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Posts posted by donnieitaly

  1. I've just finished the first scenario in the Marines campaign and to my surprise got a Total US victory. (I should explain.) All but four of my Marines were killed but we did manage to occupy the Observation points and spy out (and indeed bomb for good measure) the suspected "parking lot".

    99% friendly dead is hardly a total victory in my book, but anyway...

    What are (are there any) Rules of Engagement?

    Several times my Marines ran into a house for no reason other than it seemed a safer route. There were no enemy combatants there but what if there had been civilians? Okay, I know the game doesn't feature non-combatants but shouldn't we factor that in somehow?

    I mean at some point in the game I suddenly got lots and lots of Air Power (I love Air Power) and a touch of off shore floating gunnery too. Now my mission charged me with destroying fixed positions and enemy command units which, because I'd played the game so badly, I'd seen nary a one.

    Does that give me the right to expend every ounce of firepower on targets I figure are likely or do I only fire when I have reasonable cause?

    If Congress has enacted a State of War then I can kill everything I see (and be hated for generations) but if it's a crusade against terrorism, should I?

    What it comes down to in the game (and it is only a game thank God) is, when I get the extra firepower should I just use it?

  2. THANK YOU. Hunt command of course combiened with a limiting arc. One thing I noticed about the old CM games is that I always tended to put a target arc on when I really should just have let the chaps do their thing. The arc is really a LIMITING device rather than a help to shoot first and ask later.

    Yes, I am talking about the first campaign mission.

    While I'm here (and apologies for the earlier entry, I must have hit the wrong key) how do I check the beaches for Mines? Do I just "go there"? I got no messages from the program telling me I'd done so.

    Thanks again and Purpleheart23 I hope you got the personal e-mail.

  3. You mean the first campaign mission? I don't remember there being any Javelins in that one..? The hunt command is your friend, that way they will stop when they get into enemy contact. You can combine it with a target arc. Fast tires men quickly, so use it only when you have to dash across the street or something. Slow is crawling, and it also tires them quick, so use only for short distances.

    And don't worry about the shouting, it's more of a way to report to the player what their status is.

    THANK YOU. Hunt command of course combiened with a limitig arc. One thing I noticdd about the old CM games is that I alwyas tended to put a target arc on when I really should just have let the chaps do thir thing. The arc is really a LIMITING deviced rather than a

  4. I'm just starting to muck up the first scenario in Marines. I.E. I'm not so much "infiltrating" from the beaches as being shot to bits in the streets.

    Advice please. If I put my chaps on Fast they don't look where they're going, if on Quick they SHOUT at each other. If slow then they don't get anywhere.

    Jeez on group even fired a Javelin half way across the town to help out their pals who opened fire on a Syrian Infantry group.

    And this is only at beginners level.

    (In my defence I have only just started and haven't even finished the first series of battles in CMSF proper.)

  5. WASD keys for inching the camera I believe DI.

    Bummer about the mouse; does vertical synch make a difference perchance? [Although I might be imagining that there's even a vertical synch option]

    Good Lord, why don't I notice these things! Must be my advanced age.

    Many thanks. I'm now inching forwards and sideways, it's really going to increase my enjoyment.

    Vertical synch I haven't tried yet, but I'll get back to you.

    I've also started the Marines first mission so that's Saturday and Sunday taken care of.

    Thanks again.

  6. Have you tried the ATI left click option in the Options panel of the game? And highest priority option too?

    Thanks for the advice but no luck. All I got was a mouse (sober) but moved like a three legged man with two brains. It jerked left and right and up and down but then went into seizures and stuck itself somewhere.

    Also I cannot get the arrow keys to inch the screen forwards or sideways. The only effect that seems to have is to alter the vertical view. Perhaps because I'm using a laptop with an external number/arrow pad?

    But who cares - I'm playing!!!!!!

  7. Great and if she gets mad you can say honey actually this guy on battlefront with the nick Falconander that told me to get a used computer to play CM1 series.

    CM1 doesn't need a powerful computer to run on. Buying a used computer or a brand new much less powerful computer hence less expensive is a great suggestion. If I were you I wouldn't even buy Vista in the first place.

    I know how you must have felt. I like CM1 series very much too.

    Wishing you and your wife a happy long life Donnieitaly....peace be with you.

    Actually a few points to raise since you're all being so nice to me.

    I'm not a totally un-computer grown up. It's just that I bought it for specific reasons and when it doesn't do that stuff I cry.

    I've probably given you the impression that my son is 12 or 16 years old. Actually he's 28 and if I told you where he works I'd have to carpet bomb this site!

    Finally, I was thinking of buying a second (old) computer when I remembered the blocky plastic cased thing that my screen sits on. Umm, it's a computer. Then I remembered I have two more blocky plastic things around the house (three if you count the TRS 80)oh, sorry three around the house (one's in a corner - bad computer).

