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Posts posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. Good news. Their June release of OpenAL includes Capture. Unfortunately is only supports 44kHZ capture but we've coded around that and it seems to work now. We're testing to make sure nothing else broke in this new release (beware of geeks bearing gifts, you know). As long as it all checks out OK then you will have voice chat in 1.1.1.

  2. Whenever you experience a problem, the first thing we'll ask for is the DropTeam.log file. This file helps us see what the game was doing while you were running it.

    You will need to send us the log file from the session where you experienced a problem. The log file is overwritten each time you start the game so you will need to send it before running the game again.

    On Windows and Linux, you will find it in the \bin subdirectory where DropTeam is installed. On Mac OS X, you will find it in the DropTeam subdirectory (/Applications/DropTeam by default).

  3. We've been talking on and off about delivering infantry in disposable drop pods. The pods could contain extra munitions for resupply as well as possibly be fitted with crew-servicable heavy weapons.

    Failing that, a kind of self-delivery is definitely pretty easy to do.

  4. My gripe is that if you can fit that AAD package in that little thing then every thor MBT should have one on the turret
    The bulk of the package is not the gun itself but the electronics, sensor, and AI suite that drives it. The gun is only the final, simplest piece on top of a complicated underlying puzzle. The Paladin is a perfect choice because it is an IFV with lots of configurable cargo space. In the Hermes variant, the space normally reserved for squads of light and medium infantry has been reconfigured for hosting the above mentioned systems. Most AFV's don't have this kind of easily configurable space available.
  5. I killed a Thor with the 10mm gun. It doesn't penetrate the back hull armor, but it does get the back turret armor for some reason... [smile]
    No longer in the upcoming 1.1.1 release.

    there is a bug with infantry and tall buildings. If you jump jet to them in certain places (not the bottom), you instantly teleport to the top of the building, even if it is very tall...
    Fixed for 1.1.1.

    I'm killing Thor turrets from the front with 120mm HE. Am I supposed to be able to do that?
    No, you're not. Fixed for 1.1.1.

    - display number of members (left) in the squad (hmm some image from Aliens springs into mind [smile] )

    - give these guys names

    - please let us crawl - I want to be sneaky and just poke over that ridge not wander there in full sight and _then_ hide. Crawl is very slow of course

    All on the way, but after 1.1.1.

    I think it's high time the AI was a little more discriminating
    Agreed. Working on it now.

    The galaxy doesn't reload the second weapon.
    Fixed for 1.1.1.

    The walking animation makes them look like they have S**t themselves.
    Which is indescribably horrible in tight fitting powered armor as we all know.

    If in doubt they should go prone
    Agreed. Will probably make it into 1.1.1.

    Jump jets have too little juice in them and its vectored too downward. It should be slightly vectorable so you can do low skimming hops.
    You can do skimming hops and even nap of Earth flight with practice. They're vectorable, too, using the forward and back keys and turning while in flight. We're reluctant to give them any more juice. It's quite understandable that as an infantry player we would all like more, but then of course we would like more of everthing. They have really excellent mobility already and they do need some restrictions.

    I think they're a little too concerned with staying in formation.
    This is the root of many of yllamana's complaints, too. We're looking at ways to make them more flexible about formation vs. risk of fire and detection. It would be easy to make them frustratingly difficult to get BACK into formation, of course, so we're trying for a better balance without going too far. A couple of essential points to remember, though:


    • When deployed for a fight, use ALT-P to tell your squaddies to hold position. Now you can turn and shoot and fight without worry of them moving to keep formation. Hit ALT-P again when you're ready to actually have them move. Use the key A LOT to stay in control.</font>
    • Use the "look" keys to look around instead of aimining in a different direction. By default the look keys are on the numpad. So you can look left, right, and back, without turning your marines just to do quick scanning.</font>

    To really see infantry shine, one probably needs to wait for the city map or the mountain map.
    Terrain is essential. Deploying in sneaky cover is what it's all about and on many of the current scenarios this is hard to do. Soon they'll be able to enter buildings which will help a lot, too.

    you need to be able to walk at diagonals
    Agreed. Hopefully will make it in for 1.1.1.

    can infantry please have a rangefinder on their scope?
    What are you looking for here?

    infantry don't appear able to return the flag at all. Is this intentional?

    can they please not be worth 1 point per man?
    Yes, along with the more general scoring cleanup which will come after 1.1.1.

