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Posts posted by dsf

  1. ... except, what did Stalin do to mitigate the effects of the natural disaster that his policies had made worse? If he did nothing, or pressed ahead with the reforms (or sent some known incompetent muppet like Mike Brown to put things right), then I think it's fair to describe it as deliberate murder. Not the initial catastrophe, but for withholding the assets that only a state can bring to bear when something really bad happens.

    I posted this above:

    ... It is also wrong to think that the regime did nothing to alleviate the situation. In May 1932 there were 116.2 million tons of grain sent to the Ukraine, along with 700 tractors. There is another Wiki here on the Causes of the Holodomor where that is mentioned...

    The link goes to an interesting article discussing the famine in detail. In one paragraph, it lists the amount of grain sent by the central authority to various regions of the Ukraine. Down the page, it states:

    Documents from Soviet archives indicate that the aid distribution was made selectively to the most affected areas, and during the spring months, such assistance was the goal of the relief effort. A special resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of Ukraine for the Kiev Oblast, from March 31, 1933, ordered peasants to be hospitalized with either ailing or recovering patients. The resolution ordered improved nutrition within the limits of available resources so that they could be sent out into the fields to sow the new crop as soon as possible.[41] The food was dispensed according to special resolutions from government bodies, and additional food was given in the field where the laborers worked.

    Wiki is usually reliable, but everything on the internet must be taken with a grain of salt. However, if such documents exist, they would put things in a different light. In any case, the famines will always be controversial.


    Scott Fraser

  2. The point of collectivization had far less to do with industrial scale production of food but in breaking the rural basis of free enterprise...

    Note that I prefaced my remarks with "On the face of it..." At some levels, Collectivization made sense. That's not to say it was a good policy.

    Stalin was unabashedly against free enterprise. In the NEP, Lenin had relinquished the ban on private land holdings in belated recognition that without the profit incentive, productivity collapsed. One of the first things Stalin did was remove the ability of individuals to own land or small businesses. People who did so were labelled 'wreckers', 'saboteurs' and 'enemies of the State' and were persecuted ruthlessly. Stalin may have seen them as a threat to Soviet authority, since that was his typical response to threats, but either way, Stalin removed the limited opportunities for private enterprise that the NEP allowed. State capitalism became the norm.

    As for the famine, certainly Stalin did great damage to existing agriculture by persecuting the Kulaks, driving them from their land and amalgamating their holdings into vast Sovkhoz and Kolkhoz. The point I was trying to make is that the drought of 1932 and 1933 arrived in the immediate aftermath of this dislocation and destruction, and that it was the drought itself that made everything so much worse, driving the death toll into the millions. Stalin could not have anticipated that, despite the fervent belief by some that Stalin was the Devil incarnate and capable of anything — including, it would seem, controlling the weather.

    For that reason, I find it somewhat disingenuous to accuse Stalin of "deliberately murdering millions of Ukrainians". That rhetoric fits in well with the perceptions of the devout anti-Communists, but it is not an accurate description of events. Millions died, yes, but they died from a famine that was caused by a natural catastrophe, a global drought. The fact that this came on the heels of Collectivization made it many times worse, definitely, but the scale of the catastrophe was beyond anyone's ability to predict or to control. With that in mind, I don't think it accurate to accuse Stalin of "deliberately" murdering "millions" of Ukrainians.

    Make no mistake — I am not a "fan" of Stalin nor do I endorse much of what he did. Stalin will forever be an enigma, bit some things are still very clear. Stalin was a sociopath, ruthless and brutal, without a shred of compassion or mercy. He ruled with an iron fist, remote from others, in an atmosphere of paranoia where it was as dangerous to be his "friend" as it was his enemy. As great as his deeds may have been, his misdeeds were even greater, and history will remember him as one of the most vile tyrants of the last century. That much needs to be said.


    Scott Fraser

  3. As a merchant mariner I worked with officers from the eastern block from 1996 to 2003 in Europe. Most (not all, especially Russians living in Ukraine) from the former soviet states (Poles, Ukrainians, Rumanians) were aware that their education in history was very different than what their eyes told them when they saw the rest of the world. They tended to be very reflective with politics and history and tried to learn as much as they could, even if they did not agree. In my experience, however, a least half of the ones from Russia stuck to the line that USA bad, USSR good. It was an interesting to see how effective education of a people really is.

    I worked aboard deep-water Soviet trawlers between 1984 and 1989. The crew came from all over the Soyuz and there were a few who had experienced the war. Chernenko was GenSec at first, then Andropov briefly, then Gorbachev. There was a Commissar aboard, a political animal, not a fisherman, who watched over things and said his job was "morale". After Gorbachev, there was still a Commissar, but now he was a fisherman, not KGB, someone who could actually function as second in command. It was a very interesting period to observe.


    Scott Fraser

  4. The famine in the Ukraine during the 1930s is still very controversial. It became highly politicized in the years that followed, largely due to the work of Ukrainian expatriates who still exploit it ruthless in their anti-Soviet propaganda. Stalin, somehow, gets credit for the drought and resulting collapse of Soviet agriculture in 1932 and 1933 that led to so many deaths by starvation.

    What is forgotten, or skipped over, is that during 1932 and 1933 there was a global weather event that caused drought worldwide, and the resulting collapse of agriculture on a global basis. These are the years of the Dust Bowl in North America. If Stalin is to be blamed for the mass starvation of Ukrainians in those years, then the hundreds of thousands of Okies who fled to California to escape starvation must be collateral damage, eh?

