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it's Les

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Posts posted by it's Les

  1. Some of the forum veterans are admittedly hard core wargamers, and yet not what you would call "dangerous" opponents.

    Some of us like Jersey John and myself, are considered considerable wargamers in our own way, or credible thinking historians, yet, we have not logged in the hundreds and hundreds of games, such, that even a total novice won't be instant road kill.

    There are a few though, that have played such a sheer immensity of games, can claim to be your worst nightmare. Well at least in the 39 campaign.

    Make the wise choice, do not say you are done with this game, till you have played EACH AND EVERY CAMPAIGN 20 times each on every dificulty setting.

    Otherwise, you are just assuming you have seen it all.

    Most of the more "brutal" competitive guys here, only play the 39 game it seems, and that proves nothing. So what a person can memorise the best possible first 10 turns of optimum performance.

    Try mastering the 43 and the 44 games too.

  2. I am confused.

    SC always required me to just send a single file.

    It was always just one file.

    That meant open email, insert one only file send email.

    How exactly can you improve on that?

    I had one friend that had a personal request to shrink the file size simply because they needed a smaller file size.

    So I told my compression program shrink this file

    Then I emailed that file.

    It created a two step process where before, it was a one step process.

    It's only one step people.

    Asking for less than one step?

    That leaves nothing if my basic math is correct.

  3. Ok we aaaaaaaaaall know the AI can eventually be seen as not so aggressive in some aspects.

    Does it reeeeeally surprise you a computer AI is not the same as a human mind though?

    Why are people always so shocked they are smarter than the machine?

    We have aaaaaaaall heard the game has some shameless major holes in potential security where online opponents are concerned.

    So what.

    My question is, how many are enjoying the game ala Hotseat mode?

    Further, how many play the game hotseat mode against themselves solo, merely for the thrill of examining the wars many potentials against the stiffest challenge possible, themselves.

    I am looking forward to SC2 for a few reasopns of technical merit, but gotta say guys, SC is still agreat game, because in the end, I will always be available to play me a game eh smile.gif

    And it's like I know every move I am going to make in advance heheh I must be cheating.

    Hey HC, what are you going to do for SC2 to eliminate all this solo game cheating?

  4. Last quote on when it will be on sale, was like sort of winter 2004.

    Don't hold me to that smile.gif it's a wargame remember hehe.

    Price, your guess is as good as anyone else's smile.gif

    Actually buying it, it will only be on sale directly from Battlefront (as is always the case) unless they suddenly reverse their way of doing things suddenly on us eh.

    They always sell their games direct through online order till like they are good and ready to put it on a shelf if at all.

    I have seen Strategic Command on a shelf a couple of times. That was not till 2 years after original release though.

    No one will be buying this retail the first year if all I have learned is any indication.

  5. Ok I could have put this in the ICQ thread, and it might even get read smile.gif

    All of you that might have added me to your ICQ list, go now and delete that number 83216348, as I won't be responding to anyone on it. It's now reserved for just a few old contacts that are external to wargaming.

    Actually I use Yahoo when I want to chat (so don't be surprised if I rarely if ever even have ICQ open).

    And no, I use Yahoo mostly to chat with my girlfriends smile.gif so I ain't in any special hurry to invite you to that list hehe.

    But recognising you guys all seem to think ICQ is better, although some of my local buddies get in quite a snit over loading Yahoo on their computer, I have registered a number ENTIRELY for wargaming related purposes.

    If you reeeeeeally want to add the great Les the wargamer ( smile.gif ) to your ICQ list, you will need this number here.


    I go by Wargaming Les (yeah I know highly unoriginal hehe).

    I am not saying I will suddenly become available for a game (any game), but I know a lot of you guys have me on your list, and I thought you would appreciate knowing.

    I currently average about 3 visits to ICQ land in a month just so you know.

  6. Sorry but SC3 is to yesterday.

    And I am skipping SC4 the game done in 3d real time, because yawn everyone has done that too smile.gif

    SC5 was nice, but somehow an SC Online Mud just isn't my bag.

    So I guess I will be rooting for SC6 where I get to play the game in a holographic full sensory immersion war room.

    Although, I have heard some talk about a retro SC7 (lucky seven eh). Where you take the original base SC game, with a full modifications to eliminate the original games oddities like "no way out of Ireland", and fight each and every initiated battle as a tactical wargame simulation through the updated Ultra Combat Mission which can be selected to run as a 2d look down version of itself.

  7. I think you are designing your game in the wrong direction actually.

    Rather than start grand strategy and work backwards to hyper detailed, you might want to start off at the higher end of Tactical and work upwards.

    In SC I have zero interest in every hearing about a specific tank model. I have no desire to acknowledge specific plane types. I just don't want that in a grand strategy game.

    SC3, I would rather it was a Pacific setting than some sort of turn based HoI.

    Leave the micromanage hell for Paradox, they have to bugger up something after all smile.gif

  8. Hmmm.

    What's the difference between an elaborate scam, and a complete break down in common sense?

    Not much, but at least in the case of the scam someone KNOWS it is a scam.

    Very amusing thread though.

    I'm always happy to see someone get ahead of me though in fielding ideas no one wants to accept and or hear or take serously smile.gif

    You might want to consider writing books for the rolegaming industry Retributar, your material is pretty good.

