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Posts posted by K9crump

  1. Not quite sure if I remember, but it seemed like I had maybe 2 fighter sweeps left in the end of the game, but didnt need them. I would say I knocked them all out by about the half way point. They didnt bother me too much, they didnt seem to hit the broad side of barn...lol. I guess I was just lucky. This scenario was one I sure wish my crew could have fixed the broken track on one of my tigers... :( Really think they should add that feature. Could have used that tiger later assualting that area.



  2. @bat502, hyperlobby would be great for this, but they will have to add it. If enough players say something maybe it will be added. Then again, battlefront might have something by then.


  3. Thanks again Rabbit. I really enjoyed the games. That second one was tough, didnt have much punch with the tanks they gave me...lol. You are right, should have been a surrender mode or something. I would have surrendered along time ago..lol. Just kept playing because you dont really get the chance, and I wanted to make the best of it. I know they will do something about this. They are a good company, and this is too good to not know the potential. Without MP, games tend to die... :(


  4. Just wanted thank Rabbit for the MP game. This was my first, and I knew how hard it was going to be to get someone in there. Thanks alot, I had a good time. MP has alot of potential if there was a lobby to meet players, and also a points/unit selection screen. Oh, and victory points and or objectives would be good too. Guess we will have to wait for ToW 2...



  5. Originally posted by KiloAlpha4:

    yep once the tracks are out they are pretty much fubar and can easily be attacked from sides or rear and the good thing about ferdinands is they have no heavy mg defense unlike the elephants only a main gun but I also noticed that after a few good hits generally the enemy crews will panic and leave the tank/spg to which I easily capture them later lol. If you are very lucky you can penetrate the thin under carriage/belly especially if they are at a increased elevation to your guns. I use atg's and inf a lot and they are very useful in several ways.

    This is true, but, why when they bale out is one of the men armed with a machine gun(mg34or42). Definetly an err there.


  6. Played this one the other night. Thought I had them in the end, and low and behold the AI comes at me with more tigers and ferdinands.... :(

    I am all for editing this one. In real life the Russians atleast had the advantage in numbers... Cant recall, but if this mission is taking place in the southern flank, the Germans only had the Ferdinands in the North. I am doing fairly well with the game, but there are a mission or 2 in each campaign that I can not beat. This may be one of them, but it would have been nice to have it a little more realistic in the Order of Battle.


  7. There is probably still someone alive that is on the playing area that you need to kill. Take a tank, if you have one, and drive around to see... Kinda stupid, I wish the scenarios would just end when you have made a decisive victory.


  8. It will be nice if you can keep him around long enough to be a true hero. I know I have had several like him, but all to wind up dead later. I guess like alot of the real life heros of the war. Not many made it to the end...


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