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[TGD] mensch

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Posts posted by [TGD] mensch

  1. Wait a minute…

    Andreas you live in fance and bought a FORD?? ARE YOU MAD!!!!??? *ponders* you bought it from a French man? ARE YOU MORE MAD!!!!???

    well Et au lait and tra la la, expect to see pasty face andy on the newspapers as Refugee German come ex-Brit Patriot, come newborn Frenchie died in a Firey Crash in the heart of Paris driving** his Ford Fiesta?*** was found burning after hitting a French poodle and rolling over a Baguette

    **if you can call a ford a "drive" more like a rolling gait

    ***we are not sure what the car was as the fire damage and structural damage was so intense.

  2. *looking from ship to the shoreline*

    well well look at them jump up and down waving spears and saying things like "ugh" and "wot? a'ppend?"

    got you out of that rabble as fast as possible there me'lady, I hear being even 20ft from that mace character can give you bad rash's and a liking to wool like creatures.

    *grins, scanning for the shoreline*

    you'd think that fat head Seanachipoo would show up…

    …unless he's been gangplanked by old Stompy, I remember when they were just holding hands way back then. *cough* Yes those were times YK2 remember them? love was in the air, or was that more a pundgent smell of Andreas underarms? hmm oh well either way those two were such in love, I'm amazed they were not lynched by a ultra rightwing group for being accepted in the human race.

    wine? *hands her a glass of red wine*

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