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Posts posted by C'Rogers

  1. I'm hoping CMX2 will expand to become a good battalion level game
    This actually has more of a chance then you may think when you consider the possibility of multi-multi play (more than two players). 3 vs 3 (or much more if you can assign forces to a computer, or just pretend to have a lot of friends into CM) and you are quickly seeing a battalion level game. If this turns out to be a nice bonus (ala red vs red) or something that BFC would actually go all out on (thus specifically support and put in battalion level assets) is another issue.
  2. everything that releases after StarcraftII 2007 release date will go straight to forgotten trashbin
    I don't think Starcraft and Battlefront share the same core audience (I can barely compare the two in my mind). That said I believe Starcraft II is a 2008 release.
  3. Restated, I think the ability to use grenades only is tactically significant and should be doable.
    I don't know, in CM it seems like as the controller you are responsible for considering where to move the virtual men and to what intensity they wish to engage the enemy, but how they fight is their (AI) decision.

    While doable it seems like there are few things working against the suggestion. One is that you would need a "grenades only" tab or button which would clutter you UI and be rarely used (and too many extraneous functions have ruined games before). The other option would be for the AI to decide when to use them, which may be a tricky issue on when to only throw to protect stealth and not fire everything as an all out ambush.

    Another problem is that a unit using only grenades is more stealthy then one firing weapons, they are less stealthy then one not engaging at all. So you would need some kind of stealth measurement in between there.

    The only way I could see it feasibly work is that if for CM:SF there are multiple stealth settings. Say "hide", "protect", and "ambush". In the first the unit hides and does everything possible to not engage, the second they try to not engage but if see another unit close by will take the initiative, and the final hide until any good attack opportunity presents itself. Only in the second and potentially the third, and then only really at night, would this be used.

    This does kind of remind me of earlier comments of desired inclusion for extensive sniper commands. CM is meant to simulate a very specific type of event, a company on company level engagement (give or take a few platoons). Snipers are part of such an engagement, stealth is part of such an engagement, but neither is as important as the overall battle going on.

    As a final note with a release date set your suggestion is a tad bit late smile.gif . I'd be happy to hear something like this is in, don't get me wrong as the more stuff in the game the better from my POV, however I wouldn't count on it nor see it as overly important.

  4. This question also depends on how many modules they decide to do.

    I believe they have said they expect each title after they get the engine done to expect six months of solid work, after which was added you should probably expect a year when consider underestimation and unexpected problems that come up in the development cycle.

  5. I have to disagree with a couple of the opinions offered here.

    I never really found CM to have a high learning curve and I am far from a grog. If you know at least the basics of warfare (rushing infantry is a sure way to get them killed) then it is fairly easy to pick up. The first time I played the game when I looked at the list of units I didn't have the slightest idea what I was picking besides infantry/armor/artillery.

    I have introduced CM to four people while in college, all who managed to play a competitive game against me on their second play (I let them play a quick battle against the computer as I pointed out things and answered questions).

    In terms of players who have liked it, the game does require a person who wants a slow paced thoughtful game. Of the four people who played me the one who did the best ended up not liking it. It was longer and slower than what he was looking for.

    Anyway as to my recommendation for getting someone into the game as I think if you get a grasp of CMx1 you will be better for CMx2. Mention its realism when getting them to play with examples ("Of course tanks should never be rushing at the front of your lines") and if possible watch them play their first game and try and point out any real huge errors they may make. Some people won't like it do to the WEGO format, but that won't always be an issue for CM:SF.

  6. don't count me on buying product if publisher wont release game in a month (i waited long enough already)
    I have seen posts like this before but I wonder if this is really possible. I mean if they release the game tomorrow and it is awful I won't buy it. If it is done tomorrow and they taunt us for three months and then release it, and it is awesome, I will buy it.

    If it is good I will buy it, if not I won't (though I will probably buy sight unseen as I trust BFC based on past games). Doesn't really matter how long they make me wait, unless something better comes out (which I doubt).

    I can't imagine a person three months from now saying "well I keep hearing that the game is the most amazing thing ever, but after all that wait I just don't want to pick it up".

    Thanks for the info Moon.

  7. Capt. Toleran ,

    I think Rudel is saying "it wouldn't come into play". You seem to be taking a pretty big leap from his statement.

    Of course there are some situations where rifles are used as improvised clubs. However for gameplay it really doesn't add much to simulate it.

    Also in addition to Kettler's suggestion there is a far easier way to shrink giant links. Just use the full reply form's url option.

  8. Combat Mission is battalions with platoon manuever, the next incarnation looks to be Company with team manuever.
    Though when they designed CM:BO I believe the understanding was for them it was suppose to be a company level game. I imagine people will be playing CM:SF in battalion play in no time.

    Well except for me as I still play CM company level.

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