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Posts posted by konstantine

  1. I just played a "tiny" QB vs. the AI, Blue on Blue, Stryker inf. vs Stryker inf., both set to elite, on a city map. It worked great. Although the AI failed to embark the enemy infantry-and I won easily-I think this particular QB setup would be fun for human vs. human.

    Note this particular setup had four 40mm Strykers vs. four 40mm Strykers plus a sprinkling of Paladin-equipped infantry on both sides, which made for some great action. Pathfinding wasn't an issue as I moved my Strykers laterally.

  2. I just started two QB PBEMS, Syrian vs US, one in open terrain, one in a city, both small or tiny. I chose red forces in both, and IIRC mechanized medium infantry for both as well. One setup had BTRs and infantry, the other a couple of BMPs plus infantry (I can't remember my exact choices).

    Anyway in both QBs my Syrian units were placed outside of my red setup zone. I couldn't move them into the setup zone, any attempt resulted in a movement order. Troops could be embarked into AFVs, but the AFVs themselves could not be placed anywhere.

    I tried replicating this with Red vs. Red and Blue vs. Blue but I didn't notice any other problems.

    edit: it was an ME, not sure if that makes any difference.

    [ August 12, 2007, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: konstantine ]

  3. Well in the original scenario I had 5 BMPs and they all refrained from firing the AT-5. I doubt all of their gunners/optics were simultaneously trashed but it's a possibility. I didn't notice any problems when I cycled through the units in the orders phase (playing WEGO) while attempting manual targetting.

    I suspect that the real issue is that they are refraining from using ATGMs vs Stryker troop carriers, which is what I was facing. My T-72 in a different scenario refrained from firing on Stryker troop carriers as well.

  4. I was wondering about the RPG capability. Is it because the RPG-29 is so effective against reactive armor? I'm thinking that because the dual warhead does a good job against even reactive armor, slat armor might not do that well either. According to Wikipedia an RPG-29 KO'd a Challenger 2 frontally in Iraq.

  5. There is a thread in the tactics forum about this. There seems to be a problem. My BMPs won't fire ATGMs at Strykers. Also today I had to manually target a T-72 5 consecutive times to kill five Strykers within 150m. Without manual targetting it just sat there firing coax.

    Maybe the extended manual will help, but in my case both units were in range, not within minimum range, and one (the BMP) ignored manual targetting commands. It used up its entire 30mm AP ammo on a group of Strykers without loosing a single AT-5.

    Also Bradleys don't appear to fire TOWs with manual targetting. Maybe CMSF uses different minimum ranges, who knows, but it doesn't seem right to me.

    Interesting that in both the case of the T-72 and the BMP they were targetting Strykers. Maybe they save the heavy stuff for tanks, but that seems a tad conservative when you're facing a gaggle of fat, juicy troop carriers and nothing else is around.

    Note I'm not talking about Javelins, I've read the manual and played the tutorial, those work fine for me. I don't think it's gamey to order units to use specific weapons systems. It reminds me of tungsten in CMx1, which I never had a problem with--but in CMSF units seem a little too conservative about using certain types of ammo. Granted BMP-2s only come with 5 ATGM rounds, iirc.

    [ July 31, 2007, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: konstantine ]

  6. Originally posted by Adaephon:

    Okay, so I know there's a lot of flaming hot rage flying around these forums at the moment. I've launched a tiny bit myself. But against the spirit of the moment I thought I'd propose a more helpful post.

    Long story short, QBs aren't worth playing. It doesn't take much digging on here to find that out, takes less time of actually playing a QB to discover this fact for yourself. So, that leaves the Battles and Campaign. Campaign is straight forward-ish, at least the enemy is deployed, which is a step forward from QBs. So that leaves Battles which I thought I'd dedicate this little post to.

    I realise there are Battles which ask that you play as a particular side only when facing off against the AI, but there are some where this is not stated and the AI I've faced persists in its lack of AI. So what I propose is that we co-operate to highlight these Battles so that others may know what to avoid.

    Other than QBs.

    So, I'll start the ball rolling.

    Abu Susah, the first on the list, can not be played against the AI as Syrians. I've yet to try it as US, but against them they don't attack, just sit in the deployment zone. (Also have a fair issuse with the deployment options as Syrians, in that they're very limited. It's almost as though the design was to force the AI to deploy correctly, should they be Syrian, which isn't something I've seen the AI be capable of alone as yet.)

    Weird, I played this one last night, and while I easily beat the AI, the Strykers made it half way across the map. The AI sent single Strykers out as recon, then the rest in groups. It area fired an RPG to death with 40mm grenades.

    Then they all died. :D

    I don't mind the Syrian deployment in this one. Although I wish I'd known that radio IEDs require LOS to target. Anyway should be good as PBEM.

  7. I am pretty sure I tried everything with the BMP to get it to fire. I'll try the same settings tonight just to be sure.

    Minimum range may be the problem, I considered that but I had units from 350-600 meters away.

    I wonder if this issue may be something along the lines of the tungsten round selection in CMx1. If so, in this game keeping missiles reserved solely for tanks seems a bit excessive. Especially if I've run out of 30mm and there are lots of live Strykers sitting around.

    Maybe this question will be answered by the full manual. Still, I think some sort of command option to fire the main weapon is necessary. Ultimately the human player should be able to determine when mission priorities supercede AI reluctance. If that's indeed the reason why they don't fire, and I wasn't just too close.

  8. I was just playing a QB as Syrians and was fielded a platoon of BMP-2, equipped with 4 AT-5s apiece. I encountered a boatload of Strykers. For the duration of the game my BMPs peppered the Strykers with 30mm cannon fire, KOing 2 and immobilizing two. Two more went unscathed. Not one AT-5 was fired despite many variations on the target, cover arc and movement themes. I was within 500m. Was I too close?

    (Notably the enemy sat in position in setup posture without moving. I finished the game only to find eight Strykers sitting in their setup zone with unembarked troops strewn about.)

    I have tried to get Bradleys to fire TOWs with a similar lack of success.

  9. I can see the reasoning behind this if the AI is choosing forces properly. But why do I keep getting Syrian FOs without artillery in my QBs? I realize that air support doesn't exist for Syria. Are artillery-less FOs a "bug"?

    I really hope someone answers/explains this because I made a thread about it and it got no replies. Otherwise I'm enjoying my CMSF experience. :D

  10. There is no Syrian forces campaign. That's not a good thing. Plus, I have been cycling through the scenarios and trying QBs, and I can't find any IEDs/VBIEDs for the life of me. When I get Syrian FOs they have no artillery available (in QBs)!!

    I realize this game is oriented (pun intended) towards the American side but a little help, please! :D

    At least let me know which scenarios feature VBIEDs/IEDs, so I can start honing my Syrian forces skills Thanks!

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