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Posts posted by tornado

  1. Time usually playing: 9pm EST - 12am

    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

    Usual Time Spent playing: 3 hours

    Best Day to Play, Sat or Sun: Saturday

    Favorite plane in DIF: P-51

    Would join squadron: Yes

    DIF Employee You Wish to Play Most: Dan the Man

    a close 2nd, even though you are not an offical staff member would be you Ray :D

    [ January 06, 2006, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: tornado ]

  2. Originally posted by Sixxkiller:

    Haha Tom, wasnt really an update but there were a few emails on the subject and when everyone gets back to normal after the holidays I will be submitting plans for all this, INCLUDING, some squad based tournaments. Hey I have 4 of them so far, I figured I would have 4 when I started and when the other countries come out, you can expect them to be added to the consortium. smile.gif

    And Lakespeed, I would be proud to have you in one of my squadrons, or all 4 if you decide. smile.gif As far as being the best, well I do have Tornado so how good could it be???? smile.gif j/k


    Ray is right - my performance is hurt by having to pull him along :D But hey, that's what squad mates do. lol Looking forward to hearing about your ideas, Ray.
  3. Hey Ray! Thanks for the update. I suspected that Dan and Brian had at least the beginnings of a plan for squadron based events/battles. I anticipate that as the DIF Community grows there will be more demand for this to occur. One idea that shouldn't require a large amount of reworking the system is to allow squadrons to face off in the campaigns (even if they don't get to use their aircraft, but system assigned aircraft). I must say that I am looking very forward to squadron based events. I see new names on the server almost everyday now, and I know all of us hope to see that continue.

  4. Hello lakespeed. I joined VMF-6(that's Sixxkiller's USA squadron), after having the game about a week. I joined up with two pilots & wingmen because I, like you, didn't know if I could keep total control over my pilots. You do keep 100% control over your pilot. One of my British pilots joined The Black Angels (that's Zonzo's UK squadron) about 2 weeks ago. I joined in anticipation of having tournaments/duels with other squadrons. That has not occurred just yet, but I anticipate that it eventually will.

  5. Originally posted by Sixxkiller:

    Hi Tom,

    As punishment for your previous attempt at mutiny, the P-47 doesnt have cannons (in the new test). So the P-47 will not have any additional damage modeled. That is all...


  6. Hi Brain - yes, we have been very interested. I DO like the idea of a damage bonus for certain aircraft. When flying something like the P-47 I felt a little "cheated" that a zero could inflict the same amount of damage as I did with the same card. It just didn't really seem right, but I accepted it. However, I agree with lakespeed in that making an IMS1:1 useless (by having a -1 damage "bonus") for certain aircraft is a very bad idea. I have flown low level aircraft that only get 1 or 2 shots in an entire mission - and more often then not it's an IMS1:1 card. Just throwing my 2 cents in. I'm half asleep now, so I'll probably have more to say later smile.gif I know -just what you wanted to hear!

  7. I finally got a Medal of Honor yesterday! My pilot "mack" achevied his MOH on an escort mission. He does need to share his glory with his Wingman for his hard work in the mission. I was surprised he got it because one bomber did get shot down, the other was undamaged. Way to go, Mack! :cool:

  8. I was surprised to see your pilots suddenly disappear from the leader board last week, CSS. Dan logged on lastnight and we had a discussion about the number of "draw extra cards" the bots seem to be getting. Again, good talking with you Dan. I'm not sure we resolved anything, but I felt better that the "head man" knew my complaints.

    As far as the bots being any tougher than they were, I haven't seen it. The last update before this one however, I lost three of my best pilots in a day and a half. So I can sympathize with you. I complained while I was logged on (not here) that I thought they were tougher then before, but noone else seemed to think so. It appears on the surface that after updates certain pilots become serious targets for the bots. I am sure this is not the case, but it is strange that certain pilots' luck turn for the worse immeadiately following an update.

    [ December 30, 2005, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: tornado ]

  9. I thought altitude did not affect overall performance. Sure it affects HP and the number of cards you start the game with on your first turn, but in my reading of the manual it doesn't appear that it's supposed to alter the performance. I thought it was impossible for a 110 to have a Performance greater than 5.(4 start, plus 1 for High Performance). Are cyrano01 and I missing something? Speaking for myself, I know I miss obvious things sometimes. :D

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