    As always, the truth lies between the extremes. Collectivization was a ruthless policy that forced many from their homes, not just in the Ukraine, but all over the USSR. The consolidation of agricultural lands and introduction of mechanization began in earnest in 1930, when the regime started to forcibly expropriate grain from rural areas to feed the cities, which were mushrooming in size. Nearly two million 'kulaks' were sent into exile, including most of the successful farmers. The peasants pushed back, naturally, which led to widespread hoarding, an increase in the level of violence, a decrease in grain production, and general chaos in the agricultural sector. Many peasants simply refused to plant crops. This is the background to the 'Holodomor'.

    When the drought came 1932, agriculture collapsed completely. This was the start of the wave of famines that killed so many people throughout the USSR. It is wrong to think this affected only Ukrainians — that, again, is another part of Ukrainian propaganda. The famine affected everybody, including those in the cities, who had their rations reduced to a minimum. It is also wrong to think that the regime did nothing to alleviate the situation. In May 1932 there were 116.2 million tons of grain sent to the Ukraine, along with 700 tractors. There is another Wiki here on the Causes of the Holodomor where that is mentioned.

    Some observations:

    Stalin saw industrialization as the key to the USSR's future. There was no Soviet industry when Stalin gained power in 1928. Through the Five Year Plans, the USSR was dragged kicking and screaming into the Industrial Age, well enough, at least, to be able to repel Hitler by 1945. This is why the urban areas were of first importance in the decision-making process.

    On the face of it, Collectivization made sense. The land was distributed among many small holdings, discontinuous parcels of land that made the use of machinery impossibly expensive and inefficient. By consolidating holdings, it would be possible to use machinery and institute "industrial farming". This fit in well with another Soviet icon, the tractor. The USSR had finally started building tractors in 1930, and they wanted to use them.

    That said, the implementation of Collectivization was brutal and ruthless, criminal, for lack of a better word. It was typical of Stalin, who was always cold and calculating and scrupulous. That's on him, certainly.

    And that was what set the stage for the mass famines in 1932 and 1933, the years of drought. That's where the controversy lies. It is easy to indict Stalin for uprooting, exiling, and sometimes shooting the Kulaks. That's what set the stage by destroying the existing agricultural regime. It is more difficult to accuse him of "slaughtering millions" when the famine itself was the result of the same drought that hit Oklahoma. I think we must assume that the weather was beyond Stalin's control, which suggests that the scale of the disaster, thousands versus millions, was not within his control and hence, could not be part of his plan. In criminal law, the argument goes to intent and premeditation. You be the judge.

    As I said, there is still lots of controversy. Stalin will always be controversial.


    Scott Fraser

  5. ...What you have to understand about the Soviet occupation of the Kresy is that it involved...

    6) A two year reconstruction of the railways costing 3 times the budget allocated for investment in the railways of the entire Soviet Union over 5 years...

    This was clearly a huge project that only started in the Spring of 1941.

    It's worth noting that the principal contractor for the Soviet government was the NKVD. They would be doing the construction work, at the same time (!) as they were building new fortifications along the Molotov Line, building new airfields (complete with dispersal points, fuel bunkers, ammunition bunkers, AA emplacements, control towers, barracks, etc.), repairing bridges and roads, etc. The NKVD wore many hats. They were also the government's landlords, they formed the Customs and Border Guards, there were NKVD regiments and battalions that fought alongside regular Red Army troops, and of course ran the intelligence agencies, prisons, and death squads.

    That said, the NKVD, despite its reputation, was just like every other part of the Soviet bureaucracy — very slow, complex, tedious, woefully inefficient, compounded by overlapping jurisdictions and jurisdictional rivalries. The construction work was hampered by lack of supplies, equipment and manpower, irrational planning, contradictory orders, lengthy delays, and so on, so typical of the whole schmozzle. It's not a coincidence that the construction work along the western frontier was many months behind schedule in June 1941.


    Scott Fraser

  6. In chapter 22 of "Icebreaker" Suvorov shows the Russians began a titanic series of troop movements so massive they pretty much killed the railway system starting six months prior to Barbarossa and intensifying enormously over time.

    John, none of this is a revelation. In May 1941, Stalin ordered a general mobilization as well as the immediate expansion of the Red Army, which included expanding the draft, recalling forces from the Far East, and sending everybody west. The Red Army was swelling at a feverish rate, despite the fact there were few junior officers and almost no NCOs and not enough new tanks or aircraft. The level of training was abysmal, as was the state of repair. Either way, all this was headed west in June, with many units strung out for hundreds of kilometers along the railway line. That was typical of the shambles the whole Army was in.

    The result of this was to put 57 divisions (their artillery preceded them) right up on the border of Germany and Romania, with another 114 close behind and in easy attack position. This was the entire First Strategic Echelon. 170 divisions! And where the First Strategic Echelon had been, the Second Strategic Echelon, whose existence the Germans did not know of, and whose movements and arrival were thoroughly concealed, took the former place of the First Strategic Echelon. The upshot? Because the First Strategic Echelon was on and near the border, it was wrecked.

    That was its purpose, its raison d'être, to absorb the attack and do as much damage as they could until help (the Second Echelon) arrived.

    That accomplished, the Germans thought they were in the clear, the war won. Which was when they ran smack into another wall of armies....

    The Second Echelon, or actually the Only Echelon, since the defensive force structure was so far from complete. In reality, the Second Echelon didn't exist except on paper.

    He's got fully documented account after account from the various senior COs attesting to things like calling up reserves...

