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Everything posted by FirstCav

  1. Some friends of mine in Ft Hood were trundling back to the motor pool after a long day on the range when their tank suddenly lost power and all the warning lights lit up. They got out and found the back of the tank was smoking, and on further inspection discovered they'd taken a 105mm training round right in the engine. IIRC was some brain surgeon from Dixie Thunder who pulled the trigger. Never mind the target on the range was about 180 degrees the other way and it was broad daylight to boot. Later they said the round lodged in the transmission. If it had come in a little to the left of right it could've penetrated the crew compartment and things would probably have gone badly for the them. For a fraction of a second, anyway. Also - and slightly OT - the driver's position in an M1 is no place if you're the least bit claustrophobic. As much as I liked the idea of driving one, you were always very aware of that big turret right behind you -- and what it would do to your head if it traversed suddenly. There were a few stories going around of guys getting their heads chopped off or being cut in half because the turret wasn't locked. One of our guys lost part of his foot... Cav From its birth in the 1630s, the Guard protected the early colonists and helped win the War on Independence. - GW Bush
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