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Erik Springelkamp

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Posts posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. Today I was busy re-installing all my old CM games in Steam, transferring keys from BF to Matrix to Steam.

    I run them on a laptop, and because of my old eyes my laptop displays default 1920x1080 at 125%, but this gives very bad rendering especially of the UI text.

    Going to the CM.exe properties -> compatibility tab -> change DPS settings -> ignore system scaling, gets rid of the bad character display in the UI caused by the 125%, but it makes the text too small for my old eyes.

    So I edit display.txt to "1366 768 0" (choose a resolution that is possible in your windows display settings, otherwise it doesn't work).

    Now I have decent quality graphics with large UI text.

    I had done this successfully for CMSF2, CMRT and CMBS, but when I tried to do it with CMBN, I got a video driver error at start, because I had forgotten to modify the cm.exe properties, and the video card couldn't find a valid resolution.

    Just posted this here so it may help some other poor soul.

  2. I have been playing the Combat Mission games for many years since the early 2000's, but a few years ago I drifted off to other games (more grand strategy, like the AGEOD games, and non-wargame types).

    However I want to try a new run into this game.

    I haven't followed the developments over the last couple of years, but now I bought the general version 4 update.

    I own CMBN, CMFI and CMRT, with their modules (and CMSF, but that one is a bit dated now, and I have played much more of it than of the newer games).

    I am looking for a campaign to play, as I love the story part of a campaign. I don't want to pick a very hard campaign, as I want some leeway to pick up the gaming skills again.

    And I have no idea how the balance has shifted through patches and upgrades.

    Are there people here who can recommend a campaign? It can be a stock campaign or one from the repository.



  3. On the thin plated turret cover: I was looking at the shape, and that shape is very much like stealth planes/ships/vehicles. And the new Russian AFV's have radar targeting devices. Could it be that they decrease the radar signature of the turret with a tin plate profile around the actual hardware because they assume radar might become an important device? Just a weird idea by somebody who doesn't know anything about modern tanks.

  4. Ukraine has a right to decide its' own destiny. If they want to move twards NATO and the EU who can blame them after the way Russia treated them. On the same principle the Russian minority have a similar right. But it needs o be done at he conferance table, not on the battlefield.


    Whether they had a right to do it doesn't change the description of what happened.

  5. It is a bit like arguing an abused wife should stay with the husband because she's his wife.  Ukraine has gotten the really short end of the stick in being attached to Russia.  Things have changed to the degree that Ukraine has the ability to make up its own mind, and Russia disagrees.  


    Which is ironic as outside of Putin's pet Russians in the east, it's pretty much ensured Ukrainian independence from Russia (barring invasion) for the next few decades at the least.   


    In any event it was hardly destabilizing, or no more destabilizing (and shooting down less airliners) than the current state of affairs, with a clear end state.  Now?  Russia has given Eastern Europe cancer.  It's going to fester and damage the health of the region until it either kills the patient or someone kills the tumor.  


    Russia being morally wrong or right doesn't change the analysis.


    One may argue that the Kiev Ukrainians had good reasons to move away from Russia, but one cannot call that destabilizing Europe by Russia.


    It is a destabilization by Kiev, that was encouraged by the EU and the US.


    After that analysis one can start to argue why this destabilization may be worth it.


    When I were a Kiev Ukrainian I would probably support this destabilization, because I probably wouldn't have liked the status quo.

  6. If not us, who? Putin is the one aggressively de-stabilizing Europe in a country with nuclear weapons. Isolationism is never a good strategy. Wasn't it you who brought up the west's behavior regarding Hitler, is somehow that strategy now okay when applied to Putin?


    Putin is not destabilizing Europe, he is trying to sabotage a move of the Ukraine to NATO/EU. Ukraine has always been part of the Russian sphere of influence (with only short interruptions during crises), so if anything is destabilizing Europe it is a move from Ukraine towards the West.


    Of course there are all kind of issues regarding the way this movement has developed and about the ways Russia is trying to prevent this movement, but it was the movement that destabilised the situation.


    But apart form the Ukraine, there is nothing wrong with the stability in Europe. (Southern Caucasus cannot be really be called Europe, if anybody can give a good definition of Europe anyway).