    Here's a book by Roderic Braithwaite. He is a journalist who provides an interesting account of the situation following Barbarossa. His focus is on civilians, in large part, but he writes well. There was an atmosphere of tension in Moscow, many young people were joining up or being conscripted, so there is no doubt that the expectation of war was in the air. It's an interesting read.

    Moscow 1941: A City and Its People at War

    'By the end of June 1941, there were 1,320 trains laden with motor vehicles standing on the railways.' (VIZH 1975, No. I, p. 81) The standard weight for a military train at that time was 900 tons (45 wagons each weighing 20 tons). Assuming that there was one vehicle to every wagon, this would mean that at least 59,400 vehicles were expected to be offloaded. However, it often happened that, in conditions where an enemy attack

    has not been foreseen (and this one was not foreseen), the vehicles were loaded 'like a snake', that is with the front wheels of each vehicle placed on the body of the one in front. In this way an increased number of vehicles can be loaded onto one train.

    Der Alte Fritz has the goods on the Soviet railway system. He has posted a lot of pertinent information on Armchair General in the RKKA Forum. I'll try and roust him to see what he has to say about Soviet rail capacity. It varied in different areas because of the trackage. Suffice to say that the railways were totally overwhelmed.

    If somebody can manage to systematically refute the crushing aggregation of evidence Suvorov has so painstakingly assembled over many years, I'd love to see it.

    Presumably you have an open mind. I think if you read either Glantz's or Gorodetsky's book, you will see how tenuous Suvorov's thesis is and understand how it collapses completely when compared to archival material, including orders, strength returns, requisitions, transport orders. etc. The proof is not there, and there would be stacks of documents if it were true.

    I have no doubt that Stalin became resolved to a war with Germany as early as May 1939, after the French and British did nothing when Hitler marched into Prague. But the timing is manifestly impossible for any attack in 1941, given the state of the Red Army. The leadership was aware of that state, although the severity was greatly underestimated, and they were urgently trying to get defenses in order. All of it makes sense, but only in a longer timeframe.


    Scott Fraser


    Scott Fraser

  7. What was the largest.tank.battle.then?

    Here is the Wikipedia article. It was a major counterattack by the South Western Front at the end of June 1941. There were thousands of tanks involved, basically the entire strength of Army Group South versus the entire South-Western Front. The battle went on for days between Dubno and Brody along the axis of the German advance.



    Scott Fraser

  8. ... I've debated holocaust deniers before. It's like having a discussion about physics with someone who believes the world is flat and the universe revolves around the Earth. It is neither fun nor intellectually productive. All it does is reaffirm my suspicions that our species is doomed in the long run.

    I had to laugh when I read this. I approve, and agree. It's almost like debating Rezunites.


    Scott Fraser

  9. Why is that is because you have failed to do your homework, as as a result you continue to believe and relate manifest untruths about a serious historical work you have not read, written by a man who knows far more about the subject than you do. For inability to learn and unwillingness to work at it, you get a failing grade. Warning everyone not to take a word you say on any historical subject seriously, ever, until your attitude and actions change.

    Those who know, know because they worked at it, not because they have ideologically approved prejudices or can regurgitate ignorant snark off an Amazon review. Go do your homework. And in the meantime, here is a big glass of STFU.

    Grow up, dude. History is about facts. Clearly you didn't bother to read the review of Murphy's book on History-Net, or you would know it was not "snark off an Amazon review" but an objective, if critical assessment by a reputable historian. There are many useful reviews there.

    Suvorov is old news. His claims have been refuted many times by Russian historians who have been through the archives. I have posted links to several Russian articles that are online, and have recommended two books that have been published by reputable Anglophone historians with far more credibility than either you or I can claim, including David Glantz, generally considered to be one of the most knowledgeable people in the world regarding the Red Army in the Second World War. If you truly believe Glantz is somehow a charlatan, I fear there is no hope for you.

    That said, this thread is about books. Suvorov is off-topic.


    Scott Fraser

  10. dsf,

    I'm curious on what you make of the video interview some years ago with Stalin's telegrapher? He says that twice, before Stalin decided that Moscow would be held, come what may, he was sent to Stalin's private train to await his arrival before Stalin left Moscow as part of the evacuation of the government. I found the telegrapher's mien and account to be highly credible.

    There's no reason to disbelieve him. There were certainly preparations to move the government to Kuybyshev, but Stalin stayed in Moscow. The Kremlin appointment logs make that clear.

    That same program (don't recall title or channel) showed evidence the Russians made two separate efforts to obtain peace with Germany. One such effort went through the Swedes, and the other, I believe, Through Turkey. The second attempt was made in the summer of 1942.

    I've read that the Soviets tried to reach the Germans through the Swedes in the wake of Barbarossa and it went nowhere. IMHO, anything in 1942 would be disinformation. Once the USA was in the war, it was a fight to the finish. In one of the articles I linked, Stalin is quoted as saying in 1940 that there would eventually be a coalition with Great Britain and the USA that would crush Germany. Once Germany declared war on the USA, that coalition became a reality. I think that would completely remove any incentive to sue for peace. Compounding that, by 1942 the brutality of German occupation policy was known and it was already a fight to the death.


    Scott Fraser

  11. dsf,

    Short answer regarding Stalin? He quotes chapter and verse from Stalin's own words: in official statements, whether press, radio or newsreel; in his books and accounts of those who were in his presence, whether intimate groups, such as him with his closest advisers, or to the 200-man class of the Frunze Academy.

    Stalin's speech to the Academy was significant in that it was the first time that Germany was publicly labeled a threat. Up to that point, Soviet propaganda had described Germany in positive terms. There was no timetable announced. The speech is consistent with Stalin's decision in March 1939 to prepare for war. That decision was premised on the four years it would take to get a new generation of tanks and aircraft into service and that takes us to 1943.

