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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Zalgiris 1410

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Posts posted by Zalgiris 1410

  1. Yep the red is out going while the yellow is incoming from enemy units at the one that you have clicked on. If both are targeting one another then you ought to notice that the red line of the outgoing is slightly more pronounced. You can check this by clicking on the enemy unit and seeing what it is actually targeting, not doubt you! ;)

    There are also light orangy yellow 'area targeting' firing lines that arn't aimed at specific enemy units but at a point hopefully near where you might suspect an enemy unit to be, especially say where you are only seeing an enemy symbolic star or cross. If an enemy unit is firing 'area fire' near to your unit it does not show up as a yellow line when you are clicked on your unit in this situation. The enemy unit might choose for its own tactical (Tac AI) reasons to directly target (switch to a red or yellow targetted firing line depending on which perspective you are looking at it through) upon your unit at some point during the turn. However if you are playing against the CPU opponent AI you shouldn't have to worry about area fire coming from the enemy, it doesn't employ it except for with artillery battery spotters because it has to. :rolleyes:

  2. Of course all monotheastic religions start out declaring that their god is the greatest, above and beyond all others, therefore the eptimology of Allah is the Greatest (however it is writen in Arabic, re: Saudi flag if required) is actually probably correct, orrigionally. BTW the land of milk and honey was also the land of Elohim and not just of Yaweh, hehe. ;)

    O'h who's a jolly bloody little athiest, o'h yes, o'h yes, o'h yes it's me 1, 2, 3. :D

  3. Yep BFC is much better; what can I imagine BTS to stand for when I'm pissed off? OTOH pretending to be posting complaints to some Bloody F*cking C*nt/s just feels sooo much better. :mad:

    BTW the modern near futrure setting stuff is all fine with me to be sure as long as it means that there is later more CM-WWII and possibly other earlier stuff like Korea, Vietnam and Arab-Israeli conflicts eventually developed on the CMx2 or x3 engine. I'm just really pissed off at the myopically restrictive US Forces only focus as Steve has said even for the 2nd CMx2, WTF!

    I don't understand how BFI can't see a market incentive to broaden the scope to include a range of major national forces even for CM:SF. I mean I'm pretty fairly certain that the Israeli, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealad (at a stretch), other NATO members, New Europeans such as Poland etc, and also the Russian militaries would also be interested in a modern near future training like simulation modelling their forces. Why does CM:SF have to be limited to just a coalition of the unilateral one and only. Where's an improved resolute UN or a more committed NATO in this hypothetical year 2007? :confused:

  4. Yep BFC is much better; what can I imagine BTS to stand for when I'm pissed off? OTOH pretending to be posting complaints to some Bloody F*cking C*nt/s just feels sooo much better. :mad:

    BTW the modern near futrure setting stuff is all fine with me to be sure as long as it means that there is later more CM-WWII and possibly other earlier stuff like Korea, Vietnam and Arab-Israeli conflicts eventually developed on the CMx2 or x3 engine. I'm just really pissed off at the myopically restrictive US Forces only focus as Steve has said even for the 2nd CMx2, WTF!

    I don't understand how BFI can't see a market incentive to broaden the scope to include a range of major national forces even for CM:SF. I mean I'm pretty fairly certain that the Israeli, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealad (at a stretch), other NATO members, New Europeans such as Poland etc, and also the Russian militaries would also be interested in a modern near future training like simulation modelling their forces. Why does CM:SF have to be limited to just a coalition of the unilateral one and only. Where's an improved resolute UN or a more committed NATO in this hypothetical year 2007? :confused:

  5. Yep BFC is much better; what can I imagine BTS to stand for when I'm pissed off? OTOH pretending to be posting complaints to some Bloody F*cking C*nt/s just feels sooo much better. :mad:

    BTW the modern near futrure setting stuff is all fine with me to be sure as long as it means that there is later more CM-WWII and possibly other earlier stuff like Korea, Vietnam and Arab-Israeli conflicts eventually developed on the CMx2 or x3 engine. I'm just really pissed off at the myopically restrictive US Forces only focus as Steve has said even for the 2nd CMx2, WTF!

