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Alan Bernardo

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  1. Is there a place where I can find for download some small 2D unit icons for SC2 and or the WaW expansion? These large icons are way too big for my liking. Thanks, Alan
  2. Could you please send the scenario my way. My email is alan.bernardo@gmail.com Thanks much, Alan
  3. Well, after having read further down in these forums, someone mentioned deleting the Arial fonts. I deleted some of the more obvious ones, that looked as if they had been added somewhere, somehow, while keeping the basic TT Arial fonts. After deleting these specific fonts, the game then worked. Thanks everyone for your help. Alanb
  4. I tried the demo and after I create a game I get the following two groups of errors: Then I get the next group of errors: After I get these errors, I go to the start screen, with the blue sky. Everything is empty, with no pilot information. I can't go any further from there. I figure this is some sort of direct draw issue. Rebooting didn't help. Maybe I'll try re-installing direct-x 9 Thanks, Alanb
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