    There is no question that Stalin intended to attack Germany — the question is when. To answer that, the first place to look is the Red Army. The Soviet defensive strategy is a matter of record, a three-tiered defense in accordance with "deep battle", which included a counterattack and invasion of German-held territory if the Germans attacked. That's a big if.

    For the most part, RKKA deployment in 1941 is consistent with that strategy. It was assumed that a German attack would come in the south, toward Kiev and the Ukraine, so the Kiev OVO had priority in the delivery of new tanks. Elsewhere, tank brigades were driving worn out junk, some of it dating back to 1932. Mobilization had begun but was months away from completion. Tank production was increasing slowly and outside a few select units, neither the drivers nor mechanics had touched any of the new tanks. The Stalin Line had been abandoned, with the guns removed to use in the Molotov Line along the new border. The NKVD was the prime contractor for fortifications, airfields and other facilities. They were months behind schedule, particularly with airfields, which contributed to the wholesale destruction of aircraft on the ground in June. The troops were new conscripts, there were not enough NCOs, there was no fuel or ammunition allocated for training — it is indescribable how scrambled and incomplete everything was in 1941. Many of the units had only partially arrived, with their weapons or tools strung out for hundreds of kilometers along the railway line. The more you read about it, the worse it gets. All in all, it simply boggles the mind. The Germans could not have attacked at a better time.

    The reality is that the Red Army was so dysfunctional in 1941 that they could barely conduct defensive operations against the Germans. Launching a general attack was impossible. The only place where they were not overrun immediately was in the south, where Kirponos had the tanks and took the initiative to mount a spirited defense against the Germans, briefly, until they were overwhelmed by events. Kirponos was dead by then. It's a good story.

    ...Chapter 9 in "Icebreaker" talks about the enormous buildup ... of the rail and road network at and near the new border...

    Recall that there was an enormous volume of trade between Germany and the USSR. Both Stalin and Hitler relied on it. There is nothing sinister about improving the transportation infrastructure, on either side of the border.

    ... Chapter 10 talks about the Stalin Line, how potent it was, how extraordinary the maskirovka regarding it, and how, in a veritable eye blink, a huge fortification complex running 1500 km and unflankable from land (ran Baltic to Black Sea, I believe) was torn apart and the weapons stored.

    The Stalin Line was obsolete, overtaken by events. The border had moved west hundreds of kilometers. There was no point in keeping the guns there when they were needed for the Molotov Line. Common sense.

    ... Suvorov deftly skewers Marshal of the Artillery Vorontsov who, after the GPW, pretends not to understand why the Stalin Line was torn up...

    There were many generals who can be skewered for their performance in June 1941. Some of them were even shot. The overall level of competence was abysmal, generally, which is just one more manifestation of the half-baked state of the Red Army. Suvorov tends to make mountains out of molehills, but it's all a matter of context. It is still not a realistic scenario.

    After you finish Suvorov, check out Gorodetsky's Grand Delusion. He is much more readable than Glantz (Stumbling Colossus) and offers a different point of view.


    Scott Fraser

  12. ... I will put this extract from Прелюдия к Барбароссе (M.Kolomiets, M.Makarov; 2001) up for perusal. Pardon the formatting, but it Microsoft HTML I just converted from Word. It is in Russian, but the tables are fairly self explanatory. It contains chapter and verse regarding Red Army force deployments in June 1941. Tables 16 and 17 detail the tank forces assigned to the border MDs.


    Here is a better link. I have consolidated the tables so they are easier to find. It is an HTML document, so online translators can be used to determine the content.



    Scott Fraser

  13. Yes, you need to. Currently your history grade is an F.

    Why is that, Jason? Because I don't subscribe to the Cold War version of history? Is it because I believe Suvorov is a charlatan? Or is it because I discount the book you recommend after reading a critical review that concludes the author is making things up?

    I read Russian and German. I learned both languages so I could use Russian and German documents when I research the war between the Russians and Germans. That way I don't have to rely on interpreters and spin doctors and can draw my own conclusions from the historical record. As far as I'm concerned, that is a much better modus operandum than relying on the suppositions of some spook halfway around the world.

    By the same token, I am also skeptical when I read books on the Nazi-Soviet War written by people who do not have those language skills. That is not to say they are wrong, but they are not as close to the truth as those who do have those skills.

    It's all about proximity, Jason. When the people in the trenches (the Russians) are reporting something different from what we (Anglophones) were taught thirty years ago, it is worth taking note. As it transpires, what we have been told differs from what the Russians are discovering after poring over old documents, significantly, in some respects. It is certainly food for thought, and sometimes it puts events in a completely different light. Is it revisionism? Sure, but history is a living thing, and it is changing constantly as we discover new facts and form more conclusions. Every grad student writing a dissertation is trying to bring new insights to an old story. Revisionism is the norm. Eventually the new Russian history will be absorbed and incorporated into our own history, but that will be decades from now. For the moment, all we have is the collective work of David Glantz.


    Scott Fraser

  14. Why would you link a Russian-language source on an English language forum to poster who's never claimed to be able to read Russian?

    Maybe in the hope that some people can read Russian? Some people do.

    The people who know the most about the Red Army are the Russians. The links are to articles by prominent Russian historians who challenge Suvorov, for one reason or another, after reviewing the documents held in TsAMO and other archives. Suvorov's allegations sparked considerable debate in Russia, with the result that people went looking to see what proof there might be among documents of the time. These articles are part of the result. They are there for anyone who can read them.