    I don't understand how BFI can't see a market incentive to broaden the scope to include a range of major national forces even for CM:SF. I mean I'm pretty fairly certain that the Israeli, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealad (at a stretch), other NATO members, New Europeans such as Poland etc, and also the Russian militaries would also be interested in a modern near future training like simulation modelling their forces. Why does CM:SF have to be limited to just a coalition of the unilateral one and only. Where's an improved resolute UN or a more committed NATO in this hypothetical year 2007? :confused:

  6. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    BFC must have some confidence in their new AI to go with an human vs AI only campaign. Intriguing.

    Very intriguing and promising if the BFI are thinking along the lines of developing significant improvements to the abilities of the Strat AI for more than just the multi-CoPlay FPS like side of CMx2. However I really fear that they might just be banking on the complexity of the multi-player team members working together to create by itself enough difficulties gaming wise to compensate for the intelligence or lack there of in the CPU opponent's handling of tactics. :rolleyes:
  7. Quoting from (FNG) falco, but slightly edited:

    This whole new CM/Strike Force thing will be a disaster. Battlefront are obviously going after the FPS teenage crowd who buy MOH & Call of Duty, either that or they ARE going after the US defence contracts. Either way they're ignoring their natural fan base and the result is going to be as predictable as it is sad. Like many other software developers in the past have done, they have come up with a first class product, in this case CMBO/BB/AK and then promptly forgetting what it is that made these games unique in the first place. Guys, wake up!...maybe you should consider why people like myself write (sometimes) passionate messages on this forum -- we LOVE these games dammit!! [End Quote.]

    To a large extent I too am verry worried about your predition, although I'm happy enough with the BFI developing a modern / near future CM:SF game first for the developmental experiment process phase for the next and many further WWII CMx2 games later on, but hopefully soon enough. smile.gif

    I suspect, not that I'm all that concerned though, that the CM third person WEGO mechanics are not going to appeal to the FPS market to a commercially successful degree. I hope that this means that the BFI will have to get back to concentraiting more for the current CM wargaming market even with a few of these modern or other different settings from WWII. ;)

    I also hope that the BFI arn't entirely banking on the commercial success of CM:SF even with a US defense department contract! tongue.gif

    BTW I'm also fearing that the 2nd CMx2; CM:ETO 44-45 is not devoted exclusive to a US Army only song and dance troope, although however I wouldn't be all that bloody surprised at this! :eek:

    [ October 12, 2005, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

  8. Originally posted by Titan:

    How About the battle of the Rhur,now that has'nt been covered and both sides had a good range of units and armour

    Are you joshing Titan, the Ruhr Kessel, that was so exciting that Field Marshal Model committed suicide after acknowledging permisively the unavoidable surrendering of it in order to kill the ennui...no waite hang on you might be on to the right track actually 'cos it seems just underwhelmingly boring enough for the BFI to claustrophobic inducively restrict CMx2 to! tongue.gif
  9. I haven't played a lot of CM Campaigne / operations especially because the CPU opponent is crap at them, a combination of not handling Artillery spotters and on board mortars properly nor being very good at targeting their fires, poorly placed ATGs, AAGs and other such on board field guns like IGs by positioning them way at the back, handling tanks like lemmings and not keeping infanty units connected in formation under their HQs etc. One other thing that actually really pissed me off is the AI tendancy to do nothing on the attack with infantry heavy forces esp when they start in the cover of trees during the first battle and waite for it to finish for an advance of its set up zone.

    Howeveer I am playing a few more campaigne / operation meeting engagements and were I'm the side that is the attacking forces for the slight challage against the AI, I am yet to play CM against a human opponent.

    Anyway 76mm, I am in the process of finishing the set up phase for a really huge one, the 'To the Volga" senario as the attacking Germans with about 470 units to place with only just about fifty more vehicles to go before I'm finally finished. I was wondering if I can use your campaigne tracker development for this one that I've already just about finished setting up for or do I have to skip it and waite to use it for new ones after I've downloaded it. Please bear in mind that I am an absolute ludite to be sure, but I think this thingy of yours is really going to make campaigning much more fun and involving, thanks 76mm.

  10. What's that Bruce your not very good inbetween the sheets even against the AI... :confused:

    Abbott I'm pretty certain that the BFI are maintaining the capacity for solo play in CM:SF etc, I also got confussed about this. Steve said that they arn't breaking what doesn't need fixing (at least that is what he claimed) and that they are keeping the solo play against the AI CPU opponent in the engine. (Hope they still rev that donk up a bit for the Strat AI though.)

    To be sure though I'm still waiting for absolute confirmation of hand soloing in CMx2.

