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Everything posted by Niwotian60

  1. Some tips I would add </font> Know your pilots skills and those of your teammate and enemies. Draw cards, starting cards, check six, distract wingman, power dive, shake 'em off, etc. can make a seemingly easy target a very nasty opponent.</font>Know the planes. American planes are tough; Zeroes are agile. Spitfires balance the two.</font>Support your teammate. I see too many 2v2 battles become 2 @ 1v1. Forget who is shooting at you - revenge comes with winning. Support your teammate and gang up on a target.</font>Be very careful killing a leader before his wingman, especially if the wingman isnt' smoking. A healthy wingman gets a full hand of 6 cards regardless of altitude (very nasty at high+ when you just drained your own hand). Even a smoking wingman gets 4 cards.</font>When in doubt, change altitude. If nothing else, it can keep you from eating enemy wingmen flak. It also forces your opponent to throw away some of his/her cards or worry about cards you might have drawn. Even if you have good cards that can't immediately do damage, it may sucker your opponent into thinking you have nothing.</font>Your opponent's teammate can't shoot at your leader plane if it is disadvantaged or tailed. Sometimes the safest position is disadvantaged - and if you have a wingman you can dive/climb and try to split up your opponent's altitudes.</font>Similarly, your teammate can't shoot at a plane that you are tailing or have advantaged. If you can't do damage, consider letting the enemy maneuver back to neutral or even changing altitude to reset the enemy position so that your teammate can shoot.</font>Talk to your teammate! WWII era planes had radios and were in constant communication with each other. If you need help, can't maneuver, etc it may be better to say it when he can help rather than have him learn it by watching you eat 20mm rounds.</font>Watch the turn counter. The last turn or two of the game you should figure out if you have a legitimate opportunity to kill or not. If not, start to think about survival. Remember that the guys in seats #3 and 4 don't have much to lose by dumping every card in their hand to try to bring you down. Better to live to fight another day .... (note to developers: Why use fixed # of turns? Perhaps a future enhancement might be that there is an x% chance of a game ending at the end of every full turn starting on turn #y. This would help prevent some gamey mechanics)</font>Use discard effectively. You can draw as many cards as you have horsepower, up to your performance limit. When in doubt, click on yellow cards to turn them red and see if a new draw slot opens up. If it does, then discarding that card buys you another draw. If not, just click on it again to turn it yellow.</font>It is a game of attrition. Attacking wingmen simply because they only have two cards isn't always the best strategy. Unless you are pretty sure you can do meaningful damage, you are probably better off using your cards against an enemy leader in an attempt to gain advantage and reduce his cards. This doesn't make much difference in one turn, but over two or three it really adds up, especially after he is smoking and/or at higher altitudes (both reduce horsepower). Remember, you get to redraw at the end of your turn and he is stuck with the cards in his hand until the end of his turn.</font>Beware the enemy wingman that draws 2:D/Ace Pilot on you ....</font>
  2. Forgot one suggestion: During an attack or maneuver sequence, it would be nice to see more than just "Player x is selecting a maneuver". I would much rather see a running dialog like: Player1 attacks with a 2:3 In my sights. Player2 goes into a barrel roll Player1 responds with his own barrel roll Player2 attempts a tight turn Player1 counters the turn Player1 hits Player2 for 3 damage Even better, the option to log these. Think of the after action replays possible
  3. I had the pleasure of playing against Dan in a 2v2 game yesterday. Anyone who doubts the skill aspect of the game should give it a try. I noticed he made great use of altitude changes and every time he was level with an opposing player he got in some effective shots. I survived the encounter simply because Dan was nice enough to wave and run on the last turn rather than administer the coup de grace.
  4. I played the demo quite a bit yesterday and wanted to give some feedback: </font> The game is great. Online play (especially 2v2) is fast, fun, and seems to be well balanced. Everyone who was playing yesterday seemed to agree, and it was a very social group. Many of us are already identifying with some of our own pilots (my top pilot, TwoBeer, has a few nice medals) and even other players' pilots.</font>The game seems to be rock solid. I had it up and connected online for over 12 hours yesterday even when I wasn't playing. Memory usage didn't seem to be an issue and performance was excellent. Incidentally, I ran at unsupported resolutions (my laptop can run 1920x1080 and 1400x1050 and neither one caused a problem).</font>I'll definitely be buying the game when it comes out.</font> I do have a couple of suggestions. None of these are game issues and some are probably just my personal preference. </font>Put hotkeys for "join online game" and "manage online pilots" on the main screen. Once the game was set up these were really the only actions I used so it would be nice not to have to navigate a menu every time.</font>In the game screen, put the players' names up above their planes. I know that you can click on a player's plane and see who the owner is, but it would be nice to be able to immediately associate chat names with player positions.</font>When maneuver cards are used against wingmen, it would be nice to see a little visual indicator showing the extra bursts available. Maybe a little red text +1/2/3 bursts" or even just plus signs. It is a little distracting to not get any feedback after using the card.</font>When joining a game, it would be nice to have the option to randomize seat selection, rather than have it always default to the order people joined in.</font>In 2v2 mode, it would be nice if you are the second team member joining to be able to see the starting altitude your teammate picked.</font>The only balance issue I saw was when a leader was shot down the wingman immediately takes over with a full hand of six cards. That seems a bit too powerful, especially at higher altitudes where the other players have had to dump cards to climb. Personally, I would recommend five cards at very low and low, four cards at medium and high, and three cards at very high.</font>On the leader board it would be nice to have a page with all of the medals and their meanings and a link to that page from our individual medals.</font>In the online help it would be nice to have an appendix with all of the cards and what they do. It doesn't take very long to learn them but it would have helped me get started. Maybe even a little bit of advice for cards that have multiple purposes (e.g. vertical roll). You can only right-click (for info) on the cards during your own turn (that is the only time you can see them) and I felt like I was delaying the game when I did that.</font>One minor bug. On multiple occasions one side got an inconclusive result when the other side got a minor victory. I would expect minor victory is always the opposite of minor defeat.</font> Again, great game!
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