    Scott Fraser

  15. First, I'm six chapters into "Icebreaker," and it's a tremendous read. Over and over again Suvorov hangs Stalin et al. with their own words... There's also Stalin's gleeful comment after signing the Ribbentrop-Molotov--"I have deceived him. I have deceived Hitler." ...

    A question: Just how is Rezun to know what Stalin thought or said? Rezun/Suvorov was a low-ranking GRU officer stationed far away from Moscow. He was not around in WW2 and had no direct access to sensitive, classified documents dating from that period. After he defected to start his career as a novelist, his access was nil. The very best he could do was repeat hearsay.

    As for the amphibious tanks, I'm not exactly the world's expert on pre WW II Russian amphibious tanks, but I am very much a student of warfare.

    Well, I am a student of Soviet armour, multilingual, with a pretty decent library of maybe 1500 books, mostly Russian/Soviet publications. I am trained in the discipline of history and have the appropriate respect for source documents. Professionally, I worked between two worlds, Soviet and Canadian, as a representative for Canadian industry. I am depressingly familiar with the Soviet mindset, their obsession with paperwork, their tedious bureaucracy, queues, bad food and worse accommodations. I am also a modeller. A few years ago, I began gathering information in preparation for writing a book on the T-34. At this point in time, I know quite a bit about the Red Army, particularly their equipment.

    So, I say frankly, any suggestion that the RKKA had 4000 amphibious tanks ready to launch in a general attack on Nazi Germany is sheer lunacy. But that's Suvorov.

    ... All while under orders not to advance.

    Orders? What orders? If there were orders to launch an attack on Germany, where are they? The RKKA was a very large organization. Attacking Germany would be a very large undertaking. If, as Suvorov suggests, there were preparations to launch an attack and invade Germany, there would be a pile of paperwork reaching halfway to the moon.

    Instead, there is nothing. Nothing at all, save one penciled document, the outline of Plan Grom. Vasilevsky wrote the document, dated 15 May 1941. In a 1965 interview, Zhukov stated that Stalin axed it immediately when he heard of it and repeated his instructions that the Germans must not be provoked*.

    Soviet defense policy was always that the first echelon absorb the initial attack, the second echelon would defeat the invaders, and the third echelon would then (and only then) counterattack. They were to cross the border near L'vov and drive west as far as Krakow and Katowice, with the objective of depriving Germany of Silesian coal and forcing Germany to the table. If one looks at the disposition of Soviet forces on the eve of Barbarossa, almost all the new tanks were located in the Kiev Special Military District, pursuant to that strategy.

    The amphibious tanks are designed to probe the defenses, if any, find the weak spots, or simply bull through a disorganized (if even present) defense, in turn resulting in an assault or admin river crossing as the attackers relentlessly advance. It has been established many times over that a tank, any tank, is terrifying to infantry as a general rule. How much more, then, is one that spits fire like some dragon as it swims the river to help create a beachhead?

    Amphibious tanks are also used for the defense, to scout neighbouring enemy forces. That aside, you greatly overestimate the capabilities of the older tanks. The T-37A was very thin-skinned — up to 10mm on the sides. The PzB 39 could defeat it easily, as could the Flak 38 or Pak 38. They were also very worn, obsolescent, small and hopelessly unreliable, to the point where the T-38 was hurried into production. The T-38 wasn't much better. Both had two man crews, were armed with a single 7.62mm machinegun and you can see from the data how many had radios.

    Clearly, the quantities are way off...

    Correct. So is everything else when Suvorov's claims are put under close scrutiny. That's the whole point.

    Stalin, for example, had more amphibious tanks than the Poles had total AFVs...

    Obviously. The Red Army was the largest army in the world, by an order of magnitude. The USSR was also the largest country in the world, with enemies at both ends. All of its neighbours had attacked at one point or another, so it hardly surprising that Stalin went overboard. That really has no bearing on the question. Far more significant is the disposition of all those tanks, i.e. how many of them were based in the Military Districts facing the Germans and their overall state of readiness. That data has been available for a long time.

    I will put this extract from Прелюдия к Барбароссе (M.Kolomiets, M.Makarov; 2001) up for perusal. Pardon the formatting, but it Microsoft HTML I just converted from Word. It is in Russian, but the tables are fairly self explanatory. It contains chapter and verse regarding Red Army force deployments in June 1941. Tables 16 and 17 detail the tank forces assigned to the border MDs.


    YT finally cleared, and I can now present a very up close look at one of the few surviving T-37A amphibious tanks. Kubinka has it, and it's a runner, despite its considerable age!

    Interesting. AFAIK, it is the only survivor. (There are five T-38s.) I didn't know it was a runner. Quite the deathtrap, eh? Probably the only AFV that a Pz.Kpfw.I could knock out. Here is a walkaround of the same vehicle. http://legion-afv.narod.ru/T-37_Kubinka.html


    Scott Fraser

    * quoted in Veremeev, Krasnaya Armia v nachale Vtoroi mirovoi, p.260 ff.

  16. Unfortunately I don't have time to respond to all of your points in detail, but I did want to point out that Soviet troops were hardly "stationed in a line along the border". I'm reading a lot about the South-Western Front now, and its main strike forces were stationed 200-240 km from the border.

    In fact, while the initial deployment was not great, the real problem arose when all the Sov units were ordered to attack in the initial days of the war, putting them further into harm's way.

    I'm also fascinated by some people's fixation on amphibious tanks (and characterization of DUKWs, amphib jeeps, and schwimmwagens as offensive weapons). And John, citation please for the claim that amphibious jeeps led the way in the "Battle of Berlin" to secure a bridgehead...