    So I guess I won't need to buy an old computer just some more wires.

    Thanks chaps :-)

    PS I'm learning how to think like an American in SForce. If I see a chap with an RPG I call in a mortar strike on him. If I see two chaps, it's an airstrike.

    Wait until I get the Marines and BRITISH set.

  8. Donnieitaly,

    I understand your dilemna. I routinely have to hide new purchases from the wife but I fear she is wise to my ways.

    Understanding that you might be somewhat technically challenged, I would say go with the "Honey I needed a new computer for work that doesn't have Vista. So on my way home I stopped by the local used computer store and picked this one up. Isn't she beautiful..."

    She might applaud your resourcefulness....

    She might indeed, she might also hit me in the head with her 10 year old shoes <g>

  9. Paper Tiger - more new games !!! I already spend more time on my computer at home than I do at work - don't the designers of CM have any sympathy ??? :-)

    I'll have to buy them all and if anyone can suggest a good explanation that I can give to my wife as to why I want to buy a crappy computer when I have a brand new laptop "we" can't afford will they please post them here <g>

    Thanks for all the advice - now if you'll excuse me I'm trying to take the barracks in the first part of the first campaign without losing ANY American lives.

  10. My apologies to both jason and, uhh, the chap above him. I hadn't looked at this site until tonight for medical reasons and for the same reasons I haven't asked my son to come down to try and fix it for me.

    I'm most grateful for your advice (especially since it's delivered without sarcasm which seems to be a difficulty for some people here.) even though I've yet to try it.

    While I'm here I might just add that I had my first two victories today on Shock Force. it's a superb gaming creation and I (nearly) don't care if I don't get my original CM games back. (I do really.)

    Once again thanks and my apologies for the very late reply.

  11. I have a similar problem (well sorta similar -here it is in depth)

    "My problem is this. I've recently upgraded (sic) to Vista run on a Dell laptop and one of the requirements I listed to my son who "designed" it for me was that it should be able to run ShockForce. And it does.

    Unfortunately now I can't run CMs One, Two or Three. You know Normandy, Afrika Korp and Eastern front. This is a major pain for me. A VERY helpful chap called Martin at Battlefront told me it was probably the result of having a new graphics card (whatever that is) and he asked me to list the graphics stuff.



    > >>

    > >> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > >>

    > >> Display adapter type ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series

    > >> Total available graphics memory 1534 MB

    > >> Dedicated graphics memory 256 MB

    > >> Dedicated system memory 0 MB

    > >> Shared system memory 1278 MB

    > >> Display adapter driver version 8.477.0.0

    > >> Primary monitor resolution 1440x900

    > >> DirectX version DirectX 10

    > >>

    .................................................. ..............................

    Chaps, I'm 60 and not the computer genius my son is. I want to live until at least 80, but if I can't have all FOUR Battlefront games what's the point?

    Can anyone help?

    Chris Harvey.

    Now my son who is paid lots of UK £s sterling says the easiest way to get around this is to load a "Virtual Computer" into my Dell laptop. I don't know what he means (well I do, but couldn't do it myself.) by this so hopefully he'll be doing it for me. If you're still not totally happy then send me an e-mail and when he's sorted it I'll tell you if it works and, hopefully, how to do it.


  12. My problem is this. I've recently upgraded (sic) to Vista run on a Dell laptop and one of the requirements I listed to my son who "designed" it for me was that it should be able to run ShockForce. And it does.

    Unfortunately now I can't run CMs One, Two or Three. You know Normandy, Afrika Korp and Eastern front. This is a major pain for me. A VERY helpful chap called Martin at Battlefront told me it was probably the result of having a new graphics card (whatever that is) and he asked me to list the graphics stuff.



    > >>

    > >> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    > >>

    > >> Display adapter type ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series

    > >> Total available graphics memory 1534 MB

    > >> Dedicated graphics memory 256 MB

    > >> Dedicated system memory 0 MB

    > >> Shared system memory 1278 MB

    > >> Display adapter driver version 8.477.0.0

    > >> Primary monitor resolution 1440x900

    > >> DirectX version DirectX 10

    > >>


    Chaps, I'm 60 and not the computer genius my son is. I want to live until at least 80, but if I can't have all FOUR Battlefront games what's the point?

    Can anyone help?

    Chris Harvey.

  13. Steve, it's my own fault. I leapt before I looked. And anyway I'll forgive you chaps for anything since you've given me CM1, 2 and 3.

    I spend most of my waking hours either on EBay or CM (and most of my sleeping hours too now I come to think about it <g>) so I'll pop over and have a look for a 6600GT.

    My son is the registered qualified computer geek in the family and he was home yesterday when I downloaded the game. He's a programmer by profession so maybe a 6600GT is beneath him <vbg>, but if it works and I can afford one I'll order him home to fit it for me. (He won't allow me to touch up MY computer.)

    Again thanks. :)

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