  11. Wicky I'm still struggling with this whole process. I noticed that there is a BMP sub-folder thingy within the CMBB/AK folders. I was wondering if that is for saving screenshots into from the game as well and if using it hepls in this process.

    BTW my brother doesn't understand why you can't just simply copy and paste a screenshot image from Paint directly into the Reply box or while editing posts. Would this also work better from the BMP folder thingy or somefink?

    OTOH we are also not sure about creating or connecting to a webpage or webhost for handling the screenshot images from Paint or the BMP folder etc! We are trying to look into downloading a programme that converts BMP or bitmap screenshot images from the Paint accessory into jpg or gif files through searching etc.

    I'll try beginning again by taking another CM screenshot and following the process AIUI so far and also to try out that BMP sub-folder thingy.

    Thanks again Wicky, BTW I gather that the screenshots from CM can only be attatched to or posted in forum posts as a URL contraption, is this true, unlike as with the case for ordinary pictures?

  12. Haha Sergei, purhaps I need to take a long walk along a very high bridge! tongue.gif

    Anyway, continuing with the subject of this thread, I am still wondering to what extent this Multi-multi-CoPlay technical facility in CMx2 is being devoted to programming wise at the expense of solo and head to head play.

    AIUI there is no campaigne / operational mode for the Syrian side in CM:SF. So may be there are other features or functionalities that are, if not excluded by the intoduction of CoPlay, then purhaps less well improved or availiable because of it.

    BTW I'm not interested in partaking in playing multi-CoPlay, on the one hand I am hopeless with computers and I still have a phobia to phones and other communication based tasks etc, OTOH as a matter of personal preferance I prefer the third person overview wargaming style of CM alone, always alone. (I can't leave it alone!) redface.gif

    I'm not derriding this CoPlay thingy but I assume that I'm not totally all alone amoung current CM players in this. If the BFI want to try and break into the team playing wargaming simulation market then that's their business strategy perogative. I'm just saying that it is personally for me.

    [ October 11, 2005, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

  13. OK after reading the link in adobe Reader 6.0 I've found that I actually do have the acessories Paint thingy as depicted in the 4 page PDF discussion at last thankfully. I was able to copy the screenshot image from MS Powerpoint but it didnit ask to Resize it.

    I saved it there anyway but now I don't now how to get it to a web host and it wont allow me to send it anywhere. May be as it ask me to check my Outlook program I'll have to get my younger brother to help me further.

    It might also be a case that I will have to take another screenshot using the PrtScrn button and copy it / paste it in Paint directly in order to proceed.

    BTW I can't see how to get it to ask me to convert the image or file into a jpg, or gif or for a URL adress either. again this might require the new screenshots to happen or for me to sort my PC out in the Outlook connection department etc, I have to waite for my brothers help in that case.

    BTW thanks for the reminder Wicky I think I skimmed over your comments on MS Powerpoint, but I'll also waite for my brothers assistance before I proceed with trying out the wank.vision.cum link that you provided there too.

    I appreciate your assistance so far Wicky, I'll eventually get this right but if I can't get much further soon enough I'll email before the end of the week if neccessary, thanks for the offer.

  14. Wicky where should I save your link to in order to read it?

    I also have another question, just how exactly do I actual submit it to the webhost and or use the web browser, is that done while logged into the webhost?

    Sorry I'm really struggling, I'm trying to reread your quick reply and it might take a while for it to sink in, thanks.

    Edit: Ooh, ooh, Resizing the image into a jsp, etc, is that done in an MS program like MS Powerpoint or somewhere before I try and take it to a webhost? I'll go and see what I can do for awhile. BTW what does all these file tags mean and what does URL stand for?

    [ October 11, 2005, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

  15. OK my computer has bee upgraded and cleaned so now I'm still wanting to try to put a few screenshots in some of my posts about senarios and for tips etc, still don't know how to do it. I need help with this, please any advice needs to be based on the understanding that I know absolutely zip about doing this and therefore any explainations need to be crystal clear in the form of handholding.

    I have registered with the photobucket link that Dogface has provided but that seems to be more for facilitating photos than for CM screenshots. I also don't know how to create the "PrtScrn" screenshots as jpg, bmp, etc folder / files nor do I have any clue about URL. I don't have MS Paint unfortunately but I have managed to copy a screenshot of a Pz Jagar I fully exploding into MS Powerpoint at least.

    This is frustrating and embarrising to be sure and I appologize for still having to ask about this. redface.gif

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