    I really don't understand why the fact that the Sov military had an offensive mindset is taken as proof that they intended to attack Hitler in 1941??

    People believe what they want to believe, especially when someone like Suvorov comes along. After all, Suvorov built a very successful career for himself telling people what they wanted to hear. For people of that mindset, it's hard to concede there may be another reality, especially after so many decades of Cold War propaganda. Many people — most people are not interested in relearning history, especially if it contradicts the history they grew up with. Just wait until you try and tell someone that Kursk was NOT the largest tank battle of the war! LOL!

    As you no doubt know, there are numerous books on the SW Front in 1941. Three that I have enjoyed are Aleksei Isaev's 2009 book Дубно 1941 г., reprinted in 2012 by Yauza/Eksmo as Величайшее танеовое сражкеие 1941 г. The original has out of print for several years. Another good book that continues the story is Ilya Moshchansky's 1941 - Битва за Киев (2008). There were also three monographs from Voennaya Letopis' (2003) by T. Abashidze describing the fall of Kiev. The second volume (Киевская стратегическая оборонительная операция ч.2) is entitled Окружение Юго-Западного фронта. The only one of these that is still in print is the reprint of Isaev's book, but I have these (any many others) in pdf format if you are interested.


    Scott Fraser

  17. ... I have to say, too, that I find Suvorov's juxtaposition of 4000 amphibious tanks alone vs the entire, smaller, Panzer force, to be damning--to Stalin. I agree with Suvorov. Amphibious tanks are weapons of attack, and such a stupendous tank park in that category alone gives away the game.

    Seriously? It would serve you well to confirm what Suvorov alleges before taking him too seriously.

    4000 amphibious tanks is a gross exaggeration, especially considering serviceability. As important, none of them were armed with more than a machinegun.

    On 1 June, 1941, the Red Army tank park contained the following amphibious tanks:

    The data is broken down by serviceability.

    Category 1 tanks are ready for combat.

    Category 2 require minor repair.

    Category 3 require major repair.

    Category 4 require complete overhaul. Neither of the last two categories are considered combatworthy.

    T-37A (line): 94(1); 1109(2); 355(3); 367(4). Total 1925.

    T-37A (radio): 18(1); 246(2); 67(3); 48(4). Total 379.

    T-37A (chemical): 0(1); 9(2); 1(3); 0(4). Total 10.

    T-38 (line): 99(1); 576(2); 161(3); 210(4). Total 1046.

    T-38 (radio): 5(1); 70(2); 18(3); 4(4). Total 97.

    T-40 (line): 100(1); 13(2); 0(3); 0(4). Total 113.

    T-40 (radio): 14(1); 2(2); 1(3); 0(4). Total 16.

    T-40 (training): 0(1); 2(2(); 0(3); 0(4). Total 2.


    Of 2314 T-37A, 1461 (63%) were listed as serviceable and ready for combat. These formidable offensive weapons were armed with a single 7.62mm DT machinegun.

    Of 1143 T-38, 646 (56%) were listed as serviceable. These, too, were armed with a single DT mg. It is worth noting that many of the T-37A and T-38 were no longer seaworthy and this is not reflected in the data. .

    Of 131 new T-40s, only one required major repair. They all floated. They were also much more formidable, armed with a single 12.5mm DShK mg.

    To summarize, between 1931 and 1941, the USSR manufactured 3588 amphibious tanks, apart from prototypes. Of that number, 2237 were serviceable on 1 June 1941. Of that 2237, only 131 were armed with more than a light machinegun. the T-40 had a heavy machinegun.

    Details like these are where Suvorov's story falls apart. There were never 4000 amphibious tanks, not even close considering the poor mechanical condition most were in. The ones that there were cannot be considered as "a stupendous tank park", especially since not all of them even floated. Given their armament, neither can they be considered "weapons of attack". If you look at their deployment, for which I can provide details, they were distributed in small quantities across very many companies and divisions, contained within their reconnaissance echelons. They were, after all, designed and built for reconnaissance, despite Suvorov's insinuations.


    Scott Fraser

    Data from "Чудо-оружие" Сталина — Плавающие танки Великой Отечественной; Maksim Kolomiets, Moscow 2011 (Yauza).

  18. Dsf - you transparently haven't read a word of it. Check back after doing your homework.

    Do I need to?

    The author's thesis, as described in the review, is nothing new. In fact it's old news, very old news. Moreover, the paragraph I quoted from the review is telling, even damning. According to the reviewers, he makes his case with innuendo and insinuation, with scant reference to source documents, so my conclusion is that this is opinion more than history. That's to be expected, considering the author is not an historian. If you read into his background, he was a CIA officer in Berlin until 1961 (still the Khrushchev Era), when he was recalled to the USA. His only other book is on Cold War spies. I would certainly not pay money for this book.

    As I said before, eight years is a long time in the world of Russian history. There have been hundreds of books published in the intervening years by Russian historians who DO work from source documents, many of which were not available when Murphy was penning his manuscript. This is an old book that does little more than repeat old conclusions based on myths, fragmentary information and a lot of Cold War spin.

    A case in point: after Stalin's death, during the anti-Stalin campaign launched by Khrushchev, Zhukov wrote in his memoirs that Stalin disappeared for days following June 21, 1941. You yourself repeated this story. In fact, Zhukov's tale is a totally fabrication, invented to curry favour with the incoming regime. This link goes to Stalin's appointment book for 1941. On June 21, Stalin received visitors all day, including Zhukov, as well as Molotov, Voroshilov, Beria (twice), Voznesenski, Malenkov, Kuznetsov, Timoshenko, Budënny and Mekhlis. On June 22 he had twenty-six appointments. So much for that famous story that Stalin ran away and hid under his bed, eh? That's one of the most famous myths of the Second World War, the kind that people like Murphy cling to and repeat ad nauseum.