  9. Precisely. Nailed that one excellently Gavrok.

    The Allies had massive naval and air assets at their disposal for Overlord, a short channel hop in comparison to crossing the Atlantic.

    And still, it wasn't easy.

    Me, my problem with invasions, still has some work needed.

    Overlord landed in Normandy, but has anyone noticed that in SC, you either hit the port of Brest and pound it to rubble and then invade, or a decent German defender likely hands you your butt in a sling.

    Any game that systematically makes the historical event not realistic needs adjustment.

    If nothing else, the game needs ports that are ports for purposes of unloading or loading, but no major intrisnsic value like the major urban centers.

    Torch was risky, and I have read how dangerous it was indeed to ship those troops.

    Still it was done. So I can't firmly agree with the 1 move landing.

    But still, this game needs something to keep the flights of fantasy in check.

  10. Mucho good HC smile.gif

    That element alone might be worth the purchase.

    Of all the things I liked about A3R, the bickering over the course of the war was the most "fun". Trying to get the Russian player on side with a difficult decision was what it was all about hehe.

    SC is a good game, but it being just me and maybe another human opponent, it lost out on that one aspect of grand strategy.

  11. I am thinking this topic might be old, but I would like to hear some fresh chat on it at an rate even if it is already an old topic.

    Has the division of Italy from Germany and the division of Russia from the allies been attempted/considered?

    Is it even possible?

    Could they be played as AI sides in the absence of a human player?

    It would be one more step towards recreating A3R of course, and like that ain't bad hehe.

  12. "surely they would invade North America next...that's obvious!"

    Actually every single action Hitler took spoke of how he didn't take the war serious.

    Total war was never on his mind for the first half if ever.

    If Britain had given up, he would have gladly turned all his attentions to Russia. His ideology ruled his thinking. In short, WW2 was not a wargame to him with endless what ifs.

    He never planned to invade North America, and allowing it to occur only destroys the game's credibility.

    This is a recreation of world history too eh guys.

    If people want to open the whole globe up to nutty geo political actions complete with diplomacy by other means, they really should score a copy of Supremacy.

    If Germany had crushed France, gotten Britain to quit and made it clear they only wanted to enslve the commies the world today would likely know history as the cold war between The evil Nazis and North America.

    Might have even looked more or less similar.

    And I would not have ever expected to see any invasion of North America (for the same reasoning it was never possible with the former Soviet Union to take out Europe).

    Sometimes the risk is just to great or the cost to high.

    Picture Operation Torch in the bay of Biscay, and you get a good idea what would be waiting for Germany in North America.

  13. I am just worried that Hubert might go straight from SC right into SC4 son of MOO3 smile.gif

    Some of the wish lists in here make me cringe.

    The timer one was to much to ignore actually.

    Timer? what a senseless waste of programmer daylight.

    The ONLY reason for going into massive detail (as opposed to a simplified method) where Japan is concerned, is if they are being actually included in the game.

    Not impossible of course, after all HC put the US and Canada on the map even though I think that was a decision error.

    The US/Canada units could have just as easily been deployed in utility holding boxes until deployed into the game proper.

    Sure would have cut down on the scifi what if games.

    After all, the only time I want to tolerate Germans in Ottawa is if the whole globe has been included.

  14. Retributar read my sig smile.gif

    This is the real Les these days no chrome straight from the hip duck when reading my posts.

    Incoming !!

    No one has pissed in my cornflakes, I am like this normally smile.gif

    Edwin, that might be a smple enough yard stick. No gain hopelessly getting mired in minuate, 3 settings might accomlish the goal as easy as you just mentioned.

    3 settings, 1 of 3 possible results.

  15. You guys are well researched and belong on a government think tank sucking up millions of dollars to tell some schmuck something obvious smile.gif

    The Japanese were not a threat, the Russians needed the men, poof they appear in the hour of peril and save the day.

    It's that simple guys.

    If you allow the Japanese to influence Russia negatively, the transfer is either delayed or partially or completely denied.

    The US will increase or decrease this effect based on their foreign policies.

    I assume the US is the initiating factor here.

    Greater influence by the US on Japan means Japan has more reasons to avoid the US.

    Which means greater reasons to come to blows with the Russians.

    So in the end, it is the US controlling this effect.

    A lax response from the US means the Japanese have even less reason to hassle Russia which means Russia has even greater access to those spare troops.

    A tough response from the US will in the end be a negative impact on the situation in Russia.

    Sooooo all the game really needs is a means to register the extent to which the player of the US wishes to influence the Japanese.

    This could be as moronically straightforward as a meter reading from 1-5 1-10 1-100 whatever HC best illustrates the magnitude of impact the US will have.

    Of course, you guys could also always request HC spend months on making this a testimony to exceedingly complicated processes smile.gif

  16. Blashy, the cruel reality is this, the thread is as long as it is simply as it has this many posts.

    Now Rambo, one can never tell with his posts if he even has his **** wired straight some days. So you can take his post how ever you wish.

    Comments commentng on comments is not necessarily supportive, as each one mine is evident.

    So the fact is, of the community, you really only have 4 votes interested at all.

    4 is not what I call a massive interest.

    The idea is thus, not so awesome.

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