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Posts posted by Santosdiablo

  1. Well you are right the 4 million nazies that died in the soviet unnion and the million or 2 nazi allied forces is because of stalin

    The purges was a small part only a few thousand were actually killed most of them were just sent away to work camps and most hade been reinlisted before the nazi invasion

    But the fact still remains Hitler killed more then Stalin

  2. No no i wrote this before

    it is from the link

    Stalin's government placed heavy emphasis on the provision of free medical services. Campaigns were carried out against typhus, cholera, and malaria; the number of doctors was increased as rapidly as facilities and training would permit; and death and infant mortality rates steadily declined. Education in primary schools continued to be free and was expanded, with many more Soviet citizens learning to read and write, and higher education also expanded. Stalin was the only ruler in the history of Russia and Soviet Union who established fees for secondary education in public schools. With the industrialization and heavy human losses due to the World War II and repressions the generation that survived under Stalin saw a major expansion in job opportunities, especially for women.

    Stop beeing so angry and just read the link ;)

  3. You guys are just pulling nummber out from your ass

    And yes people went to Gulags

    But you seem to forget that there were criminals in the Soviet Unnion it was not a criminal free country


    Just read

    Also the increase in the Industry was extreme it is highly unlikely that some one else would have been able to do the same

    By killing off your enemies you insure that your plans are carried out and fullfield and that there is no chans of them being interupted with political problems

    Look at the big picture

    And stop pulling figures out of your ass


  4. Uhm no Communsim did not kill as many people as the nazies


    If you have one dollar then remove that dollar and then add a dollar you still end up with one dollar you dont gain or lose anything

    Stlin killed people indirectlly by exporting alot of grain

    But prolonged life by increasing the medical system alot and giving lots of jobs

    If you dont have a job in the 20s 30s then you dont have a chans to survive

    But people seem to miss this fact

    Medical system went up alot, jobs for everyone,

    starvation through grain export and pressing people to work long days

    And the killings of political opposition was never higher then 10s of thousands

    You also seem to forget that Hitler when rizing to power killed all oposition in the 20s and 30s, the SS and the SA hade public blood baths of all opponents and very often would clash with political opposition in Germany but this ofcurse you forget

  5. Stalin did not kill more people then hitler

    What a dumb thing to say

    If you look at what Stalindid from a plus/minus side he comes to around plus minus 0

    Stalin's government placed heavy emphasis on the provision of free medical services. Campaigns were carried out against typhus, cholera, and malaria; the number of doctors was increased as rapidly as facilities and training would permit; and death and infant mortality rates steadily declined. Education in primary schools continued to be free and was expanded, with many more Soviet citizens learning to read and write, and higher education also expanded. Stalin was the only ruler in the history of Russia and Soviet Union who established fees for secondary education in public schools.

    Yes Stalin did kill people but most of them were for the greater good of the Soviet Unnion

    From an objective view

    Because if Stalin hade not exported so much grain or pushed the people so hard then the industry would never hade been built and no industri would have meant that the nazies would never hade been defeated

  6. Uhm Hitler is dead

    The Soviets Buried his corpse near some milatery base in Germany

    And a pice of his skull was sent to Stalin and now it is in the Russian Archives

    Also during the 70s the base was going to change hands so they dug up Hitlers remains grinded them down into dust and let them into a near by river

    When Russian forces reached the Chancellory, they exhumed his body and performed an autopsy, using dental records (and German dental assistants who were familiar with them) to confirm the identification. To avoid any possibility of creating a potential shrine, the remains were then secretly buried by SMERSH at their new headquarters in Magdeburg. In April 1970, when the facility was about to be turned over to the East German government, the remains were reportedly exhumed, thoroughly burned and disposed of in the Elbe River.


    That was made by the absolute top kgb agent of the day the director him self

    Also the order was signed by only the top people includeing Breschnev.

    So Hitler beeing in South America is just a myth

    If you want to visit him goto the russian archives and say hello to a pice of his skull ;)

    Also Hitler was born 1889 so there is no way he is still alive

  7. Uhm are you nuts?

    The raped and killed almost all women they could get their hands on

    The Germans took all women betwen 15-25 in the Soviet Unnion to brothels and all women over 25 were sent to slave work camps

    But it is ok because he is old?

    The SS were after 1943 the scum of the earth even before 43 they were ****

    During 1943 the Nazies were running low on men because the Soviets were killing them so to get more SS men they freed alot of convicts and sent them into SS

    Before 1943 to enter the SS you needed to do diffrent types of test to prove your worth

    Like stand alert with a live grenade on your helmet and just stand untill it exploded

    Or dig a hole and after so and so many minutes a tank would drive over that hole with you in it no matter if it was completed or not

    But in 1943 they needed more men so they let in the scum of Europe into the ranks anything from thiefs to killers

    So just because he is old does not forgive that he most likely raped many many women and children and killed tens if not hundreds of civilians mostely old women and young children

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