    I have maintained for many years that the Anglo history of the Soviet Union during the Second World War is tainted and overdue for revision. The Russians have been busy doing just that for two decades now, but Glantz remains a voice in the wilderness among American historians. Rather than addressing that challenge, people like Murphy keep coming out with the same-old same-old, reinforcing the old myths instead of dispelling them. I cannot endorse that. You may regard Murphy as some kind of sage, but I see him as just another hack writer out to make a buck. He and Suvorov belong on the same shelf in the fiction section.


    Scott Fraser

  19. Dsf - you need to read David Murphy's "What Stalin Knew". The particulars on Russian intel efforts before the attack, assessed by a professional US intelligence analyst, with chapter and verse on every channel and source warning of the attack beforehand, and Stalin's reaction to every scrap of it.

    I'm not convinced. I learned a long time ago not to rely on anything US intelligence had to say about the USSR. This review would suggest that Murphy is still writing from afar, without direct access to source documents. I note the paucity of those he has used, in particular, and the date of publication (2006) is also a factor. Much has happened in the intervening years to spark further debate among Russian historians. I doubt that Murphy brings anything new to the table.

    Moreover, this comment is a red flag. From the review above:

    Murphy can be accused of excessive speculation throughout his work. Analysis is suspect if it is largely held together by qualifiers such as: "this report must have been rejected by the boss [stalin]," "such minutia was probably typical of the reports ... sent to their case officers," an official "would surely have learned" and he was "probably also shown two reports," "it seems likely that ... [an] arrest was related to," and "so it must have been suppressed," etc. (pp. 102, 115, 192, 205, 201, 208).

    For too long western "experts" have papered over the gaps in their knowledge with speculation, hearsay and myth. I appreciate that Murphy made an attempt, but he was still writing with no knowledge of what was in Soviet archives. That's important, IMHO, and unnecessary in the wake of research by Russian scholars.

    Кремль. Ставка. Генштаб.

    Собирался ли Сталин напасть на Гитлера?


    За линией советско-германского фронта

    There are many other relevant articles there.


    Scott Fraser

  20. First, let's be clear. They are not "Suvorov's claims", they are Adolph Hitler and Joseph Goebbel's claims. The claim that Russia was about to attack Germany originates in Hitler's speech announcing the invasion of Russia by Germany, to the German public. It remained a staple of German propaganda throughout the war. Suvorov invented nothing, he just sided with German wartime propaganda in an excess of dislike for Stalin. The reality is the claim whitewashes Stalin in another respect, because Stalin never saw the German attack coming, and it was the greatest strategic blunder of his life. Stalin who trusted no one, trusted Hitler; Hitler who deserved no rational man's trust, was trusted fully by Stalin.

    Suvorov (Rezun) gets credit because it was his book resurrecting the claim that the USSR was about to launch a preemptive attack on Nazi Germany that started the whole controversy.

    We know this because we know all the successful Russian intelligence that tried to tell Stalin that Germany was about to attack. We know the western intelligence that also understood this and tried to convey it to Stalin. We know the wall of distrust, as supposedly British misinformation and provocation, that Stalin showed to all such reports, extending to violently calling for everyone telling him such things to be arrested, tortured and killed.

    Just who was arrested, tortured and killed for conveying this information? Names? Dates?

    There is a chapter in Glantz's book Stumbling Colossus describing the successes and failures of Soviet intelligence and Stalin's unwillingness to countenance any action that might be taken by the Germans as a provocation. Gorodetsky also describes the situation in Grand Delusion, both English-language accounts based on Soviet source documents.

    Trains carrying important industrial supplies and food continued to roll across the border from Russia into Germany right up until the day of the invasion. Stalin not only forbade Russian military aviation from scouting the German build up, he forced them to ignore and allow deep German reconnaissance flights into Russian territory.

    That much is true.

    He relieved of command aviation officers who so much as reported such incursions.

    Can you provide documented examples, or is this simply Cold War mythology?

    Stalin convinced himself in 1939 that the Ribbentrop Molotov Pact was a diplomatic masterstroke on his part. He believed he had successfully deflected Germany west, into a war against the capitalist status quo powers. He expected that war to last a long time, and to weaken both parties.

    Maybe. I'm sure he saw the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as a diplomatic coup, but it was already evident in August 1939 that Hitler was about to invade Poland, possibly provoking a conflict with the other capitalist powers. Stalin did not need to encourage Hitler. He needed only to reassure him that Germany's eastern frontier would be secure.

    There is also anecdotal evidence that as early as May 1940, Stalin anticipated that the USSR would become part of a coalition against Nazi Germany that included both Great Britain and the USA. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, or rather the trade agreements it was attached to, were a way to keep Hitler at arm's length, dependent upon Soviet imports while he waged war on France and Great Britain.

    His military ambitions westward were all contingent on the possibility of a German defeat in that war. He was perfectly willing to contemplate and prepare for conquering Europe in the wake of a German collapse, but he had no intention of fighting heavily to cause that collapse himself.

