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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. Obviously exactly what it's been needing for a long time.

    has led to more than one brawl in the ships canteen.
    An animation of kicking a dropship pilot's butt in the canteen would be really soothing to watch now and then, wouldn't it? Nice presentation, Poesel!

    So what's left to hook it up? Are you going to try to keep the original texture on there? Once the Apollo N is finished it will be hard to justify keeping the original Apollo at all, which is perfectly fine! smile.gif

  2. In that case your best bet is to turn off some options to reduce visual quality in exchange for better performance. On the options tab, try lowering the "Terrain quality" slider a few notches (not TOO much). Also make sure foliage, shadows, HDR, and high res textures are all turned off. You can also try turning off Terrain VBO - this might help or it might hurt, so you have to try this one both ways (depends on your specific video card).

  3. No, every face is assigned to one "direction". These directional assignments are only used for figuring the armor thickness at that spot on the object. It has nothing to do with real directions in 3D space; it's really just 6 names for 6 (potentially) different armor thicknesses allocated across the faces of the object. Instead of "front", "left", etc. you could just think of them as "Armor1", "Armor2", etc. if you wanted to.

  4. To fix the problem we need to narrow it down more. There are 2 major types of "lag": Client-side and network.

    Client-side stutters and pauses are caused by video, hard drive, and CPU issues. Network lag is caused by lag on the network connection. To distinguish between the two, just observe what kind of lag you're seeing. If the entire game freezes for a second or so from time to time - meaning that all objects stop moving, the camera stops moving, sounds stop or just stutter in place - in other words if "time stands still" once in a while, then this is a client-side problem. On the other hand, if objects in the world seem to drift out of position and then warp back into the right place, and/or your vehicle is unresponsive to commands on occasion, but the world keeps "moving", then this is network lag.

    So do you think you're mostly experiencing client side or network lag? Based on your answer to that, we can start probing deeper.

  5. hard to get on and lots of crashes and hardly any normal game-ends..usually just a server disconnect at the expiration of time.
    I think the server disconnect should be OK now, but are you also getting client-side crashes (crash to desktop with error dialog)? If so, please send a crash dump to me (if the Send button on the error dialog isn't working). If you don't know what I mean then say so here and I'll post instructions. Thanks!
  6. Ice, we would have gladly included Battle Creek, but didn't know it was finished. Until you explicitly say so, we just assume all scenarios are a work in progress. We'll roll it into the next one!

  7. You might want to start with the "Creating Scenarios" sticky link at the top of this forum. Modding is mostly a matter of editing some text files (XML files) in your install's \data subdirectory. Are you mostly interested in modding vehicles/objects or in creating scenarios?

  8. Yurch, you'll notice that the Bacchus that ships with 1.1.4 has the 2nd turret removed (the one that the AutomatedGun was attached to). Having 2 turrets causes a serious network bug, so that will need to be fixed before putting that 2nd turret back on.

  9. ...is now available via Update. You should be prompted to update automatically the next time you run DropTeam.

    Important: If you were not already up to version 1.1.0 and had customized controls then you need to go BACK to the default keyboard or default joystick controls and recustomize your control set with this release. If you don't do this then many new commands from the 1.1.0 release won't work for you.

    Fixes in 1.1.4:


    • New scenarios from Hub and Alfa-142</font>
    • Fixed "getting stuck" as a passenger if the building your squad is inside of is destroyed (along with a couple of other variations on this theme)</font>
    • Fixed client CTD</font>
    • Fixed CTD on several scenarios when playing with Shaders option turned off</font>
    • OBJ model loading and "CollisionModel" tags for mods</font>
    • Fixed intermittent server crash</font>
    • Performance optimizations</font>
    • Improved bots' ability to use mortars</font>
    • Pods no longer smoke and burn upon self destruct (less performance hit when dozens of dead pods are laying around)</font>
    • Improve bots' avoidance of AA when dropping</font>
    • Slightly reduced range of the Hermes automated gun</font>
    • New unit - Bacchus (see its own forum topic)</font>
    • Fixed campaign scenarios to use new turret types</font>
    • Fixed dropship sounds</font>
    • Mines can now only be deployed during the Deployment Phase and they can only be cleared by the Cutter - HE weapons do not clear mines</font>
    • Reduced default number of dropships per team to 15 (used to be 40)</font>
    • You can no longer extract via dropship if the team has run out of dropships</font>
    • You can now extract via Deployment Zones (works like the opposite of dropping in them) - you can do this even if no dropships remain</font>
    • Fixed bad LOS spotting of Shrike</font>
    • Dropships will dump their cargo instead of getting stuck going back and forth when between obstacles (d'oh! trees! d'oh! edge of world! d'oh...)</font>
    • You can now press the "special action" ('B' by default) key to order a dropship to deploy before it normally would have (only works when at low altitude)</font>
    • Fixed target reticle incorrectly showing reload activity for objects other than the one you control</font>
    • Target reticle now shows reload due to switching ammo types</font>
    • Inverted dropships that collide with the ground are destroyed</font>

  10. Yes, Squid, I think the answer with artillery delivered mines will, in fact, be "a lot of mines" along with the requisite wait for the fire mission to execute.

    Poesel's reduction of minefields along with Squid's proper HUD feedback on their status is the right approach, so that will be the eventual goal.

    So as not to delay 1.1.4 any longer, it will still go out with mines only being deployed in the Deployment Phase and only being cleared by Cutters. There are so many other important fixes that it's just not worth waiting for any more delay due to this. After 1.1.4, work on minefields along the lines described above will continue.

  11. Those drop problems are much better in 1.1.4, so let us know how it seems after the 1.1.4 release.

    The crazy, smoking Shrike will sometimes happen when running standalone and the frame rate drops pretty low - at or below 15 fps. We've finally nailed this down and should have it fixed soon (but not for 1.1.4, unfortunately). In the meantime, keeping your framerate up is the only thing you can do to avoid it while playing standalone.

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