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Posts posted by Bugged

  1. And ya commercialization of private info is bad, but hey, people have complete control over how much information about themselves they want to post.

    I'm convinced that this point is completely lost on people who haven't tried facebook. You don't have to give any real info on that site if you don't want to. Although users are encouraged to use their real names, I've seen plenty of users who have obviously-fake names. And I never use my real birth date when I sign up for anything online - facebook included. It's not like we're slaves to the site just because we want to be on it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check my wall for new posts.

  2. Given a finite number of minutes per day and time to interact with fellow-humans is it best to ignore those people you are in physical proximity with and only talk to old acquaintances?

    Having sat at at meal with both my neice and nephew playing with their phones it did occur to me that social graces are going, and also the idea that you can learn something from new people. I call us new as we see and speak to them 6 monthlyish.

    I love meeting new people and do not particularly feel that there is an inherent virtue in being in contact with your school mates from Grade 1 through 12.

    Facebook has though thrown up a storm of troubles - notably the number of divorces attributed to it. Also lax secutriy and the commercialisation of the information. But then if you make something glitzy enough and it apprently fills a need the majority of people do not see the downsides.

    In respect to your niece and nephew: as with anything, moderation is the key.

    My dad and step-mom feel similarly as you do about facebook; only bad things to say about something they've never tried. Maybe it's the folks who spout their opinions on something they know very little about who are the idiots, eh?

  3. For clarification, dt should have stressed that these cheeks are off the head of a pig.

    On a related note, last month, a friend was going on about how yummy mackeral cheeks are. I was imagining how much work would go into cutting the cheeks off a mackeral, and just how many one would need to make a meal. Apparently they're "not inexpensive, but worth it."

  4. Gee. D'ya think?

    I wouldn't know, and wouldn't pretend to know. I simply don't take an interest in what types of behaviour are linked to which mental illnesses. I had chalked Sheen's bizarre behaviour up to drug use - which seemed entirely plausible given his reputation for drug abuse along with his alarming physical state. Up until yesterday, I'd only heard opinions from news and entertainment reporters (and wtf do they know?), but now mental health experts are also piping up with their opinions.

  5. I actually used to like this guy....I wish he would quit doing things to make himself seem insane though.

    I would imagine it's hard for an insane person to make himself not seem insane. He enjoys sharing his gnarly-isms.

    By the way, experts are now starting to weigh in saying he's bi-polar.

  6. You can eat hemp hearts like you would flax seed or chia seed (brand name Salba). They're all similar in size. The package I have suggests sprinkling it on salad, and that's what I've done. But I've also just poured a handful and eaten it straight up. That's when I can taste the similarity to pistachios.

    Look at the product pics online. This is the brand I've tried...


    And this is the brand my best friend orders off the internet...


    Gotta love the home page of this site. I think someone was smoking the hemp leaves when they designed this page.

  7. Pig cheeks ... ugh ... I once had a pasta dish at a restaurant that contained pig cheeks. They were like little pork flavoured fat strips (way worse than bacon, even!) in my pasta dish. I left all the little bits in a neat pile on the side of my plate.

  8. Damn straight!

    And there is also that group of people who are watching me to see when I discover a product I really like. Then they bring pressure on the manufacturer to stop making it. It then gets replaced on the shelves by another product that doesn't work nearly as well. Are they Satanists? Well, there's no proof that they aren't.


    That's just like when a new food item comes to market and it's soooo super delish that you're hooked right away because the ice cream, for example, is filled with lots of Little Pieces of Heaven. Then one day you buy the ice cream and you notice the search for Little Pieces of Heaven is eerily similar to the Hunt for Red October* and you're all like "Wtf, where's all the good stuff?" But by then they think they've got you hooked and you won't notice, and even if you do notice, you'll continue purchasing the product because you are, afterall, a creature of habit.

    Don't tell me that isn't done on purpose 'cause I know better.

    *with the exception of, among other things, the politics, nuclear threat and seamen

  9. The tinfoil hat conspiracy theory is listed at #6? That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about crackpot conspiracy theories. I hadn't even heard of the other conspiracy theories on this list. And who hasn't met someone who needs to wear a tinfoil hat?

    I was at a veterinary clinic one day when a balding man with a lumpy scalp came in asking to have his head scanned with the microchip reader. He needed a tinfoil hat.

    As for myself, I believe the toilet paper manufacturers intentionally use dull equipment to create the perforations so that the squares don't separate easily, causing users to rip one, two or three more squares than they meant to. And the only reason this didn't make the list is because there's nothing 'crackpot' about it. It's for realz, man.

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