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Erik Springelkamp

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Posts posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. I have good memories of the book.

    I read it while learning CMAK, and it was a great introduction into the context of the game. I received it together with the physical game media, so shipping was negligible at the time.

    It was totally different from what I expected: I thought it would be an expanded rule-book, but instead it was a large collection of vivid battle stories.

  2. So these are the stock scenario's:

    Alvano Anvil


    Bad Day at Beach RED

    Beyond the Belice

    Biazzo Ridge

    Butera Station

    Casa Nostra

    Catch a Tiger

    Clearing the Niscemi Highway

    Fight at Vallebruca

    Gateway to Palermo

    Hot Mustard

    Lemon Hill

    Livorno Pride

    Ramparts of the Palikoi


    The Battle for Borgo Cascino

    Can anybody point out some easy ones, suitable to start with?

    (Attacker side)

  3. I have been away from CM a while. I have played a lot of Shock Force in the past, but although I pre-ordered the special edition of Normandy, the bocage didn't appeal to me.

    Now I saw Fortress Italy, and I am trying to get into it again, and I am looking for some easy scenario's, to get to know my forces, without being wiped out after a mistake. Something in the order of the 1st advanced campaign scenario.

    Call me lazy, but I do this for fun, not work :-)

  4. Having been away from CM for a while, I just acquired CMFI.

    Going through the tutorials.

    In Mission 3 of the Gela training campaign I have the pity remnants of my forces. Now my HQ has an ordinary infantry icon, and under the HQ icon there is a HQ team of three members.

    I assume my commander has died, and now the XO has become commander, and so his unit becomes HQ. But why don't the icons change?

    (Having only glanced at CMBN since I bought it when it came out, and being more familiar with CMSF and CMA I must say I am chocked at the amount of casualties that still give you a victory in these battles.)

  5. Combat Mission is for the long term. It has a steady flow on buyers for years to come.

    And it is a niche market, lower prices will not suddenly attract large numbers of buyers.

    So I guess the price will be going down only slowly.

    If you insist to be cheap, you can save a bit on the base game.

  6. You have to put the scenario in the gamefile\scenarios folder, by choosing the right directory when you save.

    Or you have to manually move the .btt file after you have created it, but that is cumbersome. Once you have a testfile in the scenarios folder, you can open, edit and overwrite it from the editor program.

    You can also open an existing scenario and save it under a new name, so you have an example of a complete scenario, that you can then change and play around with.

  7. I wonder how other people use the BRDM vehicle, that also appears in this scenario.

    It is very vulnerable to almost all kinds of fire, but when you dismount the passengers, it cannot fire its weapon. I have used remnant teams of one or two to remount the vehicle to get a working MG, or I bail out a driver from one BRDM and use it as a machine gunner into the next one, creating one operable vehicle from two useless ones.

  8. Richard Feynman, who was responsible for the calculations, has described in great detail how it was done. He had a dozen or so secretarial types (all female) do the calcs on ordinary business calculators...you know, the kind where you key in the numbers and pull the crank and it does the sums for you. The equations were broken down into thousands and thousands of such steps with one woman passing her sums off to the next until they were all done.

    That was not specific to the a-bomb program though.

    For a long time every university or research institute had a 'computation chamber' with a lot of people doing computations as requested by professors.

    Even before the invention of mechanical calculators. They used large table books with logarithms and other functions in great accuracy.

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