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Posts posted by SlapHappy

  1. I think an easy fix that would strengthen the playability of this game would be to have "pursuit" turned off by default in this game. There are too many assets to keep track of to have your units chasing after every isolated soldier that a tank might spot for a few seconds while it is moving across it's line of sight.

    It can and often does result in a stupid loss of valuable assets when an important tank blunders into an AT enfilade because it spotted some threatless enemy crew member and goes "rabbit chasing". That's just dumb and unwarranted behavior even for an AI.

  2. I think it's possible the reason they took mortars out was to increase player difficulty in the single player missions. Think about it:

    One of the biggest problems is protecting light-medium armor from AT guns. Since AT guns are pretty thick in many of the scenarios, think how much easier it would be to deal with at least some of these enemy assets using an indirect fire weapon like a mortar? Since actually hiding AT guns is especially hard in this game, I think mortars would be quite effective, if they had been included (and I still think they should have been).

    KiloAlpha? Possible mod opportunity? But perhaps indirect fire is impossible within this game engine.........

  3. Since when is a battalion (small or otherwise) a small force in wargaming? I seriously doubt this game will sport the combat elements of a battalion (at least infantry-wise).

    Or have I misinterpreted what I have seen in the screenshots?

  4. Today someone was commenting about an article referring to the number of horses killed in the US Civil War. He stated somewhere around 175,000.

    I casually said, "That's nothing compared to WWII".

    Another fella said "WWII, I doubt it".

    I think there is a misconception about the number of horses, pack animals, etc. that were utilized in WWII.

    Does anyone have rough numbers about how many horses were actually killed in WWII? I said at the time it was in the millions, but would like to have a firm source for numbers.

  5. And while we're on the topic of food, do any Aussies or NZers want to explain to me what the attraction is for Vegamite?

    Couldn't you get the same effect by emptying a salt shaker into your mouth?

    Incidentally there was (is?) a rumor floating around that the US has banned import of the wonder spread because it contains Folate?

  6. My Dad got me into WW2 gaming when i was around 15 years old. He first started off collecting and playing ROCO 1/87 and 1/76 figs back in the 70s using a set of rules called TRACTICS. Shortly after he sold his collection in favor of GHQ and other Micro Armor related companies. Dad is 65 now and once a month when i come to visit we still find time to play some Micro Armor on a gaming table that we both built years ago.

    That's nice smile.gif

  7. I've played the original BIA and recently Red Orchestra. They both have strong points, but one thing I really didn't like about RO was the general feeling you were running around playing a giant game of "tag". No squad feel at all. Multi-player on-line games all seem to have that problem though.

  8. I was watching for the release of both these games and eventually did buy SHOWWII. It was quite fun, IMO, however it's convertability to a truly realistic tactical simulation of WWII is questionable. For one thing, it lacks the sophisticated armor penetration rules you'd see in a Battlefront developed game.

    Secondly, maps were a bit small, with most around 500-600 meters. There were some good mods which increased playable armor types and increased realism somewhat. It mostly benefited multi-player because the AI wasn't very good at all.

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