    This is pure speculation. According to source documents, Stalin was preparing to wage war on Nazi Germany sometime after 1942. Period. There is nothing to indicate he was going to wait for a German attack. There is nothing to indicate he had any aspirations on Western Europe, ever! Rather, the expectation was that Germany, France and Great Britain would become embroiled in a long war of attrition which would reduce Germany's armed forces while the USSR prepared for war. It has been said, that while Germany and the Allies totaled their losses in different columns, Stalin tallied them all in the same column.

    He further thought it was unthinkable for Germany to attack him because he thought it would be a blunder on Germany's part. He thought they would never leave Britain unconquered in their rear to take on a two front war. He readily believed the German misinformation campaign that told him that all rumors of war preparation in Germany directed at Russia were British provocations, stemming from Britain's desperation and need for a continental ally to do their fighting and bleeding for them. He wasn't wrong that it was reckless and a blunder for Germany to attack him. He was hopelessly naive in his estimate of Hitler's (entirely imaginary) rationality and risk aversion.

    Agreed. It was completely irrational for Hitler to start a two-front war.

    Molotov's reaction to the declaration of war was to complain to the Germans themselves that "surely we have not deserved this" - a moral complaint of one capo to another that they had done everything to keep faith. Stalin was worse - he locked himself away for days and refused to see anyone....

    This is simply not true, an allegation made by Zhukov during the Khushchev era when Stalin was being actively defamed by the new regime. The Kremlin appointment diary shows Stalin was on the job, receiving many ranking officers and members of his cabinet throughout that day (June 21) and the days that followed.

    All the historians looking for ways to salvage conscious lies that excuse the mistakes of tyrants melt into insignificance when you look at the direct evidence of the actions and private explanations and reasoning of those tyrants themselves. There is no mystery in it, we know exactly why they actually did what they did. Later revisionism can't change that.

    You paint with a very broad brush. I do not believe that there are any reputable historians "looking for ways to salvage conscious lies", at least not any Russian historians. That may still be the case with Anglophone historians, who have yet to embrace the research that has been done by Russian scholars in the last decade. Many of them are still wedded to the myths promulgated in the years following the Second World War, when there was a political agenda that had to be supported.

    Sometimes there is a reason for revisionism, like when the documentary record suddenly becomes available. The debate prompted by Suvorov's claims has resulted in numerous rebuttals by Russian historians who have delved deeply into Soviet archives. The information is there, for those who read Russian. Unfortunately, that information has yet to replace the politically inspired hogwash passed off as history in mainstream Anglophone accounts of the Second World War.


    Scott Fraser

  21. ... Bellamy specifically talks abut Gordievsky's view and, I believe, mentions Isaev. Nowhere, that I recall, does he say anything about Glantz's having refuted the Suvorov argument, but maybe that came after Ultimate War was published...

    Glantz wrote Stumbling Colossus in rebuttal to Suvorov's claims.


    Scott Fraser

  22. He [bellamy] personally believes Stalin, because of both the lack of sufficient modern weaponry and the urgent need to rebuild the thoroughly purged officer corps, couldn't have attacked Germany until 1942, but Stalin certainly did plan to attack Germany...

    While Suvorov's thesis has been successfully debunked by Glantz, Isaev, Gordievsky and any one of a number of other contemporary Russian historians, there is a kernel of truth to his claims. Firstly, in the event of an attack by Germany, Soviet planning called for a counterattack by the 'third echelon' reaching as far west as Katowice (200 km) in the Silesian coal fields, the object being to cut Germany off from her coal supply and forcing them to come to the table. If Romania joined in, another thrust was to be made west to the Carpathians to interdict traffic moving north from Germany's allies. This was MP-41, the Soviet operational plan in June 1941. There is also a preliminary plan devised by Zhukov in March 1941 for a preemptive attack on Germany that was squashed as soon as it was presented to Stalin, who was opposed to anything that might provoke the Germans. It all went to hell, of course, due to the incomplete mobilization of the Red Army and the total state of unreadiness on the part of the Red Army.

    More to the point, Soviet diplomacy prior to September 1939 had been directed at containing Nazi Germany in conjunction with France, especially, and Great Britain, who would have no part of any alliance with the USSR. Neither was willing to act against Germany, a fact made abundantly clear by Chamberlain's trip to Munich in 1938. Stalin wanted stability more than anything, and viewed Germany's expansion with consternation. When the Wehrmacht marched into what remained of Czechoslovakia an March 1939, the French and British did nothing but make speeches.

    A few years ago a s diary was discovered in a safe where one of those present described a meeting in the Kremlin early in April 1939 attended by Stalin and his senior cabinet. IIRC, the diary belonged to Vasilevski, but I've lost the bookmark. Evidently, Stalin had realized that Germany had to be stopped and that with no one else willing to act, it would fall upon the USSR to do so. Stalin asked how long it would take to get new tanks and aircraft into general service and was told four years. He ordered that work begin immediately, suggesting that 1943 was the date he was contemplating for an attack on Germany. Coincidentally, 1943 was also Hitler's target date, at least before the quick collapse of France allowed him to advance his timetable.

    On the face of it, that seems to me a reasonable course of events. In the weeks following April 1939, specifications were issued for fighters, bombers, tanks, etc. that resulted in the Yak-1, LaGG-3, MiG-3, Yer-2 and T-40, T-50, T-34 and KV tanks. The Red Army began to mobilize, draft laws were changed to expand the armed forces, plans were made to evacuate industry to the east, and so on — circumstantial evidence, perhaps, but it would confirm the timing, anyway.

    There are some very lengthy discussions on Armchair General with more details. It was a couple of years ago since this came up and I found all this new information. Most of it is on the site Voennaya Literatura — http://militera.lib.ru/research/index.html .


    Scott Fraser

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