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Everything posted by KillerTomato

  1. Hi Here are a couple of things i noticed. Any comments on them? AI issues: - -Italy has a cruiser in port of tobruk. My UK Army is next to the port hitting the fleet -5/6 points. AI Turn, instead of fleeing it reinforces. Turn after turn until army destroys fleet. Strange behaviour. - Keep 1 uk corps in Brest and all of the Wehrmacht & Luftwaffe marches to Brest. Gets crowded Observation: As in SC1 it seems that fleets stationed in ports are almost indestructable. Why is this? Fall Of France - In SC1 i was able to evacuate french units to UK. I still can but loose evacuated french HQ. Is this by design? - After fall of france i kept UK fleet in port of Brest ( running at 50% ) so port stays allied. Next turn transport unit from London to the port to take over Brest. Surpise, cannot unload. Why? - Never ever got any free french units/fleet. Tomato
  2. Hi In my game against axis AI my Dutch army survided at strength 2 against brutal nazi power. On my turn I evacuated it from Rotterdam to London. To my disappointment the army vanished after the surrender of Benelux. Isn't it more realistic if it would stay in game? Germans would then have to disable the port or risk a fleeying army. anyone agrees? Cheers Tomato
  3. As germany i try to postpone buying units, except for an HQ and an additional tankgroup. I invest heavelyh in IT & PT. This way i hope to have plenty of mpp to buy cheaper units before barba kicks off. Anyone else using this tactic? Tomato
  4. Well they did land the same turn on a 1 str port. So i guess this is a bug
  5. Howdie folks Maybe i don't understand de rules well enough but i have the following situation in my game against an allied AI. I bommed the port of liverpool down to 0 points but still the us armies keep using the port to land onto england. Thought this was only possible with port running at atleast 50% Is this a bug? Killer Tomato
  6. Not as good as my idea, but still, workable Seriously, something like this would really enhance the game alot i think
  7. Hi I think it would be a nice feature if you could visualy trace an units supply line. For example shift click on unit and draw red line to supply source including a number representing the distance from that supply point. This would really help me alot. anyone agrees? Tomato
  8. agreed Murks roads were perfect in western europe, so were railroads.I still think we should have less mud
  9. Well Lars that is true. but still muddy season lasts very long
  10. Hi there I keep having to delay my attach on france and the netherlands because of mud, mud an again mud until mid juni :mad: Don't know if Hubert has ever been to europe but we don't have such extreme weather. Mud til march fine, april showers ok but in june....
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