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David I

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Posts posted by David I

  1. Merry Christmas to the CM Community;

    Under your mod tree you will find all the makings of Late War Cities, Towns and villages.

    Most of these are redone masterpieces from Ed Kinney that removed the green tinge from them. Newly done Medium Buildings, revised Juju Church and Cobble Roads. Use these with Juju's "Berlin" Buildings and his Factory for the perfect East Prussian, German, Romanian, Polish, or Hungarian cities 1944 through 45.

    They look like this:









    And my favorite, snow covered paved roads:


    Anyway Merry Christmas to you all.


  2. Back in my WWII reinactment days I was having some tailoring done on my uniform. I went to pick it up at the seamstress's house. When I came out of the sewing room, her father and a friend were sitting in the living room and the friend asked me what I was doing with the uniform. I explained that I was in the California Historical Group that did WWII reinactment and I asked him if he recognized the uniform.

    His reply was very interesting. He said yes he recognized the uniform and that he had served in the 3rd ID (US). He went on to say "Why the **** would you want to reinact WWII. It was the biggest waste of my life. That war stole four years of my life. Four years of my youth and put me into the most miserable, ****ty, rotten situations you can think of. What a waste!"

    He hated everything about the war, being drafted, basic training, traveling by ship, Europe, Europeans, the constant exposure to weather, the Army in general, the people trying to kill him (on both sides), everything. He did say that he did make some life long friends, but even then he put in the caviat that he had had friends before the war.

    Interesting old guy.


  3. Lightening War,

    You just got a huge class in this game, by one of it's great contributers and gamers. I would, however, recommend a good sit down with the rules book and find out what moves/actions are available to you. To ask why you are losing in this game and yet to reveal you don't know what "shoot and scoot" and "covered arcs" are, tells the tale. Another recommendation - don't over study a given scenario. Each scenario, time period, terrain layout will have different challenges and solutions, however the basic principles of game mechanics and tactical sense will always stand you in good stead.

    Anyway, my two bits.


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