  7.  Shall we just agree all sides have reason to be fearful and indeed even paranoid for a range of historical reasons going back over at least he las few hundred years and take it from there


    You may retract your number of 25 million, especially after having compared Alexey with holocaust deniers. That was really impolite.

  8. Log in (you cant access member profiles if you are loggeg out). Click on the members profile to open his profile page. On his profile page, locate the name of the member right to his avatar. Below his name, there is the join date.


    Hover your mouse over the name on any screen. That will give you that info in a popup.

  9. Actually, I'd say it's the norm. Or at least if it didn't start out being nuts it got to be nuts. In fact, my father-in-law and I were talking briefly about the real reasons behind The Crusades. The upper classes had to get their spices for rotting meats and silk for undies, no matter how many poor bastards had to be tricked into dying for a false cause.



    Nah, I believe the Crusades were the result of too much fighting spirit at the time. Power was displayed by fighting, and it caused too much destruction locally, so the Church redirected some of that energy elsewhere. (no harvest, no church taxes).


    Even here, in Frisia, where there were no Counts or higher authority then village bosses, those who could afford it built a ship to sail to the Mediterranean to go and fight and prove their courage. Otherwise those village bosses were campaigning each summer against each other.


    At the second half of the 13th century so much silver had been spent on those crusades, that they couldn't afford to import food during bad harvest years, while during the centuries before there was usually enough money available.


    If they had just wanted the luxury items, they could have bought those with all that money easily.

  10. yeah it's all our fault. :P

    c'mon man you really think the issue with the Taliban is the US needed to supply Mullah Omar and his band of fanatics legal proof that the terrorist he was protecting was involved and he was gonna hand over Osama? Really? Mullah Omar? Really? I wonder how the Dutch would have received that show if that aircraft had hit The Hague.

    Sorry I know this is way off topic.

    Well, as I wrote, this was aired after the beginning of Gulf War II, when the lies of the USA were discovered, and trust in the statements of the US government was pretty low.

    And being angry doesn't make you being right.

    The Dutch know what war can do to citizens, something the US didn't really experience before (parts of the South in the Civil War excepted), which makes many Americans talk about waging war in a way that is not always appreciated.

  11. USA asked Talibs to extradict Osama. They said they will do this if USA provides them with a proof he was behind the 9/11 attack. USA never presented it to them. USA also categorically rejected all other solutions suggested by Talibs. USA wanted snd needed the war. People were angry and all that rage needed to be channelled somewhere. It was channelled allright. When USA is angry you must not try to negotiate with it. You either do what it tells you or you get invaded. Just because USA has the means to do so. Real bully.

    This is why I consider USA's declaration of war on Afghanistan illegal or at least not morally sound.


    At the time - well, after the start of the 2nd Gulf War - there was a prime time TV program in the Netherlands where a famous Dutch attorney pleaded just that, and by large polls before and after his plea, he had convinced a majority of the Dutch population.

    EDIT: Not that it made any difference, as in our democratic system the government doesn't do what the population wants, but what the US government demands.

  12. Download ScAnCaDe from GreenAsJade


    CMx2 ScAnCaDe v1.7, by Mad Mike


    A tool that will create a sortable listing of all scenarios (btt files) in a given directory. The program will automatically read out

    parameters like battle size, date and time of day for the scenario, its duration, the weather etc. The resulting listing can then be sorted

    for these parameters.

    A sortable listing for campaigns can be created as well. The tool will also extract the individual scenarios from a campaign, making them

    playable in CMx2 independently of the campaign and even allowing for changes in the Scenario Editor.

    The campaign script is visualised in the generated campaign listing, providing an overview of the connections between battles in a campaign.

    Output will be generated as XML-files, which can be viewed in a browser via a provided XML Style Sheet.

    This has mainly been tested with Mozilla Firefox but should also work reasonably well with any other

    current browser.

    The tool works for CMBN+CW+MG+VP (up to v3.10), CMFI+GL (up to v1.20) and CMRT v1.00.

    A README with instructions on how to use the program is included in the .zip-archive.

  13. By the way, officer's 3d models look like privates. Did you note?

    Yes, I looked closely at the moment the commander was killed by the long range rifle shot, that hit just him out of 30 men that advanced together.

    I couldn't recognize him as an officer, so I wondered how the sniper had done that :-(

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