    The visibility does seem to work, but the bots, like with jammed items, aren't really limited to field of view concerns.
    Right. Enhancing the spotting behavior of bots to be more realistically fuzzy is in progress.

    Infantry just don't seem all that useful. They're reasonably survivable against long-range fire, but they can't damage anything, can't interact with the flag, move slower than Thor (unless you activate the kill-me jets) and die horribly to the lighter AFVs from far outside their effective weapons range.
    Actually, our main concern has been that infantry are over-powered. smile.gif I might really agree with you about the kill-me jets, though. What do you all generally think about leaving infantry undetected, even while the jets are on?

    It's very difficult to think of a role for infantry to fulfill while working alone. When working in concert with other squads and especially with other AFV's they're incredibly potent and when used correctly, the victim player won't have any real counter. For example, here is a video of a single squad taking down 3 Thors by working in concert with friendly AFV's:


    Attacking those tanks without the friendly AFV's keeping them pinned would have been simply suicidal. Also, attacking those tanks without the infantry getting in there to decide the stalemate would have been suicidal for the friendly AFV's.

    The ion does an amazing 2 ablation per shot (that's 64 shots to kill a thor rear), so the same problem applies.
    Yes, but 3 prone ion squads in the foliage at a distance of 6 kilometers can cook that Thor in 30 seconds while it reaches out with widely spread HE rounds or coaxial fire at distant muzzle flashes (he can't see the troops from there). This is OK, but let a friendly AFV also engage that Thor while its front armor is being depleted. Now you only have to wait a few seconds for that front armor to weaken a bit.

    But a single ion squad engaging a distant Thor on its own? Yes, you're right - this is futile. Do you *want* a single squad of any type of light infantry to automatically (or even usually) be a match for any AFV on the field at any range? I know that's not what you're saying you want here, Yurch, but it's what a lot of us are thinking when we first take our squad out for a spin. Very much like the few first times most of played DropTeam and found ourselves being killed repeatedly in mysterious ways - until we figured out how to use the different AFV's appropriately.

    What we need is crazy kilted bastards running and screaming at the tanks with plasma flamethrowers.
    Horns on helmets first, Yurch. Stay focused!

    Perhaps the Paladin can be equipped with extra rounds for them?
    That's a great idea.

    I think the Infantry Ion guns need some better heatsinks...
    LOL. Ion squad self destruction is fixed for 1.1.1.
  6. As long as the router supports PAT then you don't have to do any port forwarding. Each client will get a unique, translated port from the router. We connect up to 5 clients through a router here, for example.

    If this is some kind of old or strange router that doesn't do PAT, then you can give each client his own unique port via the command line by using the -localport argument. For example, on OS X:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">cd /Applications/DropTeam

    DropTeam.app/Contents/MacOS/DropTeam -localport 13971</pre>

  7. Adz, most implementations of OpenAL on OS X don't support audio capture so it just won't work until Apple updates OpenAL. This will probably happen with their 1.1 release which will hopefully come very soon. I'll float the question again on their dev list but you know how Apple is - all release dates are some kind of mysterious secret. We'll see what they say.

  8. I think the .cob file format exported by Truespace 3.2 is quite obsolete and therefore won't load into DropTeam, but I haven't tried. DropTeam is able to load other models formats, too, though, and we'll be turning that external model import feature back on in an upcoming release. This means you could export from 3.2 as .3ds or .obj, for example, and then load those into DropTeam as models. In this case, you might even prefer to use something like Blender instead of an old version of Truespace. We'll let you know when that option is open to you.

    Yes, we have a tool to generate collision triangles which we would happy to share with anyone who wants it. It reads a .cob file and dumps out the xml for its triangles.

  9. It sounds like your frame rate has bogged down badly, possibly causing some of these other issues. Have you changed any settings on the Options tab, such as turning on shadows, HDR, foliage, or any other options which were previously off? If you email me your DropTeam.log I can look to see if there are any indications of why this has started happening to you.

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