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Posts posted by Petteerr

  1. I have read both of the tutorials and i couldnt find it or maybe i cant understand well the tutorials so is it possible,Moon,if you could help me a little or anyone who knows what to do...which of the two tutorials should i read? i havent found it i cant figure out, as soon as i create a new tank, i can play the mission but what i get is a driver position and i cant even have an external camera or (f6,f7) gunners and Tc position,just a drivers position that you cant do anything.(just stucked there)

    Is there anyone who could help?.....


  2. Hi,

    How could i create a player tank for a "new" created mission or editing the players tank of an existing mission?(type of tank,etc)

    I know how to change sides but i couldnt manage to change the type of a tank to any mission. :(

    Could somebody help please....

  3. For example you could create a pay to download section where you could add...infantry-vehicles-AT-guns-Hellicopters etc.....where the devs could add infantries from various countries from that year......various tanks from that year....maybe more europe maps from that year and so on, i think something like that would be interesting and many would like to add more "collections" to play this game smile.gif )).

    This way we could collect infantry and tanks from europe or any other country a good way to keep this game alive for long, maybe more profitable,and would attract sim ethusiastic from all over the world or from all europe maybe smile.gif !

    Just an idea.

  4. Nobody said that the only that matters to those games are interior views.As i said before i agree with those who believe that interior views give more immersion to the game and and a lot of fun for me, i like to play simulations and feel that i really can control and drive a beast as more close as to real.(cockipts,inside room,buttons,etc).

    I just think it should be much better if this game had included interior views and cockpit to all the three positions(commander,gunner,driver)with allowing the players to choose the way they like to play the game, with interior views or no,this way everyone would be satisfied and happy.

    The ability that i can control and issue orders to more units than only mine and the scenario editor made me mostly to buy this game.Of course the realism features that were mentioned at overview section seems to be interesting and very promising,lets hope that it will be exactly as they said.But i like very much games where i can use my fantasy and create battles the way i like,something like being a director. :cool:

    Also i believe that in tank simulation games its very crusial how your own AI units interact with the enemy AI and the ally units,do they work as they know when you need help and cover,when the battle seem to be against us and the enemy outnumdered do they change behavior and tactis?(dynamic change of behavior depending how the battle going) or its allways predictable and same tactis and behavior no matter how the battle is going?.When we spot a unit or units, will the ally AI try to encircle them if we are more than them?Things like that could make the game more ejoyable and dynamic!!(radio feature)

  5. I totally agree with ranXeron even if i had already preorder the game.I was thinking exactly as ranXeron and iam mostly waiting for steal beasts profesional, but i thought to give a chance to this game while waiting for more hardcore simulations to surface on line.Inner views to a called tank "simulation" combat game i think is a "must".It gives a lot of immersion,and could double the feelings of the real thing,something that could give you double pleasure and fun!!Many people would just buy it for the inner views!I strongly believe that to the future add-on pack or expansion pack better that is prepared it should be included the feature of inner views, including the choise that will let players choose the way they would like to play this game,more simplified or with full cockpit as ranXeron mentioned above!As concern me iam willing to pay some more money for a such feature.But if this is going to happen come on devs do it soon before steal beasts professional release date :D .

  6. Hi again,

    I have already pre ordered that game and i really hope i will not regret it.

    I was just thinking if it could be possible to download more vehicles,equipment,or more playable tanks after some time.

    I think it could be nice if we could buy and download more playable vehicles after some period of time.(why not a playable leopard,or bmp,of course with the right cost, smile.gif )

    Iam thinking of a download pay section where every month we could download more and more goodies,of course more playable vehicles!

    This way i think this game could become more and more interesting and never become boring.

  7. Just a proposal,is it possible to make a quick pole to let community decide about interiors?and if most of people would agreed to have the interior feeling of the tank,could the developers do something now that the game isnt finished yet?

  8. Hi guys,

    Iam new at the forum and iam interesting about this simulation game.

    I was just wondering if there are any pictures around showing the interior of the tank.(Panzer Elite,Steal Beasts,OFP) :rolleyes:

    As i understant and from what i read from the "overview"the inside of the tank(overview) because of playability reasons will be simplified.Does this means no interior(enviroment) looks and feeling at all?? :(

    That would be very dissapointing for me,i think will look like complex arcade,iam from those ones who i give big emphasis to the word "SIMULATION".(meaning the inside of the tank mostly) :D

    Anyway,i just hope those guys(Developers) will bring us something really good,good luck guys.(dont forget the interior, :D ).

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