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Very Highest Authority

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  1. Don't start that again! Last I looked, yes. The text said something about the 'fast and trust' mode of PBEM helper being faulty. But then again, it only failed when Axe was involved.
  2. Don't start that again! Last I looked, yes. The text said something about the 'fast and trust' mode of PBEM helper being faulty. But then again, it only failed when Axe was involved.
  3. Truth. Sadly, I don't believe you qualify as almost completely insane. Even from your cups you realized the need for more cheap, green tinged generic beer.
  4. Well.... Apparently the Very Highest Authority has only had to post to speak with " the Very Highest Authority" 4 times. AND LOOK! one of them is in this thread! My my we who are reading this thread must be TRULY blessed by the wisdom of "the Very Highest Authority". (AND oh what wise words he did utter!) -tom w </font>
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