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Yair Iny

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Posts posted by Yair Iny

  1. At the risk of repeating what everyone else said, this is just too cool! Infantry behaviour is fantastic! Sounds are awesome, and the rumbling roll of the AAV just makes my spine tingle. Battlefront, this puts 1.08, which I already thought was awesome, to absolute shame :) Thanks so much for the attention to detail and effort you put into creating this, it is well worth every cent paid!


  2. John,

    In an unbiased reading of your latest post, and without taking into account any so-called attacks on your credibility, I wonder if you might shed some light on a couple of discrepancies I perceived.

    1. What is the name of this anti-radiation missile platform used by the IDF in the 80s? Why would you mount an anti-radiation missile launcher on a land platform in the first place?

    2. Are you familiar with the Achzarit (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF_Achzarit) APC, used by the Golani regiment of the IDF? If so, you surely know that it is built on the T55 chasis, which not only is quite old, but all instances of it have been captured from the Egyptians and Syrians, and have not even benefited from any support from the original manufacturers...


  3. Just popping in with my <2c...

    Steve - I personally find Adam1's suggestions re splitting the teams for all sides involved very reasonable and have a bit of difficulty understanding your objections. While splitting too much WILL make the gameplay unwieldy, Adam1 is suggesting the OPTION be introduced. So split all you want until you as the player find the balance between control and wieldiness...

    Adam1 - I personally am very encouraged about the situation of CMx2 by seeing how someone like yourself who was quite critical of issues in the beginning has seemingly been won over by the improvements to the engine. It is one thing to see "less critical" people like it, but another to see someone who obviously is not wearing pink shades being won over by improvements - to me it is an endorsement that these improvements are at least substantial and this discussion more than any has re-piqued my interest in CMSF. Thank you!

    JasonC - I am quite surprised to see that you, ever the proponent of attrition as opposed to manoeuver being critical of the engine because of the increased emphasis on firepower's, well, power over moving units exposing themselves. From all accounts I know of this is extremely realistic, and, AFAIK in modern engagements infantry, if they can help it, will stay put and let heavier stuff "do the talking".

  4. Well, I suggest that you try playing Falcon4AF a bit, and see how long it takes you to re-organize for another attack run against a target, contact the FAC, get authorization, roll in, identify and finally engage the target. It is a surprisingly long process, you will find. In addition, re the point about the falcon's ability to pull Gs, you should take into account that when loaded with AG ammo, the plane pulls fewer Gs than in an AA configuration, and in RL pilots would be very reluctant to pull Gs anyway unless they have to (it isn't the most comfortable feeling in the world).

  5. Hey GibsonM,

    Here is his THIRD post, looks about right to me.

    Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

    Yeah, unfortunatly all we can do is make it "pretty" as you put it. I fugured if you are Aussie, you can atleast pretend they are aussies as well with all the pretty colours

    I am about half way done with it, Ill post updates when I am close

  6. Steve, is the pre-designated target functionality there in 1.03? How can unit A target enemy B when A cannot see B? I mean this mechanically, if you select A you don't "see" B on the screen anymore, since A didn't spot it yet...

    Also, can you please respond regarding the targetting suggestion I raised to help those with ATI on Vista? right now it is very hard to target mid-stories in buildings with the very loose cursor positioning in 3d views...


  7. Hi Steve,

    On this same note of targeting are fire, would it be possible to add the storey selection popup menu you get for movement into a building (you know, the floor 1, floor 2, roof menu) when area targeting a building? The reason I ask is that for those of us with ATI cards, it is very difficult to target stories from a 3d perspective and i usually go to view 6 when giving commands or selecting units, and of course, it is impossible to target non-roof stories from view 6.



  8. Originally posted by Exel:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MikeyD:

    For years we cried for inclusion of relative spotting. Well, now we got it!

    And I wish I could turn it off for Veteran settings. Yeah, it sounds good on paper, realism and all that, but in practice all it means is that I have to constantly keep clicking through all my units to get a picture of what's happening on the battlefield. And realism? You aren't denied any information, all of it is still there, you just need to waste more time getting it. Not really good gameplay. :rolleyes:

    I can understand the units not automatically sharing all information with each other (hence, relative spotting) but that information should not be denied from ME. </font>

  9. That is all well and good mate, but if as you say, an IED needs to explode directly under the humvee, wouldn't you expect an elite operator to get it to do so?

    At the end of the day, there is no logical reason why an elite operator of a huge IED cannot kill a humvee which it spots first. And not once in a while, it is never able to kill it. Just take half an hour, create a simple scenario in 5 minutes and run several tests, you will see what I mean.


  10. Hi,

    I can't, for the life of me, kill a hummvee with an IED. I set up a test mission with a humvee driving down a road in a valley with a turn in it. Behind the turn is a veteran uncon with a huge IED. He blows it right on the humvee, and gets killed or wounded from the blast himself. Then I look at the results screen - US, 0 wounded, 0 killed. Go to the map, all is well with the humvee...


  11. Hi Rune,

    I ran a few tests, including creating my own map for a QB and have arrived at the following conclusions:

    1. First and foremost, you are right and I was wrong. The attacker does indeed use the blue plan regardless of his real "colour", so there is no bug at all. The reason I thought that the red side didn't use the attack plan was simply that it hardly moved at all, as described in the following points.

    2. I created a simple map, and a simple plan for blue side to follow, which basically makes it attack to the other side of the map. In my first test, the attacker hardly moved. I changed the plan from max assault in the movement part to quick, and lo and behold, they started moving finally. It seems that the assault and max assault modes cause the AI to use slow and assault movement exclusively, even when not under fire or direct threat, resulting in exhausted troops who barely move, and when moving, do so very slowly.

    3. There is only one open attack map. The other one, while named open attack, is actually a village map, as can be seen in the editor.

    4. I ran a test using the single open attack map, with tiny forces, US as defender, resulting in me having a single stryker platoon. I hid the vehicles behind the building, and put my inf in the orchard overlooking the bridge, with hide commands and very very short arcs. In 20 minutes + 20 minutes overtime (would be interested in an explanation of that, btw), the AI, which hardly took any fire at all, didn't cross a single unit over the bridge. All its foot units were exhausted and had barely moved, as far as I could observe. Its two BTRs made some token movement but never even got close to the bridge.

    The combination of the above seems to be causing the phenomenon many have reported, of the AI not moving out of the setup zone.

    Sorry for posting the above misleading information, and I hope you will be able to improve on the current situation.


  12. Navy,

    I feel your pain mate, as I am also suffering from the problem (X1600 Mobility/Vista Business). At the end of the day, there isn't really anything I CAN'T do due to this bug, but it is quite annoying nonetheless.

    I was also a bit upset when I encountered the bug, but to be a fair (only slightly), it is "only" on ATI and Vista, not on all ATI period. I still had expected the ATI/Vista combo to be tested, to be honest, but those are the rolls, I suppose.

    On reflection, I really don't think it would have mattered had BF tested it before release. All I would expect them to do would have been to release the 1.02 fix immediately, as I can't see them having rolled back from their decision to use OpenGL instead of DirectX, and once OpenGL is the API, there's not much more they can do beyond what they already have done...


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