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Everything posted by roub

  1. Yop, Did there still place for playing this mini league ? If so I wish to participate. See you online. Roub. "life is a bitch ... them you died."
  2. Hello, First of all, you have to read this article from terif : http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002198 It's only correct one concerning garnison problem. Next, many things can happens in med. Just take exemple for fall weiss scenario : Allies : - First, you should not move your counter fron syria, alger, gib and malta until italia enter war, otherwise for each unit moving italia will join axis more sooner. - Next, you have many option : * declare war and conquer italia on first turn. you need 3 army the french plane the english plane and the bomber near marseille + 3 cvs and one more corps for landing in rome, one for landing near Venice. It's a 90% working way, it's why many players play didn't accept landing on first turn of DOW against major. * Waiting italia enter war, and make major landing on tobruk and tripoli. you need 2 corps/armys, 2 planes, 1 bomber and one HQ near tobruk and to corps ready to land behind tobruk. A major fleet south of malta with the 3 cvs the french plane in malta and 2 corps/armys ready to land around tripoli. You let italia enter war, he will have 0mpp for his first turn and no possibility to reinforce tripoli or tobruck. So at your turn you invade the both towns. * Kicking italian fleet, you have to groupe a major english/french fleet near marseille 3 turn before italia enter war. you move your fleet ( french ahead ) in adriatique and around taranto, and you declare war to italia so you can kick 3 to 4 of the 5 italians ships. ( it cost 10% of amercian entry. - next step for allies if you have seal the italian pb ( kick the fleet or catching tripoli and tobruk ) you can redirect part of your land army to conquer irak. It's very important via irak you will get 5*7 mpp more and after when ussr enter war you will get supply 10, and 10*3 more mpp from med conquer (it and irak ) and 3*5 from suez and alexandria. - last step in the med when usa enter war.( but not so sure ), conquering alger and syria, it will provide you a quick link for ussr and med. American troop can land in alger and operate directly in russia. - All the time tried to keep a plane in malta ( french one is quiet good for that job ). Axis : You have not lot of offensive operation to take against a confirme player. But you will have to defend south of italian and conquer in libya. To defend 2 more italians corps should be usefull behind tobruk for protecting an complet surround of tobruk ( if surround max 5 reinfort ). a few ideas : - major asault on spain : after france you conquer vichy ( don't forget to put 2 army 1 corps to land around alger, and more 1 italian near syria for defending it ), and after spain and finally gibraltar ( you can also take portugal ), so after that you suppy 10 in med but it's costy for american and ussr entry. - simple defend only but 2 italians corps near tobruk and one plane SW of syracuse ( important it will provide information on action the allies prepare in med. - Raid on malta : if malta is defend with plane you can with 4 planes 1 hq and a bomber tried to catch malta. buit the german air fleet near syracuse put a italians corps near malta ready to land close malta port approche with your 5 itlian boats ( 1 sub 1 dest and 3 battleship ). and air raid with the bomber against the malta port the plane will intercept and be intercepted by axis airfleet, after attack with your fleet 4 times and finaly air raid with your last 3 planes. Best way to learn is to play IP or pbm with human player, and stoping playing the AI because you take bad reflexe as it play really stupid. That all floks. See you online.
  3. Hello, Many good advise, but from the start just a strange thing : Making soviet defence line toward Smolensk. It's not the good place to do it, why ? because no river, no marsh, no forest, and if smolensk falldown you will get chance of siberian renfort. So where's my line you say ? best thing 4 hex behind smolensk, on moscow and behind the line of river. I usually quickly put one of the 2 soviet tank in moscow and an army in the hex SE of moscow, with entre 6 the tank will be hard to move. Air superiority : in many 39 scenario the german have to much time for building a big air fleet 8-10 planes ( but 25 planes never seen ), and with a good LR it became realy tuff for soviet HQ. Actually, I play a home rule with a friend of mine, we can't do LR research. It's tuff for UK CV but it's a good way to still have a feeling of big mother russia ( the german loose time to creat consentration of AF ). That all see you online. Roub "Life is a bitch.... them you die."
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