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Fokker G1

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Posts posted by Fokker G1

  1. No no, James didn't do that litteraly...at least not to my knowledge. He stopped by recently, but went missing again.

    CMMC2 is definatley an improved version of CMMC and CPX, based on what I hear! CMMC2 was my intro into web campaigning.

    It indeed beats all those horrible capture the flag QBs where you can still win by suffering horrible losses.It's not about winning, more about not losing and it forces you to stay alert and be cautious with your men.

    Pal is stil working on Cocat and is trying to make it a generic campaign tool. Mapping mission is still worked on as well. Both progs come with updates regularly.

    I don't know anything on Fascist propaganda, I only read the truth in Pravda, as issued by the all-knowing NKVD. (actually lack of resources have stopped the presses quite some time ago)

    I had some GM info once, dunno where that went. Obviously you can always stop by at our office. Ask GM Ted (main German) or GM Mark (main Russian) for some info.


    Fokker G1

    (aka A.B. Ushavov in CMMC2)

  2. Guys,

    Since almost 2 years CMMC2 is played by a sizeable web community. Grognards as well as people who are looking for something slightly more realistic than the average Quick Battle. Currently we are in need of more GMs to speed up the pace of the game.

    The fun part will be looking down as gods on the battlefield and see the various corpses, brigades and battalion get into combat.

    The scope of the game is pretty massive. Arty ammo is counted almost to the round and several aspects of warfare are taken into consideration like: engineering, air forces, intelligence.

    Because of the complexity of the game, a lot of resolutions have to be made by the GMs. Hence the need for more GMs.

    Mail me or visit the CMMC2 Forum and leave us a message.

    [ September 20, 2004, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Fokker G1 ]

  3. Originally posted by Snow Leopard:

    How about Boar war?

    A boar, isn't that a pig like creature with big teeth? I think you meant to say the Boer war? South Africa 1899-1902? Should be really interesting. 30.000 Boers versus 500.000 Rooinecks (British (Colonial) Forces). However, only the first part of the war was a war as we know it. With the Boers fighting a defensive retreat. While inflicting huge losses, they have never been able to make a stand somewhere to fight out a decisive victory. The British army was simply too large.

    After the first year the Boers end up harrassing the British everywhere, fighting (imho) the first ever modern guerilla war. While continuing to inflict more casualties than they sustain, they continue to be a serious nuisance to the British who have by then occupied almost the whole territory.

    The last 2 years are used to clear those rampaging Boer columns and the British introduce tactics of scorched earth and the first Concentration camps ever. 30.000 (old) men, women and children die, roughly 1/6 of the whole Boer population).

    While an interesting era, it would be difficult to put this in gameplay. The boers would simply have left their positions after having shot down as much enemies as possible but before the final assault came.

  4. Originally posted by JasonC:


    The biggest advantage of the foxhole, though, is that it provides cover rather than concealment, which means it is more effective against HE. The achilles heel of woods or pines without a foxhole is indirect HE from mortars or FOs. That ignores concealment (all HE does), and in addition generates airbursts, which increase effective blast.


    Hi Jason,

    Do you have similar statistics for cover iso concealment?



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