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Yair Iny

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Posts posted by Yair Iny

  1. Navyldo,

    It will not be fixed in a patch, as I understands Steve's messages, simply because BFC have done all they can do to make the selection work without using the faulty APIs. I understand that they have taken this up with ATI, and my hopes lie in ATI releasing a new version of drivers with better (full?) support for OpenGL. As such, I wouldn't wager on us getting a fix for this at all, to be honest, but one must be hopeful smile.gif


  2. This has nothing to do with the 8m grid, it is due to the ATI fix. You can see http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=70;t=000294 for more information.

    Edit: CommC, suggesting that people turn off the ATI fix, is not helpful, simply because the fix is not selected for non-ATI card machines, and is selected for ATI machines for the simple reason that otherwise the game crashes.


  3. Well, since you have an ATI card, as I do, you are currently stuck with this problem. What happened is that the ATI driver support for OpenGL (which is what CMSF uses instead of DirectX) is buggy, and some API calls Charles is using for figuring out where a 2D mouse click is in 3D coordinates, cause the game to crash. What he did, is provide an ATI fix, which essentially uses other, less accurate, API calls for the 2D->3D transformation. This means that until the ATI drivers are fixed, ATI users are stuck with a less accurate mouse clicking behaviour, resulting in some problems selecting units, and some problems choosing accurate waypoints.

    What I have found, though, is that the selection problem is easily overcome by using the +/- keys, and that if you mess around with the viewpoint, you can generally get the waypoints to click where you want them (top down view is very helpful for this, as it essentially turns a 2D->3D problem into a 2D->2D problem).


  4. I understand what is going on behind the scenes. The problem to me is that if the map is, as you say, a blue attack map, then it should not be selected for a red attack. Or, for QB maps, "blue" could be the attacker, regardless of if it's really the US, and that would also solve the problem. As it is though, it is working incorrectly, and thus is a bug, IMHO.

    BTW, a red plan does exist, and it is a defensive plan for that map.

  5. Hi,

    Just tried a couple of QBs with the US on defence (attack, open). The syrians deploy but don't move out the the deployment zone. I opened the file in the editor, and can see that the blue side does indeed have a plan to attack the objective, but the red side is meant to defend. However, the QB selector selected this map for a syrian attack in the open (there aren't any open maps where the red side attacks).

    It seems to me that the "red" and "blue" side in QB maps should really be the attacking and defending side, regardless of them being syrian or US. Right now, the map, being an Attack map can be selected for a red attack, but the red plan calls for defense...


  6. Faxis,

    You seem to be a bit confused about the purpose of the TacAI. The TacAI is what controls a specific unit in its most basic actions, i.e. when to fire, when to stop advancing because it isn't safe, where to face right now, etc. This seems to need improvement, and I am confident that as patches are released it will be refined more and more. However, since you are asking for this to be improved for QBs, I think you are talking about the strat AI, the one which tells the units where to move, when to move, what to attack, when to dismount, etc. This is not something that can be "improved" in the way you want it to, simply because it doesn't exist at all in the way you want it to. BFC have decided to forego trying to create plans for the AI, and have left that to the scenario designer. Period. I very much doubt they are going to rescind that decision, and I for one, don't think they should, but rather should add more options for the AI designer.

    As for QBs, i think in 6 months, you will be drowning in QB maps created by the community, at least I hope so.


  7. Pandur: the elevation part of the editor, basically allows you to choose the explicit elevation for the squares you click on, and extrapolates the elevation for all other squares. Therefore, for realistic results, you should draw contour lines of specific elevation and the editor will update the terrain accordingly. Now, since your map already contains some squares with set elevation, and you don't quite remember which ones, etc., you can reset all elevation to 20 and work from there.


  8. Hi,

    I up the same s**tty creek as you are, having an ATI card on a vista laptop. May I suggest to you to run the Ambush Tutorial scenario in real time mode, and not touch any unit? You will be able to see the battle unfold, as the US player doesn't really need to apply any input to "win", and you will be able to look around, zoom in and out, and generally have a small blast, while you wait. It will almost certainly whet your appetite, I know it helps me bide the time until the problem is fixed smile.gif


  9. Hi,

    As I have an ATI card on a Vista system, I launched the ambush tutorial and went about viewing the battle unfold, as it is one which requires no input from the US side to unfold reasonably well. After about 20 minutes, the syrian uncon side surrendered and I "got" a total victory. Strange thing though, is that the mosque ground objective was marked as a green check mark for the syrian side, even though i didn't let anyone through and there were only 4 men OK for the syrians at the end, AND they surrendered after all... smile.gif So I am thinking this might be a bug that needs reporting.


  10. Janster,

    Can't quite see what the problem is. You chose a tiny battle, then set yourself to have +150% forces. Even at equal forces, the syrian side should have more troops, since their firepower is lower than US. So you basically got what you asked for, a vastly numerically superior force than the US side...

  11. Hi Steve,

    Sorry, I missed your question re the ATI Catalyst version.

    The version info is:

    Driver Packaging Version

    CATALYST® Control Center Version 2.0.2519.38216

    In terms of the 3D options, I have set everything to the lowest possible:

    AA: let app decide

    AF: let app decide

    Catalyst A.I: disabled

    Mipmap level: performance

    OpenGL settings:

    Triple Buffering: off

    Force 24-bit z-buffer: off


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