Due to very limited sight Naval battles can be VERY Deadly.

    In Mid 45 I was not going to take the needed Axis cities for Victory. A GREAT game!

    I salute Hubert!......And drink a pitcher of Texas strength Maragaritas.

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